
BYD has a variety of models to reduce prices!

BYD has a variety of models to reduce prices!

On November 23, car blogger "Sun Shaojun" posted on Weibo: "BYD is going to cut prices". Subsequently, some media reported that some dealers released the news of BYD terminal price reduction in the WeChat group, and a number of hot-selling models of the Dynasty series were discounted by up to 15,000 yuan.

In response to the news of whether BYD will reduce prices, on November 24, BYD manufacturer insiders said: The terminal does have a limited-time preferential policy, which is unified across the country until the end of November.

According to the statistics of Chedi, the Qin PLUS DM-i Champion Edition has a comprehensive discount of 10,000 yuan, and the price range has dropped from 99,800-145,800 yuan to 89,800-135,800 yuan, and the Song Pro DM-i Champion Edition has a comprehensive discount of 8,000 yuan, and the price range has dropped from 129,800-159,800 yuan to 121,800-151,800 yuan; DM-i Champion Edition has a comprehensive discount of 10,000 yuan, and the price range is reduced from 159,800-189,800 yuan to 149,800-179,800 yuan; The DM-i Champion Edition has a comprehensive discount of 15,000 yuan, and the price range is reduced from 189,800-249,800 yuan to 174,800-234,800 yuan, and the comprehensive discount of the Tang DM-i Champion Edition 112KM series and 200KM series is 15,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan respectively, of which the price of the Tang DM-i Champion Edition 112KM series has dropped from 209,800-233,800 yuan to 194,800-218,800 yuan, the Tang DM-i Champion Edition 200KM series has been reduced from 249,800 yuan to 239,800 yuan, and the comprehensive discount of 10,000 yuan for all models of Tang EV has been reduced from 249,800-34280,000 yuan decreased to 239,800-332,800 yuan.

BYD has a variety of models to reduce prices!

If the above news is true, this will be the second time that BYD has cut prices this month.

On November 1, BYD Auto launched the "Million Ocean Thanksgiving and Gift" promotion, and this month you can enjoy significant discounts on the purchase of BYD Ocean Network related models, including Destroyer 07, Corvette 05 Champion Edition, Dolphin, Seal Champion Edition, and Song PLUS Champion Edition, with discounts ranging from 0.5 to 18,000 yuan. Among them, the frigate 07 can enjoy 2000 to 20000 yuan, the dolphin can enjoy 2000 to 9000 yuan, the seal champion version can enjoy 2000 to 9000 yuan, the Song PLUS champion version can enjoy 2000 to 7000 yuan, and the destroyer 05 champion version can enjoy 2000 to 7000 yuan.

BYD has a variety of models to reduce prices!

In addition, on the same day, BYD announced that the Qin PLUS EV 2023 Champion Edition will launch a limited-time preferential policy, from November 1, 2023 to November 30, 2023 (inclusive) to enjoy a cash discount of 10,000 yuan. It is understood that the Qin PLUS EV 2023 Champion Edition will be launched in April, with a price range of 129,800-176,800 yuan.

As for why BYD launched a promotional campaign, or to hit the annual KPI.

According to the plan, BYD's annual sales target is 3 million units. According to official data, in the first 10 months of this year, BYD's cumulative sales were 2.3115 million units, a year-on-year increase of 70.36%, and the target completion rate was 79.38%, which means that BYD needs to complete 618,500 units in the next two months to complete the target, with an average monthly sales volume of 309,300 units. In other words, if BYD can continue to maintain such a growth rate in the next two months, it is expected to achieve its annual sales target.

BYD has a variety of models to reduce prices!

It should be noted that November is the traditional off-season for sales in the auto market, and BYD's preferential sales of relevant models in this context may be to drive sales growth, so as to achieve the sales target of 3 million units as much as possible.

In addition to price cuts, BYD has also launched a number of new products to seize market share. At the 2023 Guangzhou Auto Show, BYD's new model, the Hiace 07 EV, made its world debut. The new car is the first mid-size pure electric SUV under BYD Ocean Network, which is based on BYD's e-platform 3.0 and is expected to be priced at 200,000-260,000 yuan.

BYD has a variety of models to reduce prices!

In addition, during the auto show, BYD's Yangwang supercar platform and Yi Sifang concept car were also released at the 2023 Guangzhou Auto Show, along with the Yangwang U8 luxury version that was put into production some time ago and the previously released Yangwang U9 model. Among them, the price of the Yangwang U8 luxury version is 1.098 million yuan, and it has been officially put into production at BYD's Xi'an plant. Officially, orders for the car have exceeded 30,000 units.

BYD has a variety of models to reduce prices!

Industry insiders believe that BYD's launch of preferential activities and the listing of a variety of models will bring new growth to BYD, and it is expected that BYD's cumulative sales in the fourth quarter of this year may exceed 900,000 units.

Towards the end of the year, impulse is the usual practice for automakers. Today, SAIC Audi announced on its official Weibo that its Audi Q5 e-tron can enjoy a comprehensive car purchase discount of up to 55,000 yuan, but the official did not announce the comprehensive discount time limit.

BYD has a variety of models to reduce prices!

The Audi Q5 e-tron currently on sale is priced at CNY 298,500 to CNY 432,500. According to the calculation of the highest comprehensive discount, the price range of the Audi Q5 e-tron after the comprehensive discount is 243,500-377,500 yuan. In other words, the price of the entry-level model is about 240,000 yuan after the discount. Although SAIC Audi did not explain the reason why the Audi Q5 e-tron launched a comprehensive discount of up to 55,000 yuan for car purchases, it is not difficult to guess that the launch of the discount campaign may also be to boost its sales.

BYD has a variety of models to reduce prices!
BYD has a variety of models to reduce prices!

In addition, today's auto blogger "Sun Shaojun" also posted on Weibo: "As soon as BYD's price reduction is confirmed, all direct competing independent brands will meet overnight to come up with a plan." Aion confirmed the resumption and increase of the loan preferential policies that were previously cancelled, including:1. AION Y series, AION S Max model, new 3-year 100,000 000 interest fixed loan plan;2. AION Y series discount limit 8000;3. AION S Max discount cap 9500. This policy is the same as BYD's, and it can be superimposed with the previous preferential policies, but the customer group is just the opposite, mainly for the online car-hailing market, which is more sensitive to down payment and monthly payment." However, as of press time, Aion has not officially announced the news.

BYD has a variety of models to reduce prices!

Since the peak season of Golden September and Silver October, in order to sprint the year-end sales, since November, BYD, Leapmotor and Cialis's Blue Electric E5 models have opened different degrees of time-limited price reductions. As the end of the year approaches, more car companies may introduce price reduction policies in the future. However, Xiao Zheng, vice president and secretary general of the China Automobile Dealers Association, pointed out that as major manufacturers have started the "100-meter sprint" before the end of the year, the automobile circulation field has entered a deep adjustment, and dealers' inventories are high, and they are forced to exchange price for volume, or at the cost of giving up benefits and profits.

As for whether BYD will have new preferential policies in December, BYD insiders said that it is not yet certain.

Autobots' platform

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