
AI kills crazy, AI automatically generates short video ShortGPT

author:Talk about health knowledge


Recently, an AI authoring tool called ShortGPT has attracted a lot of attention. It automatically generates video content with only a few keywords from sourcing to editing. This has undoubtedly greatly lowered the barrier to entry for content creation, but it has also made it easier than ever to generate "fake news videos". In this article, we will take a closer look at ShortGPT, the controversial AI creation tool, and analyze the positive effects and potential risks it brings.

AI kills crazy, AI automatically generates short video ShortGPT

Taking automated creation to new heights, ShortGPT dramatically lowers the barrier to entry for content production

ShortGPT is an open-source automated video creation framework that can implement functions such as information collection, speech synthesis, subtitle generation, and video editing. Users only need to provide a creative theme, and ShortGPT can automatically build a script, collect relevant image and video resources, synthesize dubbing, and output the finished video.

This high level of automation has dramatically lowered the barrier to entry for video content production. What used to require a professional to operate, now it is possible to generate high-quality videos with just a hint. Ordinary users can also publish video content anytime and anywhere. This opens up the possibility for more people to participate in content creation. The era of personal media has arrived.

AI kills crazy, AI automatically generates short video ShortGPT

Automated authoring has also greatly improved the efficiency of content output. One creator can control more content and achieve wider distribution. This helps spread more information and meet people's demand for fresh content.

Of course, there are still problems such as unsynchronized sound and picture and unnatural voice in the videos generated by ShortGPT. But with model training and hardware performance improvements, fully automated content authoring is just around the corner.

Risks: "Fake news videos" are rampant

However, this highly automated content creation tool also comes with risks. The most direct is the proliferation of "fake news videos".

In the past, fake news was mainly produced through text and images. Deep learning synthesis technology makes it possible to generate high-quality fake news videos, which will be even more deceptive.

What's even more terrifying is that these fake videos are difficult to distinguish between authenticity and fakeness. It has almost reached the point of "fake and real". The authenticity of the information is seriously affected. Once it is widely disseminated as news, the consequences are unimaginable.

AI kills crazy, AI automatically generates short video ShortGPT

And, video generation tools are becoming more and more popular, and anyone can create fake news. This exacerbates information pollution and further weakens the public's trust in information. If left unchecked, it could lead to serious social unrest.

Maintaining the authenticity of information and establishing supervision is a top priority

Given the negative impact of automated authoring tools, we must establish a monitoring mechanism to ensure the authenticity of information.

First, content creation platforms need to detect and annotate AI-generated content for users to know. Second, AI technology can be used to detect fake news, such as analyzing unnatural aspects in images and videos. In addition, improve laws and regulations to ensure the authenticity of information.

And for the public, it is also important to improve the ability to identify information. Learn the skills to distinguish the authenticity of a video, improve your awareness of doubt, and not easily believe the information. As a communicator, it is the responsibility to verify the source of information.

AI kills crazy, AI automatically generates short video ShortGPT

The development of technology is a double-edged sword. Automated authoring tools such as ShortGPT, while bringing high efficiency, also create new problems. We need to respond proactively, build mechanisms to maintain a credible information environment, and let the power of technology benefit society.

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