
Dachang people get off work to review and examine, night school becomes popular, and after the fate is uncertain, a new philosophy of life is born

Dachang people get off work to review and examine, night school becomes popular, and after the fate is uncertain, a new philosophy of life is born

Dachang people get off work to review and examine, night school becomes popular, and after the fate is uncertain, a new philosophy of life is born

The body is the first sequence.


In 2016, three months before the death of economist Zhou Jintao, he used the Combo cycle to give the final prediction.

He said that 2019 is the bottom of the cycle, and it is recommended that everyone exercise, take a two-year vacation, and go back to fight again.

He did not expect that the rebound would be postponed by three years due to the epidemic, and in 2023, the world will recover, and the engine will restart, which will also bring tremors.

In the midst of the tremors, everyone entered an era of increased uncertainty. At the beginning of the year, AI technology broke out, large models were unveiled, and people experienced the ups and downs of the industry before they could see the future Aurora.

The 32-year-old programmer has found that an AI code generator can replace all his work, and HR specialists at major companies have switched to AI recruitment systems.

Xiaoqing, a Hangzhou anchor who has been looking for a job for half a year, went back to his original unit and found that the live broadcast base was empty, and on hundreds of computer screens, virtual anchors were talking and laughing.

A girl who spent ten years learning to paint described her feelings of unemployment: she has the heart to kill, but she doesn't know who to be angry at, like hitting the wall of the times.

More changes have occurred intensively this year, there is no stable track, and there is no unchanged industry.

On November 7, ByteDance's metaverse business line PICO was cut from 2,000 to 200 people, and the metaverse was still the hottest concept last year.

The crisis of Huawei's employees at the age of 45 has become an old news, and the unemployment of 35-year-olds on Zhihu is rarely discussed.

In the turbulence of uncertainty, people begin to re-plan their lives, postponement of master's applications, white-collar workers studying abroad, and the elderly devote themselves to entrepreneurship, hoping to find an anchor in the turbulence.

However, the road ahead is unpredictable.

The manager of the Japanese restaurant did not expect the nuclear wastewater crisis, the owner of the script killed the store and couldn't figure out the trend and would switch to city walk, and the owner of the store who went to Zibo to open a store had only one customer a day after May Day.

Wang Lin, a driver from afar, took out a loan to buy a car in Zibo and ran Didi. He laughed at himself that he had been trapped here, and could only run wildly on the empty road every day.

In Yiwu, far away, greater variables are happening. After losing a large number of orders from Ukraine, merchants lost orders from the Middle East in October this year. The last photo sent by the client before he lost contact, saying "there is a war".

The tremors at the beginning of a new cycle are covering a generation, and this is a period of uncertainty that we are experiencing: experience is no longer reliable, trends are no longer predictable, and fate is no longer scripted.

In its Outlook 2023 report, UNDP wrote:

Uncertainties are accumulating and interacting to shake the foundations of life like never before.


After the Great Depression in the United States, people were enthusiastic about cycling and street walking, and young people roamed the city, day and night.

History is like a loop, and the stories are always strikingly similar. Whenever the atmosphere of the times changes, a new philosophy of life will be born.

The first principle of the new philosophy is to live in peace.

After the Japanese bubble, a stable life became the primary goal. The real estate jobs that were once full of temptation are not cared for, the financial jobs that claim to double the income are not believed, young people are keen to take the public examination, the tutoring books are selling well, and the "public examination must win" package is also popular.

Having a full-time job has become the most popular condition in the blind date market, and many young people postpone childbearing after marriage, worrying about being overburdened in the future.

The new philosophy tightened the radius of living, followed by the tightening of living expenses. The opening of a new cycle will always be accompanied by rational consumption, and the future is unknown, so it is natural to reserve funds.

After the Great Depression in the United States, luxury dining declined, and kitchen baking became popular. After the Japanese bubble, simple dating became popular: playing free video games at computer exhibitions, visiting public art museums with cheap tickets, and eating fast food bowls together.

Few people invest in the stock market, everyone buys bonds, sales of imported seafood and red wine have been declining year after year, and the middle class has sold off their beachfront resorts and become obsessed with zero-stakes cards.

Back then, the most popular variety show in Japan was called "Playing the World Crazy". The core of the show is to save money, and the guests travel on a bus hungry special forces.

There are no luxury hot springs, no high-end hotels, people inside and outside the TV, and they can restart their travel at the lowest cost.

After tightening the radius of life and controlling the desire to consume, the core of the new philosophy falls on focusing on itself. The body is the first sequence, and it is up to you to cross the wind and waves after all.

After the Great Depression in the United States, people paid special attention to health, regular physical examinations became a habit, exercise and fitness became a trend, and from 1933 to 1935, bicycle sales in the United States broke through every year, and the road was full of long-distance riding.

Table tennis is also popular. The godfather of American table tennis, Reisman, said that the popularity of people's exercise is implicitly combined with the ups and downs of the cycle:

"After every recession in history, table tennis has always played its role and brought everything to prosperity. ”

In Japan, people buy insurance to protect against serious illness, delve into meditation to decompress the mind, and start a nationwide running craze.

White-collar workers in Tokyo run up and down stairwells, unemployed middle-aged people run around the Imperial Palace, and young people run to work with backpacks on their backs.

Every winter, the 217-kilometer road from Tokyo to Hakone organizes long-distance runs, and people of all ages and identities join the running crowd.

The focus of life returns to the body itself. They believe that as long as they are healthy, they can survive the times.


All those who have experienced the ups and downs of the times have made similar choices in the end. The future is changing, and the best way to deal with it is to invest in yourself.

In the midst of the turbulence of uncertainties, people are building personal risk prevention systems. The cornerstone of the system is its own health.

The three-year epidemic has made people fully realize the preciousness of health, and when life is uncertain, health is the last dam to resist risks.

When the levee collapses, fate slides in an unknowable direction. In the small room of the Harbin rental house, the cancer-stricken engineer and his wife and daughter had a bleak Mid-Autumn Festival. Outside the window, the streets are full of fallen leaves, and a blizzard is brewing in the distance.

Before the Mid-Autumn Festival, he had just sold his house for treatment, "I was only worried about layoffs, but I didn't expect it to come to this point."

In Wuhan, a professor of Wuhan University who is over 50 years old and a doctoral supervisor, has a monthly drug cost of 40,000 yuan after suffering from cancer, and his family has exhausted everything.

The once elegant and erudite professor was trapped on the sickbed and forced to raise money online:

"Life is really fragile, and an illness accident can destroy a person's dignity. I won't beg for everyone's help unless I have to..."

Health is the cornerstone of a stable life, and critical illness insurance has become a hot topic in recent years. When a variable rainstorm pours, it's the umbrella that opens quickly.

For the public, medical insurance and medical insurance are common, but this is only the basic equipment, which can only reimburse part of the medical expenses, and everyone needs to pay in advance and then pay, in the face of the risk of serious diseases such as cancer, it seems to be a "drop in the bucket".

Cancer treatment costs are high, the cycle is long, and many drugs and treatments are not covered by reimbursement, so a critical illness insurance is needed to offset the expenses, which is the biggest difference from medical insurance and medical insurance is that it can be paid in large sums of money. This benefit not only covers medical expenses, but also makes up for the loss of income and living expenses due to illness.

Because of this, the "Health Blessing Lifetime Critical Illness Insurance" on Alipay has become a hotly discussed product by the public.

This "Healthy Blessing Lifetime Critical Illness Insurance" covers 125 types of severe illness, 25 types of moderate illness, and 50 types of mild illnesses, with comprehensive coverage and relaxed health notices, and the most common nodules in the workplace are also available for normal coverage. At the same time, it offers a wide range of practical optional benefits, as well as unlimited claims for cancer, and there is no upper limit on the cumulative benefit coverage.

It is underwritten by Chinese Health Insurance, and the head insurance company of state-owned enterprises provides service guarantee, so that users can feel more at ease without worrying about future service prevarication.

"Healthy Happiness Lifetime Critical Illness Insurance" was also selected by Ant Insurance, and after multi-dimensional selection of insurance threshold, coverage coverage, cost performance, service claims and company operation, the cost-effective score is as high as 4.9 points, surpassing most products in the industry.

It is also convenient in terms of insurance and claims. Search for "Health Blessing" directly on Alipay, click on "Health Blessing - Lifetime Critical Illness Insurance" to enter the product page, and the product is also connected to the "Peace of Mind Compensation" service, which can start to pay compensation from the time of diagnosis and hospitalization, and the whole process can be completed in 5 days with manual assistance.

Dachang people get off work to review and examine, night school becomes popular, and after the fate is uncertain, a new philosophy of life is born

The knot of fear of physical examination, the nightmare of returning to poverty overnight, has dissipated. Guarding the first sequence of the body can finally win the bumpy beginning of the new cycle.

At the same time as investing in the body, people are also investing in knowledge.

There are a large number of young people in the community libraries in Shanghai, and the National Library in Beijing has become a popular gathering place, where reading can relieve anxiety and enrich oneself:

Every time you read an extra book, you have more money to deal with the future.

On Xiaohongshu, there are more than 40,000 notes in the community library, and the relay is popular for young people to attend night school. There are 278 summer and autumn courses in the Shanghai Evening School, covering a wide range of skills.

In the Dachang office building, more people review the examination after work, "the whole group is preparing for the exam in their spare time", someone said in the post that he has brushed 3 rounds of 2500 exercises, and the post is called "Volume Kings, Roll Up Crazy".

Not long ago, Wu Xiaoli of Phoenix Satellite TV asked the famous economist Chen Zhiwu: When the uncertainty of this world is greater than the certainty, how should we choose?

Chen Zhiwu replied that in the next five to ten years, value preservation will be the priority, and the illusion of doubling investment will be given up and risk aversion will come first.

Air coins are back in the air, digital collections have become unsellable JPGs, and on the high-speed rail that shuttles through the provinces, many people have deposited money across provinces and traveled thousands of miles in pursuit of higher interest.

Investing healthily in the face of impermanence, expanding one's knowledge for change, saving for the future, the cycle of rotation or the fate of this generation, all people can do is fasten their seatbelts.

In 1894, when the U.S. economy was in recession, Mark Twain's stock investment failed, his publishing house closed, and he went bankrupt, saddled with $94,000 in debt, and had more than 90 creditors.

At the age of 59, he ran in a bumpy era, wrote famous sentences, and looked forward to the future:

The golden age is in front of us, not behind us.

And to welcome the golden age, we must finally run through today in good health and stability.

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