
Strong Shangguan justice, sad Shangguan justice, a lonely brave man who cuts through the darkness

author:Shiyue was born

The lights of thousands of homes are so bright. But they have lost their direction, but they can't find their way home! Let's light the lamp of hope [candle] for them, hoping that they can find their way home [light the lamp of peace].

First, the pain points of Chinese people!

As many as 200,000 children go missing every year in China, a staggering number [shocking] and a deep despair for countless families. Of these missing children, only a handful are lucky enough to be returned to their parents.

The fate of missing children is heartbreaking [sad]. They suddenly disappear from their parents and family, leaving behind endless anxiety and pain. For these families, every day is a painful torment and mental uneasiness [madness], and they don't know where their children really are, whether they are alive or not. This feeling of hopelessness cannot be described in words, and only those who have experienced it themselves can truly understand it.

Strong Shangguan justice, sad Shangguan justice, a lonely brave man who cuts through the darkness

Home search for treasure

Strong Shangguan justice, sad Shangguan justice, a lonely brave man who cuts through the darkness

Home search for treasure

2. Justice!

On November 7, 2023, the anti-abduction volunteers blew up the first national nuclear explosion news!

Hubei Xiangyang Jianqiao Hospital sells "Birth Medical Certificate"!

Strong Shangguan justice, sad Shangguan justice, a lonely brave man who cuts through the darkness

This revelation was like a lightning bolt overnight, piercing the gray sky and instantly hitting the hearts of thousands of netizens. People can't believe that the obstetrics department of the hospital, which is supposed to be a place to save lives and help pregnant women give birth smoothly, has become the site of a jaw-dropping black crime transaction, completely subverting the values of the Chinese people. What is even more hateful is that the culprit turned out to be Ye Youzhi, the director of the hospital! The traffickers, whom the common people hated so much, were actually in the hospital! However, the police who later investigated and collected evidence confirmed that Ye Youzhi, director of the Xiangyang Jianqiao Hospital in Hubei Province, and relevant personnel of the hospital had sold birth certificates and supporting vaccines! At present, Ye Youzhi, director of the Jianqiao Hospital in Xiangyang, Hubei Province, has been criminally detained, and five or six other relevant personnel in the hospital have also been controlled.

Strong Shangguan justice, sad Shangguan justice, a lonely brave man who cuts through the darkness

Hubei Xiangyang Jianqiao Hospital and its president Ye Youzhi are full of crimes:

In August 2010, Ye Youzhi (pseudonym "Doctor Luo"), her husband Qin, and two hospital colleagues, Zhang and Wang, were arrested on suspicion of illegal fetal sex identification! The Xiangcheng District Procuratorate formally approved the arrest, and on November 2, the Municipal Health Supervision Bureau issued an administrative penalty decision and fined Ye Youzhi 40,000 yuan.

In February 2011, Ye Youzhi violated the state family planning system by illegally performing sex-selective termination of pregnancy without obtaining a license to practice in a medical institution! The Xiangcheng District People's Court of Xiangyang City, Hubei Province, sentenced Ye Youzhi to five months' detention and a fine of 10,000 yuan.

Ye Youzhi was accused of defrauding the national health insurance. She used hospital insiders to forcibly falsify medical records and defrauded medical insurance funds with false medical records.

Xiangyang Jianqiao Hospital was warned and fined 1,000 yuan by the Xiangyang Municipal Health Commission for arranging for patients to take radiographs for examination without applying for the "Radiation Worker Certificate" for those engaged in radiation work.

Involved in a medical damage liability dispute caused by the medical acts of Xiangyang Jianqiao Hospital. On November 14, 2016, the patient Nie went to Xiangyang No. 102 Hospital (now Xiangyang Jianqiao Hospital) for delivery due to "menomenorrhea of 39W+2 and no signs of labor". At 16:25 on the 21st, the patient's uterine opening was completely opened, the fetal membranes were self-ruptured, the amniotic fluid was stained with I degree, and symptoms such as choking, convulsions, foaming at the mouth, and coma appeared, and after giving birth to a baby girl, he continued to bleed heavily, and his blood pressure continued to drop, and he died at 19:51 on the same day after rescue was ineffective. The hospital involved was at fault for irregularities in medical records, untimely blood transfusion, failure to consult with superior experts in a timely manner after amniotic fluid embolism, and failure to inform the patient of the signature and approval. The court ordered him to pay a total of 67,835.70 yuan in compensation for medical expenses, funeral expenses, and death compensation.

On November 6, 2023, Ye Youzhi, president of Xiangyang Jianqiao Hospital, colluded with online intermediaries in many places to use social platforms to sell birth certificates and national versions of vaccination books. The criminal suspect Ye Youzhi has been approved for arrest by the procuratorate, and the other suspects involved in the case have also been criminally detained by the public security organs in accordance with the law.

On November 10, 2023, Shangguan Zhengyi, a volunteer who fought against abduction, blew up the second wave of national nuclear explosion news!

Guangxi Nanning City and Hospital sells "Birth Medical Certificate"!

Strong Shangguan justice, sad Shangguan justice, a lonely brave man who cuts through the darkness

The aftermath of the previous bomb is not over, and the next bomb is coming. On the morning of November 10, 2023, anti-abduction volunteer @Shangguan Zhengyi went to Nanning to submit the hospital's suspected trafficking of birth certificates. After a joint investigation by the Nanning Municipal Health Commission, public security and other departments, it was confirmed that the hospital involved was Nanning Chenghe Hospital.

As the patron saint of people's lives and health, the medical industry should serve patients wholeheartedly with lofty medical ethics and medical style like angels.

Similarly, Nanning City and Hospital also have a lot of criminal records:

From November 10, 2014 to July 31, 2016, Chen Liangcai, former vice president of Chenghe Hospital, declared an additional 2,306,839.58 yuan of the patient's hospitalization medical insurance fund to the Social Security Bureau of the Autonomous Region and the Social Security Bureau of Nanning City. In the end, the court found that the defendant Chen Liangcai committed fraud and sentenced him to four years in prison.

At around 17:30 on September 11, 2020, patient Ning went to Chenghe Hospital for treatment, and after examination, infusion therapy was carried out, and Ning Moumou developed serious adverse symptoms less than 20 minutes after infusion of tiniter file injection through Chenghe Hospital, and his condition was critical, and he died at 20:57 on the same day after being rescued by Chenghe Hospital. Guangxi Jingui Judicial Appraisal Center gave a firm result: Ning Moumou died in line with drug allergies. In the end, the effective judgment of the court found that Chenghe Hospital compensated more than 60 yuan in death compensation, funeral expenses, and mental injury solace.

On November 11, 2023, it was officially confirmed that Nanning City and the hospital colluded with online intermediaries to use social platforms to sell birth certificates. The obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital involved in the case and the suspects involved in the case have been taken criminal coercive measures.

On November 11, 2023, Shangguan Zhengyi, a volunteer who fought against abduction, blew up the third wave of national nuclear explosion news!

Guangdong Foshan Fuaijia Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital colluded with online intermediaries to sell "Birth Medical Certificate"!

Strong Shangguan justice, sad Shangguan justice, a lonely brave man who cuts through the darkness

On 10 November, Shangguan Zhengyi, a volunteer for cracking down on abduction, publicly reported that the Fuaijia Maternity Hospital in Foshan, Guangdong Province, had colluded with social intermediaries to sell birth certificates, including a full set of real inpatient birth records, at a price of 120,000 yuan. On the afternoon of November 11, after Shangguan Zhengyi provided a report that Foshan Fuaijia Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital colluded with online intermediaries to sell birth certificates, the Foshan Municipal Health Bureau immediately set up a special working group with public security and other departments to investigate and collect evidence on the content of the report, and then confirmed that Guangdong Foshan Fuaijia Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital sold birth medical certificates.

Let's take a look at the specific operation of Guangdong Foshan Fuaijia Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital:

The hospital has pregnant women who are about to give birth, and they will find these people who bought the certificates. The pregnant woman pretended to go to the hospital for prenatal checkups, and then the pregnant woman fraudulently used the information of the pregnant woman in the previous file to go to the hospital for delivery. After the pregnant woman gives birth, the buyer can go to the hospital to apply for a birth certificate with her real identity. They are basically pregnant children, and the children who are to be conceived do not have a birth medical certificate, can do a paternity test to go up to the household registration and apply for the corresponding birth medical certificate.

On the afternoon of November 12, Shangguan Zhengyi told reporters that about a year ago, he found targeted messages posted by intermediaries in the comment area under some short videos to look for potential customers. These intermediaries provide information on the purchase and sale of birth certificates, the sale of infants and young children, etc. When he saw these comments, he reached out to them and gained their trust. Shangguan Zhengyi said that after gaining the trust of the intermediary, the intermediary showed him a case of successfully applying for a birth certificate. After verification, he found that Foshan Fuaijia Maternity Hospital and Nanning Chenghe Hospital were in charge of the same group of intermediaries.

As a public service organization of the society, the responsibility of the hospital is to provide patients with high-quality medical services and safeguard people's health rights. Foshan Fuaijia Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital chose to violate professional ethics and sell birth certificates as commodities. This kind of behavior not only violates the professional ethics of doctors, but also violates the legitimate rights and interests of patients, and more seriously damages the image of the hospital as the foundation of social trust.

Let's take a look at Foshan Fuaijia Maternity Hospital, which has been fined many times

Zhang Mingsheng, president of the hospital, and Zhang Liyang, the legal representative, have long controlled the company's accounts, not disclosed business reports, concealed shareholders' private illegal operations, false accounting, illegal reimbursement and other issues, and were sentenced to pay nearly 10 million yuan in back capital contributions.

Foshan Fuaijia Maternity Hospital Co., Ltd. used the medical security fund in violation of laws and regulations.

From May 1, 2021 to April 30, 2022, Foshan Fuaijia Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Co., Ltd. had violations of laws and regulations such as excessive standard charges, and the Foshan Municipal Medical Security Bureau made the following administrative penalty decisions on December 9, 2022: ordering immediate correction of illegal acts, ordering the return of 133,281.9 yuan to the medical insurance fund, and fining 146,610.09 yuan.

Foshan Fuaijia Maternity Hospital did not fill in the medical records according to the regulations, and did not comply with the vaccination work specifications to carry out vaccination work.

On November 11, 2023, a multi-departmental investigation confirmed that Fuaijia Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital in Foshan, Guangdong Province sold birth medical certificates.

With the strength of one person, he pierced through three filthy heavens, and the justice of "chivalry" resounded throughout the rivers and lakes! In this strange and tortuous society, while seeing the darkness clearly, he did not choose to remain silent, but chose to stand up without hesitation. We may not be as brave as Shangguan Zhengyi, he is a warrior, so we will be a strong shield behind him. "Everyone gathers firewood and the flame is high, and one person's ability is limited," Shangguan Zhengyi said, "I hope that through the power of the media and the Internet, I will call on more people to join the ranks of public welfare such as cracking down on abduction and fraud, so that our society will become better and better." ”

3. Sad! Shangguan Justice!

A man who fights alone, puts life and death aside, and wants to break through the sky, what shocks people is that what he does has nothing to do with him! He said: I feel sorry for those children!

Shangguan Zhengyi, as a non-governmental anti-abduction volunteer, has been silently struggling for 16 years, and who can do only one thing in 16 years, and this matter has nothing to do with him, and it will cost a lot of time and money! Since it was released on the Internet that Hubei Xiangyang Jianqiao Hospital was involved in the collection of evidence from the child trafficking industry chain, he has cooperated with relevant departments to collect evidence and investigate for several consecutive days, making him a little tired and accompanied by a cold and cough. And all these efforts have recently come to an end.

Shangguan Zhengyi said: Although I am not a member of the family looking for relatives, I empathize with their plight, and I also experienced helpless and desperate moments when I was a child. When I was a child, my family was poor, and I couldn't eat or study. I had a deep desire for someone to help me in my difficult times. It is because of my personal experience of poverty and helplessness that I deeply understand the challenges and dilemmas faced by families looking for relatives. They have gone through many spiritual pains and tortuous journeys in their search for their long-lost loved ones. They reminded me of the struggles of my childhood, and I could feel their longing and uneasiness. Every time we "rescue" an abducted child, we make up for our childhood regrets.

Strong Shangguan justice, sad Shangguan justice, a lonely brave man who cuts through the darkness

I love you walking alone in the dark alley, I love the way you don't kneel, I love you for confronting despair and refusing to cry

I love your tattered clothes, but I dare to block the gun of fate, I love you and I are so similar, the gap is the same

Go, deserve it, this ragged cloak!

Fight, fight, with the humblest dreams!

To the whimpering and roaring of the night,

Who said that only those who stand in the light are heroes!

They say that to quit your madness is like wiping away the dirt.

They say that you have to go up the stairs at the cost of bowing your head.

Then let me not ride the wind, you are as proud, that kind of lonely bravery!

Who said that the ordinary are not heroes!

I heard the song "The Lonely Brave" again today, I feel that this song is perfect for him, Shangguan Zhengyi is a lonely brave, he is an ordinary hero, he shows the charm of the "brave" in an atmospheric manner, even if it is just a brave man who moves forward alone. Every lonely hero, whether in the dark alley or despair, whether it is a headwind or a desperate situation, can fight hard and fight for their dreams!

He is not fighting alone, behind him are thousands of conscientious Chinese like me who are typing words to provide him with strong backing! We can't do it ourselves like him, we all have our own things to do, and the only thing we can do is to keep the crimes he exposed hot on, don't say we can't do anything! Like me at this moment! I also hope that everyone can keep this article hot and let more people see the big crimes committed by those criminals! Let the sins know that we are all Shangguan justice!



#上官正义: There are hospitals in Nanning, Guangxi that sell birth certificates#

