
Yunlong Mountain Lake Song (Outer Three Songs)

author:Qingyanwei Literature

Author: Zhang Xiumei/Mao Feng/Yan Fei

Yunlong Mountain Lake Song (Outer Three Songs)

Yunlong Mountain Lake Song

Zhang Xiumei (Sihong, Jiangsu)

Pengcheng treasure land is the most abundant, the environment is pleasant, and the scenery is different.

The fragrance of the cool summer is emerald green, and the cold winter is magnificently wrapped in pearls.

The mountains reflect each other's natural paintings, and the lakes are connected to each other.

In ancient times, there were footprints on the eastern slope, and Weng Yu forgot to call.

Yunlong Mountain Lake Song (Outer Three Songs)

Seven Laws Poetry and Wine Take advantage of the youth

Zhouzi (Korla, Xinjiang)

The good wine is high and the glass is strong, and the drunken fist is low-key and fragrant.

Qi Huan also enjoyed the dance of Concubine Qiong, and the joy was still heard at the end of Jiao.

The years only leave more emotion, and life can be remembered less leisurely.

Add the endowment quietly as you like, and the boat is safe and subtractive.

Yunlong Mountain Lake Song (Outer Three Songs)

Meng Dong has two songs

Yan Fei (Beijing)


Wind and snow moon winter and spring, warm life knows gratitude.

Finger pen machine screen book care, maple paper a tree to send Dan heart.


The new house is hot and cold in winter, and the outdoor wind and frost refine the fire maple.

In the light snow season, I think of the green brigade, and the weeping branches sway the dream red star.

Note: "Green Brigade" refers to stepping on the snow to join the army wearing a green uniform, and boarding the southbound military column. "Red Star" refers to childhood nicknames, dreams, and cockades from when he was a soldier.

Yunlong Mountain Lake Song (Outer Three Songs)

Editor: Li Xunxiu/Li Yuanfeng/Fu Baijie "Qingyanwei Literature" Editorial Department