
The "crying" of the sea, what is the truth about the sinking of the Bohai No. 2 oil drilling platform back then?

author:Lively Universe Kei

On that cold winter day in 1979, a telegram silently conveyed a seemingly mundane request in the silence of an office: salvage a lost submersible pump. This request did not attract enough attention at the time, but it contained the determination and belief of a country to develop oil exploration on its own. The protagonist of this story is an extremely important jack-up drilling rig, the "Bohai II", once known as the "Fuji" in Japan, and now it has become China's national heavy weapon. However, it was on November 22, 1979 that the drilling rig, which carried the hopes of the country, encountered unprecedented hardship.

The "crying" of the sea, what is the truth about the sinking of the Bohai No. 2 oil drilling platform back then?

The story of Bohai 2 originated from a large-scale project introduced by China. The introduction of this jack-up rig marks a huge step forward in China's oil sector. Its design concept and performance were quite advanced at the time, so it was highly anticipated. However, the day that was destined to become history was written on this platform with a tragic tragedy.

The "crying" of the sea, what is the truth about the sinking of the Bohai No. 2 oil drilling platform back then?

First of all, let's understand the background of the "Bohai-2". This jack-up drilling platform is not only a powerful tool for oil exploration, but also a reflection of China's industrial technology level. Its introduction is an exploration of China's independent research and development, and it is the product of national independent innovation. The emergence of this platform means that China has more autonomy and is no longer completely dependent on foreign technology.

The "crying" of the sea, what is the truth about the sinking of the Bohai No. 2 oil drilling platform back then?

However, on November 22, 1979, a sudden storm plunged the platform into an unprecedented crisis. Huge waves crashed in, and the submersible pump unfortunately fell into the sea. Of the 74 warriors on board, only two survived the sudden disaster. The tragedy revealed a painful truth: there was a serious problem with the design of the ship, and the power compartment did not have an isolation chamber, allowing the influx of seawater to affect the normal operation of the mechanism.

The "crying" of the sea, what is the truth about the sinking of the Bohai No. 2 oil drilling platform back then?

This moment is a turning point in the development of China's petroleum industry. This tragedy not only made the country put forward higher requirements for self-designed equipment, but also made a deep reflection on the quality of domestic equipment. Perhaps at the time, China did not fully understand international standards and did not make a claim, but this does not hide the truth: this painful lesson has given rise to a high degree of vigilance about domestic quality.

The "crying" of the sea, what is the truth about the sinking of the Bohai No. 2 oil drilling platform back then?

This generation of predecessors showed fearless patriotism and dedication in that accident, but their sacrifice is also a profound warning to us. They have dedicated their lives to the country's independent innovation and technological development, setting a noble example for us. This tragedy has become a painful cornerstone of China's industrial progress, reminding us that life is the most precious, and the quality of domestic equipment is our most trustworthy guarantee.

The "crying" of the sea, what is the truth about the sinking of the Bohai No. 2 oil drilling platform back then?

This incident has attracted widespread social attention and has also stimulated the pursuit of technology and quality in China. In the years that followed, China made remarkable progress in the fields of science and technology and industry, and continuously improved its ability to innovate independently. The catastrophe became a wake-up call and a moment for China's industrial autonomy.

From this moment on, we know the preciousness of life, and we also cherish the quality of domestic equipment more. In the field of industry and science and technology, China is constantly making new breakthroughs and gradually moving towards the forefront of the world. Although the disaster was painful, it gave birth to a more resilient pace in China and strengthened our confidence in domestic technology.

Looking back, we have passed the dark moments brought about by this storm. However, from this tragedy we see the rise of Chinese industry and see a country stronger because of its suffering. In the future, we look forward to more innovation and progress, and look forward to China showing more dazzling light on the world stage.