
After the headlines are written, don't be in a hurry to publish them, one operation allows you to change two contents in seconds and double your income

author:The kind-hearted second sister of the Northeast

Writing micro headlines is much more casual than writing articles, write whatever comes to mind, the key is that there is no word limit, and it is deeply liked by friends.

Many friends write what they are interested in, impressed, and what happens around them every day as micro-headlines and publish them, attracting the attention and comments of many friends, which is very fulfilling.

After the headlines are written, don't be in a hurry to publish them, one operation allows you to change two contents in seconds and double your income

Recently, I discovered a new way to play micro headlines, you can write micro headlines, link to one of your previous works, when publishing, a micro headline will have two content display at the same time, there are many opportunities to show, and the income will naturally double.

After the headlines are written, don't be in a hurry to publish them, one operation allows you to change two contents in seconds and double your income

A headline can be linked to a previous work and displayed at the same time

Just like the picture above, you can copy and paste a link to a previous work at the bottom of a micro headline, so that after publishing, the content of this link can be displayed below this work at the same time.

Here's how to do it.

After the micro headline is written, put it in the draft box first, then go to your homepage, find the creation center, click to open, and find the work you want to link.

After the headlines are written, don't be in a hurry to publish them, one operation allows you to change two contents in seconds and double your income
After the headlines are written, don't be in a hurry to publish them, one operation allows you to change two contents in seconds and double your income

Once you've found the work you want to link, click on the three dots below the work.

After the headlines are written, don't be in a hurry to publish them, one operation allows you to change two contents in seconds and double your income

The page with the image above appears, click "Share".

After the headlines are written, don't be in a hurry to publish them, one operation allows you to change two contents in seconds and double your income

After clicking "Share", pull the icon at the bottom to find "Copy link" and click on it.

After the headlines are written, don't be in a hurry to publish them, one operation allows you to change two contents in seconds and double your income

At this time, go to the draft box, find the micro headline you just wrote, make sure the blue "cursor" is at the bottom, and then click the link in the toolbar below.

After the headlines are written, don't be in a hurry to publish them, one operation allows you to change two contents in seconds and double your income

After clicking on it, the "Add link" dialog box appears, in the "Enter link address" field, paste the link we just copied.

After the headlines are written, don't be in a hurry to publish them, one operation allows you to change two contents in seconds and double your income

Once you have pasted the link, click "Confirm" at the top right.

After the headlines are written, don't be in a hurry to publish them, one operation allows you to change two contents in seconds and double your income

At this time, the content we want to link to is copied and pasted, and the above picture appears.

Once all of the above is done, we are ready to publish the micro headlines.

After the successful launch, the following page will appear on your headline homepage.

After the headlines are written, don't be in a hurry to publish them, one operation allows you to change two contents in seconds and double your income

Under the micro-headline you posted, the content of the micro-headline you just linked appeared at the same time, and friends can also open the link below to see another content of yours while reading your content.

This copied link can be a copy of your micro headline or a copy of your article.

Do you understand? Give it a try. A new feeling, a different experience, let your work have one more chance to showcase, and the income will be doubled.

#Winter Life Check-in Season#