
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

author:Draw a travelogue

"Zen Style and Elegance - Lingnan Temple Monk Calligraphy and Painting and Haizhuang Temple Culture and Art Exhibition" is the original exhibition of Guangdong Provincial Museum. The content of the exhibition is very special, because the Guangdong monks in the Qing Dynasty are not as important as the "four monks" in the mainstream art history, and it is unprecedented to cut from this group, as for the Haitang Temple, probably the people of Guangzhou do not know much (although I have been), so it is really a special alternative subject. From the perspective of exhibits, the monks' works are mainly calligraphy, although they have their own characteristics, the style is not within the traditional system, and it is difficult to comment, so this time it is mainly based on looking at pictures. Considering that friends from other places may not come to see this exhibition specifically, try to put more pictures on it.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the natural monk "Xingshu Discussed the Construction of leifeng Haiyun Temple", collected by guangdong provincial museum

The natural monk, whose original surname was Zeng, whose legal name was Han Cheng, was a young monk who had been raised in the middle of the family at the age of 31 and was a leader of The Buddhist Sect in Guangdong in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. Leifeng Haiyun Temple in Panyu Chenbian Village Leifeng Mountain, was once one of the four famous temples in Guangdong, destroyed during the Japanese invasion of China, has been determined to rebuild the original site.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the natural monk", "The Scroll of Five Words and Poems of the Book of Conduct", collected by the Guangdong Provincial Museum

Liang Qichao drank the old ice room and had its edges.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, he wrote "Yuanpu GuifanTu", collected by the Guangzhou Museum of Art

He is a fellow monk of the Natural Monk, a disciple of the Zen Master of the Void Path.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing Dynasty, there is no "Xingshu Shisheng Hymn Scroll", collected by Haizhu Temple in Guangzhou

Present Wu is the first natural monk, the thirty-fifth generation of Cao Dongzong, and the abbot of Haizhu Temple in the first year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1662).

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing Dynasty, there is no "Xingshu Zhou Yong and He Yin on stopping killing scrolls", Guangdong Provincial Museum collection

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing Dynasty, there is no "Xingshu Self-written Poetry Volume", collected by the Guangzhou Museum of Art

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, there is no, no, no, no xi, no xi, "Xingshu Poetry Page", Collected by Haizhuang Temple, Guangzhou

Imazaki is a Panyu person, and Imai is a Xinhui person, and they are also natural monk disciples.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing Dynasty, Present-day "Xingshu Zhang Shu Pin Wen Axis", Guangdong Provincial Museum Collection

Imami is the second dharma heir of the natural monk.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing, anon. "Portrait of Present Interpretation", collected by Haidong Temple, Guangzhou

Jinshi was a native of Hangzhou, commonly known as Jinbao, Chongzhen thirteen years into the army, after the death of the Ming Dynasty to participate in anti-Qing activities, after the surrender of natural monks, is the fourth natural heir.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing Dynasty, present interpretation of "Xingshu Asks Lei Feng Natural Old Man to Live in Danxia Qi Scroll", Guangdong Provincial Museum Collection

It feels a bit similar to Wang Duo's words, and I don't know if the two of them have any interaction.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing Dynasty, present interpretation of the "Ten Volumes of The Book of Xingshu Yangshuo Boat to See the Mountain", collected by Haizhu Temple, Guangzhou

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing, Present Interpretation, Present Dan", Guangdong Provincial Museum Collection

Now the Ninth Dharma Of the Natural Monk.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing Dynasty, Present Interpretation of the Five-Character Banner of the Book of Conduct, Guangdong Provincial Museum Collection

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Ming, Shan Deqing, "Cursive Scrolls", Guangdong Provincial Museum Collection

Deqing, a native of Anhui, was ordained in Nanjing's Qixia Temple in his early years, was framed for building a monastery privately in the twenty-third year of the Wanli Calendar (1595), was sent to Guangdong, and rectified and reformed the Nanhua Temple during the Guangdong period, and was known as the ancestor of Caoxi Zhongxing, and was one of the four senior monks at the end of the Ming Dynasty.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Ming, Shan Deqing, "Poetry Scrolls of the Bodhi Tree of the Calligraphy Temple", Guangdong Provincial Museum

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Dao Chen's "Scroll of Xingshu", collected by the Guangzhou Museum of Art

Dao Chen was a native of Chaoyang, and in the sixteenth year of Shunzhi (1659), he was summoned to Beijing as the emperor and was given the title of "Hongjue Zen Master".

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Late Ming and early Qing dynasties, In-depth "Landscape Axis" (partial), Guangdong Provincial Museum collection

The depth is a Nanhai people, who fled to Zen at Wanshou Temple after the Ming Dynasty.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the in-depth "Lotus Flower Map", collected by the Guangzhou Museum of Art

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing, Bao Raft "Green Landscape", Collected by Haidong Temple, Guangzhou

The raft is a poet monk of Kaido-ji Temple. This painting was seen in the 2018 Chongzheng Autumn Auction, now in the Haizhu Temple, I don't know if someone bought the donation or the Haizhu Temple itself took a picture, it is always a good thing.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing, Bao Raft", "Landscape Album", Guangdong Provincial Museum collection

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing, Xiangrun, "Farewell Picture Volume", Guangdong Provincial Museum Collection

Xiangrun is the main Fa Hai Temple in the middle and late stages of Daoguang.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing, ancient key "Finger Painting Song Eagle Diagram", Guangzhou Museum of Art Collection

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing Dynasty, Present-day "Snow Scene Basho Map", Collection of Guangzhou Museum of Art

Imaba is a natural monk's younger brother.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing, Dashan "Album of Monks of Changshou Temple", collected by the Guangzhou Museum of Art

Da Shan was the abbot of The Longevity Temple in Guangzhou during the Kangxi Dynasty and traveled to Vietnam to promote Buddhism.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing, Dashan "Ink bamboo map", collection of Guangzhou Museum of Art

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Ming, Zhao Chunfu, "Skin Gong Ya Song Picture Scroll", Guangdong Provincial Museum collection

This volume was written in the first year of Chongzhen, in order to bid farewell to Yuan Chonghuan's second governor Liaodong in the north, the famous scholars of Guangdong at the Guangxiao Temple, Zhao Chunfu painted, Chen Zizhuang and other inscriptions and poems were donated. This painting was seen in the "Huiyananzhou" exhibition a few years ago, and this time it is to show the inscriptions of monks such as Tong'an, Chaoyi, and Tongjiong.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing, Cheng Vulture, "Xingshu Wang Wu ShanRen Zhen Yan and Xu Pazhou Composed Poetry Volume", Guangdong Provincial Museum collection

Cheng Vulture is the seventh abbot of Qingyun Temple in Dinghu Mountain, and in his later years he lived in Datong Temple in Guangzhou and traveled to and from Puji Temple in Macau.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing, Dekun "Album of Arhats", Collected by Haidong Temple, Guangzhou

Dekun was the abbot of the Great Buddha Temple in Guangzhou.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing, Sending Dust "Sharp Lotus Map", Guangdong Provincial Museum Collection

Ji Chen was a famous poet monk in the middle of the Qing Dynasty.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing, Zhan Ying, "Landscape Axis", Guangdong Provincial Museum Collection

Zhan Ying is a monk at Haiyun Temple in Guangzhou.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing, Wenxin "Landscape Album", Collection of Guangzhou Museum of Art

Wenxin's common name is Liu Fang, his father was a political envoy in Guangdong, and his mother was Gu su Geji. Painting Shi Tao.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing, Ji liang", "Landscape", collection of Guangzhou Museum of Art

Ji Liang was active in the middle and late Qing Dynasty, a monk at Haiyun Temple.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing, Chang Qian, "Flowers", collection of Guangzhou Museum of Art

Chang Qian is the abbot of Dongguan Shiwat Nunnery.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

In modern times, Su Manshu's "Landscape Scrolls", collected by the Guangdong Provincial Museum

Su Manshu is a modern odd man, known as a "poetry monk, a love monk, a painting monk, and a revolutionary monk".

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing, Zhang Weiping, "Commenting on Li Changrong's Poems", Collected by Haidong Temple, Guangzhou

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing Dynasty, Jin Wu waited for "Sending Hu Dading's Official Deng Chuanzhou Poetry Album" (selection II), collected by the Guangzhou Museum of Art

Hu Dading was a soldier in the fifteenth year of Shunzhi, and Kangxi was appointed to Boluozhi County in the second year.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Kwong Rijin's "Landscape Album", collected by Foshan Museum

Kuang Rijin was a native of Nanhai, an official at the end of the Ming Dynasty to a general soldier, and did not serve after the death of the Ming Dynasty.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Qu Dajun, Chen Gongyin, Liang Peilan and other "Books of Calligraphy and Painting", collected by the Guangdong Provincial Museum

Qu Dajun and Chen Gongyin both participated in anti-Qing activities and were called "the three great people of Lingnan" together with Liang.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing, Li Jian "Writing the Seven Laws of Poetry Scrolls for Chengbo Monks", Collected by Haidong Temple, Guangzhou

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing, Xie Lansheng," Writing for Chengbo monks and landscape scrolls, Guangdong Provincial Museum collection

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing, Xu Chengxi, "Mr. Zeng Bingu Longevity Temple Houchi Xiuyu Picture Scroll", Qingyuan City Museum Collection

This extra-long scroll records the fact that in the twentieth year of Jiaqing (1815), the Guangdong envoy Zeng Yi held a collection of repairs in the houchi of the Longevity Temple, Xu Chengxi drew, Zeng Yi made a preface, Zhao Fan and Tang Yifen introduced the first inscription, and more than twenty people. This volume has been successively collected by Guangzhou Changshou Temple, Qingyuan Feilai Temple, etc., and is now in the Qingyuan City Museum. The calligraphy and paintings of such local museums are rare to have the opportunity to see, and even if they are exhibited, they are rarely unfolded like this full volume.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing, Ju Lian," "Flower, Grass, Insect, Shou Stone Album", Collected by Haizhu Temple, Guangzhou

According to the inscription of Ju Lian, it was done after the flower viewing of the Haitang Temple. In fact, the Ju brothers' Shixiang Garden is not very far from Haizhu Temple.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it
The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing, Yan Xuan, "Preface to the Collection of Deyue Lou", Guangdong Provincial Museum Collection

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing, anon. "Four Screens of the Arhat Statue of Haidong Temple" (partial), collection of the Guangzhou Museum of Art

A total of eighteen arhats were drawn, but they were relatively old and could not be seen clearly, so let's look at a part.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

In 1796, the Spaniards ordered a watercolor album of Haizhu Temple, which was collected by Haizhu Temple in Guangzhou

Guangzhou was a port of commerce licensed in the late Qing Dynasty, while Haizhuang Temple was a temple that was licensed to receive foreigners, so it was first recognized by Westerners. This set of albums was specially made by Manuel Hague, the chief representative of the Royal Philippine Company of Spain, and is a delicate painting with a total of 48 open copies, and several other reproductions are exhibited in the exhibition.

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Qing, Kangxi fifteen years cast plate hall bronze bell, Guangzhou Haidong Temple collection

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

Model of daxiong treasure hall of Haizhuang Temple, collected by Haizhuang Temple, Guangzhou

The Haizhuang Temple, which people in Guangzhou may not know, Hashbo has held a special exhibition for it

In the 20th century, the novel "Five Seven Vertical Sea Monks", collected by Haizhu Temple in Guangzhou

I didn't expect that Haizhu Temple itself also collected this kind of thing, I don't know if the Shaolin Temple will collect some Jin Yong novels?

The exhibition did not have famous masterpieces, which was not attractive to me. But it's always good to be able to exhibit these collections. In fact, more than 90% of the museum may be similar non-famous works, how to "activate" them, let them expose, is not an easy task, Yue Bo this time to think very cleverly. Well, this is probably the longest tweet in the history of this issue, see you next time.

●"Zen Style and Elegance- Lingnan Temple Monk Calligraphy and Painting and Haizhu Temple Culture and Art Exhibition"

Exhibition period: May 13-August 29, 2021

Venue: Guangdong Provincial Museum