
Appreciation of the works of the great painter Lei Xiaoning

author:Literature and art of Jiangsu and Zhejiang
Appreciation of the works of the great painter Lei Xiaoning

Father-son love is Lei Xiaoning's recent creation of a new Gongbi painting, 3,47 meters high, 2,1 meters wide, intended to show the feelings between father and son, praise the father's selfless love for his children and the children's emotional attachment to the father as the artistic conception of the picture, this painting with new techniques and forms of expression, the combination of Chinese and Western to depict God, the use of a variety of skills has changed the traditional Gongbi painting stylized techniques, broadened the spiritual connotation and expression of Chinese Gongbi painting, the humanistic feelings of the picture and the high-spirited emotions of the times are even more shocking to the audience, people in the picture revealed the world of father-son feelings, feel that the father's love and mother's love in the era of only children are equally greatThe one-child policy has turned the idea of male inheritance into responsibility, fatherhood has been promoted, and women are no longer single housewives who taught their children in the past because they participate in social labor like men, and social responsibility makes their great love sublimated!

Appreciation of the works of the great painter Lei Xiaoning

(The Other Shore) is a large-scale painting by Lei Xiaoning recently, which depicts two horses accompanying each other in a realistic way, drinking the water of life given by the Creator, living leisurely and happily on the other side of happiness. Their vivid and lively images give people a real visual impact effect than real horses. The foreground is a lotus flower in full bloom, which symbolizes the tranquil and unstained lotus realm, such as the scene of the Western Elysium described in the Amitabha Sutra. The Land of Elysium has seven treasure pools and eight merit waters. Two horses come to drink holy water in the summer when the lotus flowers are in full bloom. In this work, Lei Xiaoning depicts a beautiful, kind, tolerant and generous happy paradise for us in a realistic, romantic, and aesthetic style!

Appreciation of the works of the great painter Lei Xiaoning

"Flowers and Youth" is a huge gongbi painting (2.1 m x 3.47 m) created nearly three months before and after, and was completed in July 2018.

I like the folk songs of the western singer Wang Luobin very much, especially the famous song "Flowers and Youth", I am fascinated every time I listen to it. Inexplicable illusionary images often appear in front of me, which gives rise to the urge to create a huge painting with a dreamlike artistic conception, which is how this large-scale painting of "Flowers and Boys" was created. In the center of the picture, a white horse wanders leisurely on the grass in the mist, tenderly bowing its head and eating the spring grass. The close-up is a shrunken beauty and a magnified butterfly in a fairy tale, and the willow hanging above the picture swaying in the breeze enriches the sense of space in the picture, setting off a dreamlike fairyland that evokes reverie.

Appreciation of the works of the great painter Lei Xiaoning

"Licking the Calf Love" It is a new Gongbi painting created by Lei Xiaoning recently, 3,47 meters high and 2,1 meters wide, which is intended to express the feelings between father and daughter, praising the father's meticulous and delicate and selfless care for his daughter, and the emotional attachment of the daughter to her father as the artistic conception of the picturePeople have seen that the "man" in the civilized society of the new era is no longer the image of the "man" of the old society's idea of male superiority and inferiority of women!

Appreciation of the works of the great painter Lei Xiaoning

"The New Six Horses"

Appreciation of the works of the great painter Lei Xiaoning

"The New Six Horses"

Appreciation of the works of the great painter Lei Xiaoning

"The New Six Horses"

Appreciation of the works of the great painter Lei Xiaoning

"The New Six Horses"

Appreciation of the works of the great painter Lei Xiaoning

"The New Six Horses"

Appreciation of the works of the great painter Lei Xiaoning

"The New Six Horses"

The six masterpieces of the huge gongbi painting "The New Six Horses of the Prosperous Age" are each 347 cm X 280 cm. It is a realistic depiction of six horses with both masculine and feminine beauty. It is not the stone relief in the tomb Zhaoling Six Horses. These six independent steeds are created with the original form of the British thoroughbred, the Spanish court horse and the sweaty horse and other world-famous horses, which are 3-4 cm taller than the real horse, and are about to come out with a new artistic expression to depict the spirit of the god horse, which is intended to express the idiom dragon horse spirit that describes the spirit of the horse in the traditional culture of the Chinese nation!

Appreciation of the works of the great painter Lei Xiaoning

Lei Xiaoning———— painter and sculptor, born in 1952, is originally from Hunan and lives in Nanjing. He studied under the great painter Mr. Zhao Lianghan (a student of Lu Fengzi), Professor Liu Ruli (Xu Beihong Gaozu) and the art master Mr. Ya Ming.

Lei Xiaoning specializes in Chinese painting, sculpture, and is especially good at painting horses, and his unique style and influence of horse painting have been praised by the art world as "Lei's Painting Horses", "The First Horse of Contemporary Times" and "Another Horse of China".