
The marathon has hurt a lot of people...

author:Dreamy citrus misskiy

Criticism is a successful excipient health jog

The marathon has hurt a lot of people...

Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about a particularly hot topic, that is, marathons. Why is the marathon so popular? Isn't it because it can make people sweat and get excited? Just as everyone is cheering for their PB (personal best), let's talk about some "careful thoughts" that may be hidden behind it.

The marathon has hurt a lot of people...

First of all, it's a good thing that marathons are blooming everywhere. After all, who wouldn't want to have a body that can run like the wind?

The marathon has hurt a lot of people...

Look at the sweaty, pale runner who was probably sprinting to the finish line with all his might. That's a good thing, but did you know that overtraining and blindly chasing results can have side effects such as joint damage and heart problems. Tsk, that sounds a bit serious.

The marathon has hurt a lot of people...

Let's take a look at the frowning friend who often appears on the park track. In her quest for perfection, she increases her training volume almost every day. Between sweat and determination, there may also be overlooked health warning signs – physical fatigue and weakened immunity caused by excessive exercise.

Don't shake your head and deny it, the numbers don't lie! According to statistics, the number of people participating in marathons has skyrocketed to tens of thousands. And interestingly, among these friends who love long-distance running, a considerable number of them gradually show mild to moderate symptoms of "running addiction".

In addition, the observation of runners' appearance and behavior patterns (without voyeurism) shows that the pursuit of speed and endurance is likely to lead to malnutrition and even digestive problems. Not to mention those who forget the correct way to exercise because they are handsome or beautiful, and only pursue the appearance of the effect.

So dear runners, please do what you can, and always remind yourself to find the original intention of simply enjoying the feeling of running! We must use wisdom to enjoy every race, every training, and maintain a love for other beautiful things in life.

To summarize what we talked about today: marathons are great, but over-indulging in them can cause unintended side effects! Exercise is important, but it is more important to be rational about yourself and every challenge in life. Don't forget, give yourself time to catch your breath and enjoy the scenery while chasing your speed and endurance!

Finally, I would like to give you a word: the real hero is the one who is comfortable on the marathon road!