
A Brief History of the Heaven and Earth Society: The most successful civil society in Chinese history brought down the Qing Dynasty

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A Brief History of the Heaven and Earth Society: The most successful civil society in Chinese history brought down the Qing Dynasty

Text: A good young man in the new era



Heaven and Earth Society, a civil society that can compete with a dynasty, the Qing court sent troops to exterminate it several times, but Heaven and Earth Society took root in the toiling masses, and after a spring breeze, Heaven and Earth Society was born again, until the Qing Dynasty destroyed Heaven and Earth Society was never eliminated.

Moreover, the Heaven and Earth Society not only joined the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, but also supported Mr. Sun Yat-sen's Xinhai Revolution, and made a lot of contributions to the fall of the feudal dynasty, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most successful civil society in Chinese history.

First, the origin of the heaven and earth with different opinions

Mr. Jin Yong's Tiandihui in the novel "The Legend of Deer and Ding" is not fictional, but it is slightly different from the Tiandihui in history, but they all regard the anti-Qing Dynasty and the restoration of the Ming Dynasty as the banner goal.

A Brief History of the Heaven and Earth Society: The most successful civil society in Chinese history brought down the Qing Dynasty

(Stills of the Deer Ding Ji Heaven and Earth Club)

And the origin of the Heaven and Earth Society is also different. In Mr. Jin Yong's novel "The Legend of Deer and Ding", the Heaven and Earth Society was established by Zheng Chenggong.

In that year, Zheng Chenggong was surrounded by Qing troops in Jiangning, and saw that the defeat was certain, so he had to withdraw to Taiwan. Although he was unwilling and helpless, he finally followed Chen Haonan's advice and founded the Heaven and Earth Society before evacuating.

As for the origin of the Heaven and Earth Society, there are two mainstream theories in the academic community, "Kangxi said" and "Qianlong said".

A Brief History of the Heaven and Earth Society: The most successful civil society in Chinese history brought down the Qing Dynasty

(Web image)

Let's talk about the first "Kangxi said" first.

During the Kangxi period, Xilu invaded, and the imperial court summoned the world's heroes to fight the enemy, including the monks of Shaolin Temple who were called to go, and then defeated Xilu, who was framed by the villain, and the imperial court sent an army to burn Shaolin Temple.

However, five monks with superb martial arts skills escaped, and worshiped Chen Jinnan and others, thus founding the Heaven and Earth Society.

But "Qianlong said" thought that this matter was very far-fetched, because how could a monk go to war? Moreover, there is no clear official historical record of the country of Xilu.

A Brief History of the Heaven and Earth Society: The most successful civil society in Chinese history brought down the Qing Dynasty

(Chen Jinnan)

"Qianlong said" that the Heaven and Earth Society was founded by the monk Wan Tixi of Fujian in the 26th year of Qianlong, who was commonly known as Zheng Kai, and later assumed the name of Zheng Yunlong.

And this statement is supported by the relevant documents left by the Qing Dynasty when the pursuit of heaven and earth would be held, which seems to be more reliable than the previous one.

However, some scholars have suggested that "Kangxi said" is an insinuation, Shaolin Temple represents Zheng Zhilong's family, the five monks who escaped represent his five brothers, and the burning of Shaolin Temple represents the persecution of the Zheng family.

The "Fragrant Flower Monk Midian" unearthed in Fujian also verifies the conjecture of this scholar to a certain extent, and there are also folk sayings that the Heaven and Earth Society was created by the prince at the end of the Ming Dynasty and was created by Chen Jinnan.

A Brief History of the Heaven and Earth Society: The most successful civil society in Chinese history brought down the Qing Dynasty

(Zheng Zhilong)

All this casts a veil of mystery over the Heaven and Earth Society.

Second, the Qing army is inexhaustible, and the spring breeze blows and grows again

Of course, no matter what kind of origin the Heaven and Earth Society is, one thing is certain, that is, "anti-Qing and Mingming".

Whether it is "anti-Qing" or "restoration of sight", it is undoubtedly touching the reverse scale of the rulers of the Qing Dynasty, not to mention that heaven and earth will occupy both of them, so the Qing court will have to destroy heaven and earth.

However, under the vigorous search and arrest of the Qing army, many members of the Tiandihui were arrested, and the Tiandihui suffered heavy losses, and several uprisings of the Tiandihui were all suppressed.

A Brief History of the Heaven and Earth Society: The most successful civil society in Chinese history brought down the Qing Dynasty

(Anti-Qing Restoration of Sight)

But the Heaven and Earth Society was not severed because of this.

First of all, when the Qing Dynasty was first established, many Han people thought that the rulers of the Qing Dynasty were barbarians from the grassland, which was not a good thing, and they also ordered to shave their hair and braid, and those who did not obey the laws were severely punished.

Although the Ming Dynasty did not have enough to eat, the eunuchs fought in the party, and the government was dark, it seemed to be acceptable compared to this, so there were many such people in the original participants of the Heaven and Earth Society.

But with the passage of time, under the tough methods of the Qing rulers, the vast majority of people accepted this, and during the Kangxi Yongzheng period, the world was under great rule, and the people at least did not starve to death.

A Brief History of the Heaven and Earth Society: The most successful civil society in Chinese history brought down the Qing Dynasty

(Heaven and Earth Society)

It stands to reason that the Heaven and Earth Society should gradually decline, but it still hasn't.

Under the feudal society, the level of development of the productive forces could hardly support the pleasures of the ruling class on such a scale, and they could only pick oil and water from the people to maintain the status quo.

And such a prosperous era is very rare.

Not only that, there are always some landlords and bureaucrats who are rich and powerful and who are particularly greedy for enjoyment, so they will frantically oppress the people and make the people miserable, which naturally has caused a large number of unjust, false and wrongly decided cases.

A Brief History of the Heaven and Earth Society: The most successful civil society in Chinese history brought down the Qing Dynasty

(The people at the bottom)

That's why heaven and earth go on and on.

It can be said that the civil society of the Heaven and Earth Society is the inevitable result of the feudal imperial rulers maintaining their domestic privileges under the condition of insufficient development of the productive forces.

Only a brief period of prosperity can seal this evil fruit with material satisfaction.

And as long as the social upheaval and the people's demands for material life prevail over the fear of rebellion, then the consequences will only be tasted by the ruling class itself.

A Brief History of the Heaven and Earth Society: The most successful civil society in Chinese history brought down the Qing Dynasty

(Peasant Revolt)

3. The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and the Xinhai Revolution all have the shadow of the Heaven and Earth Society behind them

As mentioned earlier, the vitality of the Heaven and Earth Society was very strong in the social background at that time, so strong that you would never think of it, and even the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and the Xinhai Revolution had the participation of the Heaven and Earth Society.

It's okay to say that the Tianping Heavenly Kingdom is still peaceful, although the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is not "regaining its sight", but the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is "anti-Qing", and half of the goals of the two forces overlap, so that's enough.

Not only that, but the development of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was still under the cover of the Heaven and Earth Society, and there were even many people who directly joined the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, including some backbones of the Heaven and Earth Society.

Just like Luo Xuan, who was originally the general of the Heaven and Earth Society, and later led a large force in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Ling Shiba, the leader of the Heaven and Earth Society in Guangdong, had an army of his own, and was once invited by Hong Xiuquan to go to Guangxi to meet, but unfortunately it was not successful.

A Brief History of the Heaven and Earth Society: The most successful civil society in Chinese history brought down the Qing Dynasty

(Taiping Heavenly Kingdom)

Later, as the movement of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom continued to rise, Chen Kai and Li Wenmao, the leaders of the Guangdong Tiandi Society, also directly rebelled, and traveled all the way to Guangxi to establish the "Dacheng Kingdom", which later ended with the defeat of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

And so on and so forth.

However, it is worth mentioning that with the development of the Tiandihui and in order to avoid the search and arrest of the Qing army, the name of "Tiandihui" gradually disappeared, and many famous gangs, such as "Xiaodaohui", "Triad", "Three Points Society" and so on, were developed from Tiandihui.

And the most famous of them is the "Hongmen".

A Brief History of the Heaven and Earth Society: The most successful civil society in Chinese history brought down the Qing Dynasty

(Mr. Sun Yat-sen)

In 1895, when Mr. Sun Yat-sen launched the first Guangzhou Uprising, he received great financial support from Deng Yinnan, and this Deng Yinnan was the boss of the Hongmen in Honolulu.

In 1904, Mr. Sun Yat-sen directly joined Hongmen, which shows Hongmen's attitude towards the Chinese revolution.

To mention again, 68 of the 72 martyrs of the Huanghuagang Uprising were children of Hongmen.

After the victory of the Xinhai Revolution, China's situation did not improve because of this, and it was still a matter of external and internal troubles.

Due to the social turmoil during the Republic of China, it was difficult for the people at the bottom to survive, and many chose to join the Hongmen group for warmth, which also continuously strengthened the power of the Hongmen.

A Brief History of the Heaven and Earth Society: The most successful civil society in Chinese history brought down the Qing Dynasty


In 1924, the overseas Hongmen established the Zhi Gong Party, and during the anti-Japanese period, they have been actively donating money and materials, making great contributions to the country's re-establishment.

Now, the Zhi Gong Party is one of the eight major democratic parties in China.


HE Zhiqing. Research on the origin of Tiandihui[M].Social Sciences Academic Press,1996.

XIE Chongguang. Journal of the Party School of Fujian Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, 2003(7):6.

KONG Xiangtao. History and Mythology:The Origin of the Story of Tiandihui Xilu and the Origin of Tiandihui[J].Qing History Research, 2005(3):9.)

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