
Overcrowding and making videos to show off? As a result, "as desired" was reported | Winter remediation

author:Bijie traffic police

The passenger is "over" one

Life safety is "downgraded" by one level

About traffic violations such as overcrowding and overloading of vehicles

Shu Huang repeatedly emphasized

Overcrowding and making videos to show off? As a result, "as desired" was reported | Winter remediation

But some drivers are also lucky

Start showing off "Actions".

Take a video of yourself showing off on the Internet

As a result, "as desired" was reported

Overcrowding and making videos to show off? As a result, "as desired" was reported | Winter remediation
Overcrowding and making videos to show off? As a result, "as desired" was reported | Winter remediation

On November 1, 2023, netizens reported to the traffic police of the Weining County Public Security Bureau that a van with a license plate number of your BH***2 had an illegal action of overcrowding, and attached the video taken. After receiving the report, the traffic police brigade of the Weining County Public Security Bureau immediately conducted an investigation and verification.

Overcrowding and making videos to show off? As a result, "as desired" was reported | Winter remediation
Overcrowding and making videos to show off? As a result, "as desired" was reported | Winter remediation

After verifying the report video, the police quickly locked up the driver of the car, Zhu, according to the clues, and orally summoned him to the No. 1 Squadron of the Traffic Police for investigation. On the morning of November 2, the driver Zhu went to the first squadron of the traffic police to be investigated, and the police showed him a netizen report video in person, and in front of the evidence, the driver Zhu admitted on the spot that he drove a motor vehicle to overcrowd the traffic violation.

Overcrowding and making videos to show off? As a result, "as desired" was reported | Winter remediation

After further investigation, on October 31, the expensive BH***2 van driven by Zhu carried 8 people, 10 people, and 2 overcrowded. According to the driver Zhu, at about 21 o'clock in the evening of the same day, Zhu was lucky, and took his friends and a group of 10 people to drive from the railway station of Haibian Street, Weining County to Guangyuan Road (Convention and Exhibition Center), Liuqiao Street. Zhu now regrets his illegal behavior very much, and promises that he will learn this lesson in the future driving process and strictly abide by traffic laws and regulations.

Overcrowding and making videos to show off? As a result, "as desired" was reported | Winter remediation
Overcrowding and making videos to show off? As a result, "as desired" was reported | Winter remediation

In the end, the police criticized and educated Zhu, and fined him 200 yuan and 3 points in accordance with the law.

Overcrowding and making videos to show off? As a result, "as desired" was reported | Winter remediation
Overcrowding and making videos to show off? As a result, "as desired" was reported | Winter remediation

Vehicle overcrowding is harmful,

Please pay attention!

Overcrowding and making videos to show off? As a result, "as desired" was reported | Winter remediation

The dangers of overcrowding


Overcrowding makes the vehicle unstable:

Overcrowding causes the vehicle to exceed its load capacity, increasing the instability of driving; The more load, the greater the inertia, the longer the braking distance, and the corresponding increase in danger.


Overcrowded vehicles are prone to tire puncture and loss of control:

Overcrowded vehicles are prone to tire puncture and loss of control:

In the case of overcrowding, the tires of the vehicle are prone to puncture due to excessive load and deformation, which can easily lead to traffic accidents such as uncontrolled rollover.


Overcrowding of vehicles increases the difficulty of escape and rescue:

Overcrowding of vehicles increases the difficulty of escape and rescue:

In the event of an accident or spontaneous combustion of an overcrowded vehicle, it will bring great difficulties to the escape of passengers and the rescue of personnel.


Occupants without seats are the most dangerous:

Some overcrowded passengers are not protected by safety equipment such as seat belts, and in the event of an emergency, the probability of injury will be greater and more serious than that of other people.

Overcrowding and making videos to show off? As a result, "as desired" was reported | Winter remediation

Bijie traffic police tips:

Anytime, anywhere

Safety always comes first

Driving a vehicle

There can't be a lot of people

Drive on the road

Safety is no less

Overcrowding and making videos to show off? As a result, "as desired" was reported | Winter remediation

Source: Traffic Police Brigade of Weining County Public Security Bureau

Correspondent: Li Feiyue Editor: Qiu Meng Review: Liu Ping

Overcrowding and making videos to show off? As a result, "as desired" was reported | Winter remediation

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