
Why is Shennongjia so mysterious? To this day, the depths of it are still off-limits, and ordinary tourists are strictly prohibited from entering

author:Heart's Desire Plus

Why is Shennongjia so mysterious? To this day, the depths of it are still off-limits, and ordinary tourists are strictly prohibited from entering. This topic makes people curious about Shennongjia's life experience and origin. This article will explore the mystery of Shennongjia and unravel its mystery.

As a county-level city in Hubei Province, China, Shennongjia is located in the western part of Hubei Province, near the junction of Hubei, Hunan and Chongqing, and is one of the hinterlands of the three provinces and cities. Because of its special geographical location and rich ecological resources, Shennongjia is known as the "Pearl of World Natural Heritage". However, despite its beauty and uniqueness, the depths of Shennongjia are still off-limits and are strictly forbidden to ordinary tourists.

Why is Shennongjia so mysterious? To this day, the depths of it are still off-limits, and ordinary tourists are strictly prohibited from entering

First of all, Shennongjia is one of the important biodiversity reserves in China. In 3986, Shennongjia was listed as a national nature reserve, and its rich and diverse natural resources have attracted the attention of scientists. In the depths of Shennongjia, there are rare and endangered species of wild animals and plants, including giant pandas and golden snub-nosed monkeys endemic to China. In order to protect these rare species, it was decided to establish a restricted area in their depths to reduce the impact of human activities on biodiversity.

Secondly, Shennongjia also has the characteristics of high mountains and long rivers and vertical and horizontal canyons due to its special geological structure. Deep in the depths of Shennongjia, there are intricate mountains and canyons, some of which are even steep and difficult to climb. This has also led to extremely difficult terrain in the depths of Shennongjia, especially during the rainy season, which greatly increases the risk of floods and mudslides. In order to ensure the safety of visitors, the depths are set up as a forbidden area to prevent accidents.

Why is Shennongjia so mysterious? To this day, the depths of it are still off-limits, and ordinary tourists are strictly prohibited from entering

In addition, Shennongjia also has its unique historical and cultural value. According to historical records, Shennongjia was the place where the descendants of the Shennong clan (that is, the descendants of the ancient Chinese ancestor Shennong) planned the land in ancient times. Shennong's is one of the ancestors of the Chinese nation, hence the name of Shennongjia. Shennongjia also has a rich farming culture and herbal culture, and the traditional way of life such as farming, silkworm raising and herb gathering has added a lot of mystery to Shennongjia.

However, despite its abundant natural and cultural resources, Shennongjia strictly controls the exploration of the depths. The establishment of the deep exclusion zone is on the one hand for the protection of natural resources and ecological balance, and on the other hand, for the safety of tourists. Despite this, efforts are also being made to promote the development of eco-tourism, so that ordinary people can also enjoy the beautiful scenery of Shennongjia up close.

Why is Shennongjia so mysterious? To this day, the depths of it are still off-limits, and ordinary tourists are strictly prohibited from entering

To sum up, the mystery of Shennongjia mainly comes from its abundant natural resources and special geographical environment. In order to protect biodiversity and ensure the safety of tourists, the depths of Shennongjia are set up as a forbidden area, and ordinary tourists are strictly prohibited from entering. However, this does not affect our opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Shennongjia. Through the development of eco-tourism, we can experience the charm of Shennongjia up close, and at the same time, we can also do our part to protect this precious natural resource.