
The legend of the West Hu Ya stew in The Erqi District

author:Childhood songs

The legend of the West Hu Ya stew in The Erqi District

Jing Jianli/Wen

According to legend, during the Three Kingdoms period, Guan Yu hung a seal in Xuchang, and after bidding farewell to Cao Cao in a robe at Baling Bridge, he walked to the area of Xihuyuan in Zhengzhou in the middle of the night, and the owner of Hu Zhuang in the village saw that he was so loyal, so he warmly entertained Guan Yu, and after specially serving a few dishes, the owner of Hu Zhuang felt that it was not enough, and personally cooked a dish and a dish. But by midnight, there were no other ingredients available at home.

At this time, The owner of Hu Zhuang had a clever move, and he steamed a dish in the pot with broken noodles and some mustard flour. When it was served, Guan Yu first let the two imperial concubines taste it, and the two praised them one after another after eating. And took out the silver to show his thanks. Lord Hu Zhuang said, "Thank you very much, when you get to Hebei, you see my son Hu Ban, and let him write back to report that he is safe." Guan Yu remembered this. This trip, dangerous mountains and bad waters, in order to protect the two imperial sisters-in-law to Yuan Shao in Hebei Province, and his brother Liu Bei round. Kurama Lawton naturally had two imperial concubines. Along the way, serve carefully and ask for warmth. After passing through the barriers, after going through hardships, after several tosses, I arrived in Hebei and turned right back. On this day, when he arrived at Xingyang's Fenshui Pass (Surabaya Pass or Tiger Prison Pass), the defender was Wang Zhi, cao Cao's nemesis. While currying favor with Guan Yu, he paid attention to assassinating Liu Bei's three men. Wang Zhi sent a Cu Ding to serve dishes and pour wine to three guests who came from the dust and wind.

Mrs. Mi ran all the way, her stomach was shaking, her nausea was uncomfortable, and she couldn't eat it. She frowned and said, "If you have a chai guo stew to eat, you will definitely be able to eat more." "Next to Ku Ding a listen, pink skin, chai guo, my family there." He usually cooks this dish for Wang Zhi. There was still some left unused, and it was taken out to entertain the three of them. Three people tasted it, or the original shocking taste.

Hu Ban heard the three people coming from Chai Guo, as if they had met their relatives. When I inquired, I learned that they and their father would meet. Guan Yu told him about the situation at home. Huban was grateful. In fact, Hu Ban listened to Wang Zhi's orders and got drunk in order to burn the three of them in the room! Hu Ban told Wang Zhi's plot and urged them to leave quickly. The three of them were grateful. On the way through the pass, there were pursuing soldiers behind, and Wang Zhi chased after the near front. Guan Yu slapped the horse dance knife and slashed head-on, and Wang Zhi fell from his horse and was killed.

Arriving at Xinzheng Ancient City Village, the two imperial sisters-in-law still remember the taste of the fleeing stew. At this time, Guan Yu was not around, and called Zhang Fei to find this Hu Yuanwai who was called a stewer in Xihuyuan, Zhengzhou. Lao Zhang was furious all the way, but he came to Chai Guo, inquired when he saw people, had a reckless personality, and behaved vulgarly. The inquired person was afraid of the fist, so he spoke to the nearest one and pointed out the way to him. After meeting the chef, take him back to the ancient city of Xinzheng. The two sisters-in-law lianqua the third brother are very good at doing things. When they looked at the chef, it turned out to be Hu Ban. Hu Ban also managed to escape after saving three people at Fenshui Pass. He did not want to become a soldier anymore, and returned to xihu's house, and in order to make a living, the father and son worked as restaurant owners and cooks in Chaiguo. The two imperial concubines regained their original taste. This is also Zhang Fei's crooked play. Later, the dish was also named after it. Because the production of stewed seeds has to go through some processes such as high-fire steaming, it has been used to this day and is still called stew.

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