
Cold air continues to exert force, how to deal with the sudden drop in temperature?

author:Shangguan News
Cold air continues to exert force, how to deal with the sudden drop in temperature?

The cold wind is raging!

Feeling unwell? Differences between North and South?

How can we respond?


What should I do if I feel unwell in cold weather?

Cold air continues to exert force, how to deal with the sudden drop in temperature?

During the cold wave, residents should go to the hospital in time if they feel unwell, especially some vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, pregnant women, infants and young children, and patients with chronic diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and respiratory diseases.


How do residents in different regions cope with cold weather?

Due to the lack of central heating, the southern region is prone to frostbite, so we should pay attention to the weather forecast and purchase clothes, warm supplies and utensils in time.

Although there are relevant heating facilities in the northern region, when the cold wave comes, the temperature plummets and the protection should be further strengthened to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

Residents in extremely cold areas should pay attention to the weather forecast, pay attention to keeping warm, stock up on enough warm items and food in advance, and try not to go out.


What other precautions are in place?

Cold air continues to exert force, how to deal with the sudden drop in temperature?

(1) When the temperature plummets, pay attention to adding clothes to keep warm, especially to keep your hands and face warm.

(2) Close the doors and windows, and fasten the outdoor structure.

(3) When going out, be careful of falling due to slippery roads.

(4) The elderly, pregnant women, infants and young children, patients with chronic diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, respiratory diseases and other chronic diseases should pay attention to keeping warm, strengthening nutrition, exercising moderately, and reducing going out.

(5) Pay attention to rest and do not overly fatigue.

(6) When using coal stoves for heating, beware of gas poisoning.

(7) When going out in windy weather, you should pay attention to falling objects from high altitudes.

(8) Pay attention to the weather forecast, pay attention to the cold wave news or alerts issued by relevant departments, and take necessary protective measures.