
Great Wu Chunqiu 24: Compassion for the same disease with Bo Yao, ignorance of people and unclear burial of the root of the curse 24 With pity for the same disease, with the use of the uncle to understand people is not clear to bury the root of the curse

author:Leaf story writing
Great Wu Chunqiu 24: Compassion for the same disease with Bo Yao, ignorance of people and unclear burial of the root of the curse 24 With pity for the same disease, with the use of the uncle to understand people is not clear to bury the root of the curse

(Image from the Internet)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="37" >24 With the same disease, the same disease is pitiful, and the people are not clear and buried</h1>

After destroying Xu Guo, Wu Guo took the city father and Hu Tian, where the two princes were located, arrested them and beheaded them for public display. He wanted to take advantage of the victory and attack Yingdu, but neither Sun Wu nor Wu Zixu approved of it. They said: "Although the Chu kingdom is faint, the ministers are dictatorial, and complain, after all, it is a country of a thousand miles. The so-called hundred-footed worm is dead but not stiff. Wu Guo had not yet swallowed its belly in one bite. Moreover, the Chu army is also a strong force in the world, which is not comparable to Xu Guo and Zhong Wuguo. Our army has already destroyed two countries in a row, the people are tired and the horses are tired, and the military resources are depleted, so it is better to temporarily collect troops, recharge their strength, and wait for another good opportunity. Seeing that Wu Zixu, who had a deep hatred for the Chu state, said this, king Wu heeded the advice and ordered the class to be a teacher.

In this battle, Sun Wu, Wu Zixu and Bo Yao were all personal participants. And the future rise and fall of the State of Wu is also closely related to these three people. Taking advantage of this buffer time, while seeing the combat talents of Wu Zixu and Sun Wu, we also come to understand Bo Zhao, a pivotal, crucial, but extremely disgraceful figure who directly caused the demise of the Wu kingdom in the future.

Who is Bo Yao? As mentioned earlier, Bo Yao is also a Chu national, and his fate is similar to that of Wu Zixu. His father, Bo Yiwan, was Zuo Yin (左尹) under the King of Chu. Zuo Yin was the official name of the State of Chu, and its status was second only to Ling Yin, which was equivalent to the later deputy chancellor.

Like Wu Zixu's father Wu Hao, who was upright, wise and capable, and deeply loved by the people, Bo Wuwan was also hated by Fei Wujie for no reason, and Fei Wuji repeatedly rumored to Ling Yinzi, who was close to the King of Chu, saying that Bo Wuwan had a rebellious heart. In the Chu State, Ling Yin's power was very large, and he could kill any minister without having to inform the King of Chu in advance.

As mentioned earlier, Ling Yin zi is often an insatiable, dedicated and unscrupulous person. Fei Wujie threw in his favor, giving treasures and treasures to Zi Chang again and again, and then slandering Bo Yiwan again and again. Zi Chang, the hard shell of the egg that was not very strong, was beaten again and again by Fei Wujie, and finally it was broken.

Once, Fei Wuji falsely conveyed bo haowan's intention to invite his son to drink often, and at the same time said to bo yiwan: "Lord Ling Yin wants to go to your house to drink, this is your supreme glory, you should be well prepared!" When Hewan heard this, he was immediately flattered, and hurriedly said, "It is my honor for Lord Yin to be able to appreciate the light and drink from me, I should prepare some gifts for him, I just don't know what Lord Yin likes?" ”

Fei Wujie's eyes blinked, pretended to think for a while, and offered a poisonous plan: "Lord Ling Yin has been fighting outside for many years, and he especially likes armor weapons." You can pick out the best armor weapons to wear on your body. When Lord Zichang comes to see him, he must ask, and at that time, you can take the opportunity to offer it to him, so that you will please the adult. Xi Wan didn't know what the plan was, but instead busied himself with the salute: "Thank you Master Taishi for clicking!" ”

Moreover, when it came to the day of drinking, Xi Wan really placed five heavily armed armored soldiers at the door according to his unscrupulous words. Fei Wuji looked at it, laughed darkly, and then turned around and pretended to panic and ran to Zi Chang and said, "If the minister does not plan well, the sin deserves to die!" It's not good, it's not good! Bo Hao wanted to be unfavorable to the adults, and invited the adults to drink the severed head wine, and now his door was full of heavily armed armored soldiers! Apparently, It was Lord Ben who came. I have to say that I have heard many times that Bo Haowan has a great opinion of the adults, saying behind his back that you will not lead troops, and also said that since you served as Ling Yin, you have repeatedly lost your division in the war with the State of Wu, and criticized you for resigning to thank the people of the country. ”

These words just poked at Zi Chang's sore spot, and he suddenly screamed in anger, and Pai Case angrily said, "Oh, I'm angry!" This thief dared to utter evil words, and I must kill him! Come on people! Take down all of the Bo Yiwan family! ”

In this way, Bo Haowan was unjustly killed and was connected to the entire clan. At that time, Bo Yao happened to be outside, so he luckily escaped the disaster of the door, which frightened him to flee quickly. Where can you escape? At this time, Bo Yao heard that Wu Zixu, who was also a Chu state, was mixing well in the State of Wu, so he immediately rushed to defect. Not only are they fellow countrymen, but they also have the same hatred and hatred, Wu Zixu naturally feels sorry for each other, and the two see each other as they always are. Therefore, Wu Zixu recommended Bo Yao to Wu Wang Lu for reuse.

Because Wu Zixu has always recommended people well, he has already gained the deep trust of Wu Wanglu. King Wu did not bother at all, and directly ordered: Summoning Bo Yao. As a result, King Wu and Bo Yao met with each other, and Bo Yao also became a close friend of King Wu.

King Wu can be said to be particularly preferential to Bo Yao, Wu Zixu and Sun Wu are both generals who have been strictly selected by him, while for Bo Yao, King Wu is particularly kind, and he directly adopts it for himself without in-depth understanding. At a banquet, King Wu suddenly thought of this more serious problem in small talk, so he asked Bo Yao: "Bo Yao, the widow heard that your father and his clan were often killed because of unscrupulous rumors, which is obviously a tragedy." But the problem is, wuguo, located on the coast of the East China Sea, is so far away from your hometown, and you have come so far and wide, can you teach us anything? ”

What King Wu meant in his heart was: My Kingdom of Wu is not a place to raise idle people, you see that Wu Zixu and Sun Wu have a skill, what ability will you have to dedicate to the State of Wu?

Bo Yao listened, stayed for a while, and suddenly fell to the ground to worship, and a seven-foot man in the hall actually cried out at once: "Repay the King, the subordinates are just an ordinary person who fled from the Chu Kingdom." My father was killed without guilt, and I was unwilling. Because I heard that the Great King you took in my compatriot Wu Zixu, I think you must be a kind monarch, so I came to you from far and wide. I am a person who has no ability, only an arm of strength, what do you need me to do with my strength, I will definitely die! ”

Listening to Bo Yao's answer, Wu Wang Lu was also very sentimental, and he did not have the heart to ask any more questions, and as a result, the matter was not resolved.

Out of hatred for the Chu state, Bo Yao's suffering was sympathetic to the Wu monarchs present, and they all held him in tears of sympathy. However, there are also people who are suspicious of the character of Bo Yao, who was the doctor who excavated Wu Zixu that year and was left. He felt that how awkward this person looked, so he took an opportunity to gently remind Wu Zixu: "Zi xu, this fellow of your Chu country, do you think he is credible?" Wu Zixu listened and felt very strange: "What is not credible about this?" The two of us are both fellow countrymen, have the same experiences, and are the same enemies. Haven't you heard the phrase 'pity for the sick, save the same from the same'? Like a startled bird, chasing and gathering together, what is strange, what is there to be suspicious of? ”

At this time, while thinking about Wu Zixu's answer, while observing Bo Yao's expression, he whispered to Wu Zixu: "You only see his surface, not his inside." According to my observation, This person, when he looks at things, his eyes patrol like an eagle, and when he walks, he sneaks with his head down like a tiger, hiding deeply. This kind of human nature is a sinister and greedy person, and cannot be approached. In the future, if he is reused by King Wu, I am afraid that it will affect your future prospects. ”

Reminded that it was indeed a kind gesture, Wu Zixu smiled, shook his head in disbelief, and said: "The doctor is worried, you are too suspenseful and too serious." No one has long back eyes on them, and they can only take one step at a time. Those with abnormal endowments, at most, will look at three or five steps, who can see through decades at a glance? Besides, he was a little hairy child, what big things could he do? Can you still count me to death? Hearing Wu Zixu say this, he had to give up when he was left, shook his head and walked away.

The final result of this incident, naturally, was that under the strong recommendation of Wu Zixu, the King of Wu took in Bo Zhao and appointed Bo Zhao as a doctor, making him an assistant to Wu Zixu and assisting Wu Zixu in managing state affairs.

At this time, Wu Zixu really did not expect that if he was left, it would be fulfilled in the future. It was this desperate Bo Yao in front of him, after 30 years, who really embezzled and abused power, just like Fei Wujie slandered his father, and brutalized him to death, who was struggling to support the overall situation of the Wu Kingdom! Not only that, but it was also Bo Yao that made the once powerful State of Wu finally become history.

Of course, at this moment, Bo Yao, who had just arrived, had not yet established a foothold in the Wu Kingdom, let alone talked about how much greed he had. He embraced the blood sea and the deep vengeance of other countries, and what was churning in his heart was just how to rely on the power of Wu Guo to go out of the army and destroy the humiliation of the dead family of Yixue Father. Therefore, he was very respectful to Wu Zixu, and he was also very active in advising Wu Guofa Chu, doing his best to train Wu Shi day and night, and the two of them were in the same boat, and the cooperation was also very tacit.

With the assistance of Wu Zixu, Bo Yao, and Sun Wu, King Wu of Wu added wings like a tiger and greatly increased his national strength.

As the saying goes, "Know thyself and know the other, win every battle". After the Chu state was chaotic after the "Prince of Chuping" and "Fei Wujie slandered and harmed QiWan", Wu Zixu and Bo Yao fled to the State of Wu, and they were both reused by King Wu. They knew the situation of the Chu State very well, and helped Lu Lu plan to attack the Chu State day and night, which became a major danger to the safety of the Chu State.

During these thirteen years, a series of major changes took place in both Wu and Chu, and the impact of these changes on the two countries was diametrically opposite. The State of Wu underwent the major event of "concentrating on assassinating the King of Wu", which made the State of Wu "change" even stronger. The State of Chu experienced the chaos of the "Prince of Chuping", which made the "chaos" of the State of Chu worse.

Under Sun Wu's strict training, the military quality of the Wu army has been significantly improved. At this time, Wu Zixu offered advice to King Wu and said: "The state of Wu has just recovered the two countries, and the people and horses are tired, and it is not appropriate to go on an expedition. However, we can also try to make the Chu people tired. ”

King Wu asked, "What is Aiqing's good strategy?" Wu Zixu replied, "It is still the old way, that is, the guerrilla tactics that our Wu army is good at." ”

Therefore, Wu Zixu and Sun Wushang made a set of strategies to disturb Chu and fatigue, that is, to form three strong brigades and take turns to attack and disturb the Chu state. When the first army of the State of Wu attacked the Chu territory, the State of Chu saw that the situation was not small, so it went all out and sent troops to meet it. When the Chu army moved, the Wu army retreated. When the Chu army returned to the garrison, the second army of the State of Wu invaded the Chu territory again, so that the State of Chu took turns to attack, causing the State of Chu to deal with the Wu army for many years, manpower and material resources were consumed in large quantities, the country was very empty, and the dependent countries defected one after another, but the State of Wu plundered a lot from the repeated attacks, and completely gained the upper hand in the confrontation with Chu.

In 508 BC, a small state of Tongcheng (桐城县, in modern Tongcheng County, Anhui Province) also betrayed the State of Chu. To the north of the Tong kingdom, there was originally a small state of Shu Jiu (shu jiu county in present-day Anhui Province), which had long been annexed by Chu, so the Shu people hated the Chu state very much.

Sun Wu and Wu Zixu took advantage of Tong Guo's betrayal of the Chu state to send emissaries to Shu Jiu and told them: "If you try to trick the Chu army into attacking our country, our army will pretend to be afraid of the Chu army and pretend to be chu to fight Tong. Make the Chu kingdom wary of me, so that I can find an opportunity to destroy it. In order to take revenge on the Chu state, the Shu people obeyed the wrong plan of the Wu state. They fabricated a set of false information to deceive the Chu state.

The Chu emperor Li Lingzhi did not listen to the lies of the Shu people, and in the autumn of that year sent Ling Yin Zichang to lead a large army to attack Wu. When the news came, Wu Zixu took the initiative to ask for help and went to meet the enemy. This was the first large-scale frontal battle between him and his old master, the Chu State.

After some planning, Sun Wu and Wu Zixu adopted the tactic of combining open attack and covert attack: on the one hand, the Wu army was deliberately and with great fanfare to mobilize sailor warships to the river south of Yuzhang to show a defensive position; on the other hand, they secretly gathered the main force to lurk in Chaodi (northeast of present-day Chao County, Anhui Province).

The Chu general often had to report that the Warships of the Wu Army were placed on the river south of the Tong Kingdom, so they mistakenly thought that the Wu Army was timid and wanted to use the Tong to please himself, so he stationed the large army in the Yuzhang area and watched the situation change. In this way, the Chu army was stationed from autumn to winter, and as time went on, the earthy atmosphere became lower and lower, and the defense naturally began to slacken. Sun Wu seized the opportunity and led the Wu army to suddenly surround the Chu army, so that the Chu army was caught off guard and fled, and all the warships were captured by the Wu army. Subsequently, the Wu army unexpectedly conquered Chaoyi and captured The Chu Prince Fan who was stationed at Chaoyi.

In this battle, Sun Wu won a complete victory with his strategy of seducing and arrogantly enticing the enemy, helping King Wu to open up a passage into Chu and creating conditions for the smooth implementation of Wu Guo's strategic plan to break Chu in the future. In the six years after King Zhao of Chu succeeded to the throne, the Wu army attacked year after year, dragging the Chu state to exhaustion. During these six years, the State of Wu successively destroyed the subordinate states of Zhongwu, Xu, Shujiu, Yangyi, Tong, Liu, and Chao in the Huai River Valley of the Chu State, and brought them all under the name of the State of Wu. Wu's next strategic goal was to capture the Chu state of Yingdu (郢都, in present-day Jingzhou, Hubei Province, eight kilometers north of The City of Ji'nan).