
Novel Coronavirus: There are many symptoms of new crown infection! It is important to learn how to prevent and treat it!

author:Mr. Liu talks about health

In his speech today, Academician Zhong Nanshan said that according to the prediction model, there may be a small peak of infection not only in November, but also in December and January next year, and everyone should pay attention to this prevention. Although the current infected people are still mainly mild, whether it is mild or severe, it will have a certain impact on the body. With timely treatment and good lifestyle habits, most people can regain their health. So, how should we ordinary people deal with the harm caused by the new crown to our bodies?

1. Physical changes in patients with mild COVID symptoms

For patients with mild illness, respiratory symptoms such as cough, fever, and difficulty breathing may occur. After being infected by a virus, the following changes can occur in the human body:

  1. Changes in lung function

In milder cases, the lungs may be inflamed and the alveoli damaged. When conditions improve, these damages generally recover slowly, but a small percentage of people may have mild pulmonary fibrosis.

Novel Coronavirus: There are many symptoms of new crown infection! It is important to learn how to prevent and treat it!
  1. Changes in the body's immune function

Stimulated by the new coronavirus, the body's immune system will be activated to fight the virus. This causes inflammation and also activates immune cells, causing some effects on the body.

  1. Mental change

Patients with mild symptoms will feel anxious, nervous, and afraid, so they should adjust their mental state in time and seek help from others in time.

2. Physical changes in patients with severe COVID-19 disease

For those with severe disease, COVID can lead to more serious physical injuries and complications. The following are the physical changes that may occur.

  1. Changes in lung function

Severe lung tissue inflammation is aggravated, lung tissue damage is aggravated, and complications such as respiratory failure and hypoxia are prone to occur. This damage takes a long time to recover from and can lead to pulmonary fibrosis.

  1. Other organ damage

After the new coronavirus infection, it can affect multiple organs such as the kidneys, heart, and liver. Damage to these organs can cause associated dysfunction.

Novel Coronavirus: There are many symptoms of new crown infection! It is important to learn how to prevent and treat it!
  1. Changes in the immune system

In critically ill patients, the immune system may be overactivated, leading to an inflammatory storm and tissue damage that adversely affects the body.

3. Regardless of mild or severe symptoms, the virus should be treated in a timely manner

In the early days of epidemic control and opening, due to the lack of antiviral drugs for the new crown, many people could only undergo basic symptomatic treatment after infection, relying on their own resistance to get through. This may be bearable for ordinary people, but for the elderly and patients with chronic diseases, "hard carrying" is not an effective response. Such people are likely to aggravate their pre-existing diseases and progress to severe disease after being infected with the new coronavirus, so they should take anti-coronavirus drugs in time.

With the development and marketing of drugs, there are now several new crown drugs on the market, such as leretgravir tablets, which is a peptidomimetic inhibitor targeting 3CL protease, which can effectively reduce viral load and prevent patients from becoming severely ill without the need to use ritonavir. At the same time, monotherapy can also significantly reduce the risk of drug interactions, and is more suitable for patients with chronic diseases.

Novel Coronavirus: There are many symptoms of new crown infection! It is important to learn how to prevent and treat it!

4. Precautions for the recovery period

Here are a few things to keep in mind during recovery:

  1. Rest and exercise

Moderate rest and exercise are helpful for the body's recovery. It is best not to do strenuous exercise during the recovery period.

  1. Dietary nutrition

Establishing a healthy and reasonable dietary structure is conducive to supplementing nutrition and enhancing the body's immune function. Eat more foods rich in vitamins C, E and B vitamins.

  1. Emotional and emotional support

In the face of stress caused by emergencies and diseases, appropriate mental support and emotional adjustment should be given. It is recommended to go to professional psychological counseling or therapy to alleviate some emotional problems, such as anxiety and depression.

  1. Regular tracking and monitoring

During the recovery process, regular follow-up and physical check-ups are recommended so that patients can detect and resolve possible complications earlier.


The impact of the new coronavirus on the human body varies from person to person, but you should take medication in time and adjust your lifestyle habits at the same time. During the recovery period, it is necessary to pay attention to rest, pay attention to diet and mood adjustment, and also have regular check-ups. I wish you all good health!