
Before his death, Bethune wrote a letter to give his personal belongings to his Chinese friends, riding boots and breeches to Commander Lu

author:Fish coming ashore for bathing

Bethune: Legacy of dedication

Before his death, Bethune wrote a letter to give his personal belongings to his Chinese friends, riding boots and breeches to Commander Lu

Bethune, this name shines with a special light in Chinese history. He was a brilliant Canadian physician and a brilliant communist, and his life is remembered for his unselfish, dedicated spirit of benefiting people. Throughout his life, there are many touching stories, and his work, character, dedication, and his work in the Jizhong base area in China all show his unique charm.

Before his death, Bethune wrote a letter to give his personal belongings to his Chinese friends, riding boots and breeches to Commander Lu

Bethune's background

Before his death, Bethune wrote a letter to give his personal belongings to his Chinese friends, riding boots and breeches to Commander Lu

Bethune was born in Canada in 1887 into an ordinary family. He showed a keen interest in medicine at a young age and eventually graduated from the University of Toronto's Faculty of Medicine and became a doctor. However, his ambition is not just to become a doctor, he has always dreamed of being able to use his medical knowledge to help more people.

Before his death, Bethune wrote a letter to give his personal belongings to his Chinese friends, riding boots and breeches to Commander Lu

Bethune's responsibility and enthusiasm

Before his death, Bethune wrote a letter to give his personal belongings to his Chinese friends, riding boots and breeches to Commander Lu

Bethune was a doctor who was extremely responsible for his work. He not only has outstanding talents in the field of medicine, but also has a strong sense of responsibility. He sees the health of the people as his responsibility, and he is willing to give everything for this goal.

Before his death, Bethune wrote a letter to give his personal belongings to his Chinese friends, riding boots and breeches to Commander Lu

Bethune's work in China

One of the most important moments of Bethune's life was his work in the Jizhong base area of China. There, he led a medical team that provided medical care to soldiers and civilians on the front lines. Fighting in this area was frequent and there were many wounded, but Bethune did not flinch and risked his life to perform surgery, saving countless lives.

Bethune's love and pride

Bethune loved China dearly, and he was passionate about the country. He was not just a doctor, he was a volunteer, a friend. He is proud of his work in China, and he knows that this is the most rewarding time of his life.

Bethune's birthday and the end of his life

Bethune's birthday is a special day, and every year on this day, he celebrates with his colleagues, feeling the deep emotions from the Chinese people. However, his life ended in 1949 when he died of illness at the age of 62. Bethune's death is a great loss to the world's medical community and a deep mourning for the Chinese people.

Bethune's character and temper

Bethune was a gentle and firm man. His character traits are on full display in the medical field and in his volunteer work. His kindness, patience, and humility make him a highly respected doctor and volunteer.

Bethune's last words

Bethune left a message on his deathbed: "Wherever I go, there are people waiting for me, and there are jobs waiting for me." This phrase expresses his unwavering commitment to his work and to the people. He has fought all his life for people's health and well-being, and his dedication will always inspire us.

Bethune's cemetery and memorial

Bethune's grave is located in the Jizhong base area of China, and this place is a testimony to his work and life. Every year, thousands of people come to his grave to pay their respects to this great doctor and volunteer. His spirit is also kept alive through various commemorations and cultural inheritance.

The new era needs the spirit of Bethune

Bethune's spirit is unparalleled. His unselfish, dedicated dedication has always inspired us, especially in this new era. Bethune told us that each of us can make an important contribution to society and the people as long as we have a firm belief in our hearts. His life was an outstanding example of dedication and love, and it will always be remembered and emulated.

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