
Many people say that pregnant girls will become particularly lazy, is there any scientific basis?

author:Beta Bel Tower


Many people say that pregnant girls will become particularly lazy, is there any scientific basis?

我曾经‬看到过一篇报道‬,是关于‬《美国医学会杂志》的研究发现,怀孕期间的活动水平与胎儿性别之间存在一定的关联。 The results of the study showed that expectant mothers who were pregnant with a boy were more likely to engage in high-intensity physical activity during pregnancy, while expectant mothers who were pregnant with a girl were more likely to engage in low-intensity physical activity. However, this study only observed a trend and did not prove that expectant mothers who conceived girls were particularly lazy.

Many people say that pregnant girls will become particularly lazy, is there any scientific basis?

也就是说‬,怀男孩的准妈妈在怀孕期间更有可能参加体育锻炼和户外活动,而怀女孩的准妈妈则更倾向于进行室内活动。 However, this study only observed a trend and did not prove that expectant mothers who conceived girls were particularly lazy.

Many people say that pregnant girls will become particularly lazy, is there any scientific basis?

Scientific studies have shown no clear evidence that expectant mothers who conceive girls are lazier. 所以‬,在怀孕期间,最重要的是保持健康的生活方式和‬好的心情‬,定期接受医生的检查和指导。 Regardless of your baby's gender, the key is to give your baby and yourself enough love and attention. #Parenting Sutra##Pregnancy##Expectant Mother Class##Compulsory Course for Parents##Headline Parenting Group##Pregnancy Life##Pregnancy Tips#