
What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

author:Talk about history


A proficient Chinese opera lecturer and visiting professor in Sweden who is proficient in multiple Chinese, he shines in the entertainment industry with his unique talent and rich resume. In "Sound Immersion", his thick and charming voice and inadvertently revealed solid knowledge made him popular. It's a pity that knowledge does not represent character, and his behavior after the explosion made him banned, and his career fell into a trough. Today, he has become a laughing stock.

What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

What did Zhao Lixin say that caused public outrage? As an intellectual, why is he now despised by others? What is happening to Zhao Lixin, who cleared the Japanese army?

First, Zhao Lixinsheng shined on the scene, and the aura of intellectuals was added.

What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

Zhao Lixin has won the love of the audience with his outstanding strength and profound cultural heritage. The sexy and deep baritone is catering to the style of the male god of the Kochi uncle circle loved by contemporary audiences, and has a large number of fans.

What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

In 2018, Zhao Lixin participated in Mango Channel's well-known variety show "Sound Immersion", and showed his amazing foreign language skills in the show. Zhao Lixin "shined" in the show, and his "extraordinary conversation, strong strength, and profound literary heritage" impressed countless audiences.

What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

However, just when the popularity of the show was in full swing, a misunderstanding in the dubbing guess link caused Zhao Lixin's dissatisfaction. He felt "insulted" by being mistaken for Zhang Hanyu and publicly expressed his anger.

What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

This incident has caused widespread discussion among netizens. Many people question whether Zhao Lixin "looks down" on Zhang Hanyu. He also pointed out that compared with Zhao Lixin's hard but unsuccessful struggle in the film and television industry for many years, Zhang Hanyu's resume and honors seem to be better. This makes Zhao Lixin's reaction a bit excessive and not humble enough in the eyes of many people.

What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

In addition, some of Zhao Lixin's past words and deeds were also turned out and hyped by netizens because of this incident. For example, in 2011, Zhao Lixin made outrageous remarks about the female policeman's breastfeeding incident in an earthquake, and even made a yellow statement. He has also openly expressed his dislike for comedy movies and other works. This is in contrast to his well-dressed clothes, which has attracted criticism. Some netizens accused Zhao Lixin of being "too capable of pretending".

What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

Zhao Lixin has been in the film industry for many years, and it was not until he was middle-aged that he gradually became well-known, and finally ushered in the peak of his career in 2018, but he didn't expect his words and deeds to become a stumbling block. Despite this, Zhao Lixin still stood his ground and tried to resolve the issue with explanations and apologies. He said he had realized his mistake and promised to be more cautious and respectful of others in the future.

Second, enjoy public assignment but be ungrateful? People can be ignorant but not unvirtuous.

What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

Zhao Lixin, who was born in a military family in 1968, has received a good family education and strong cultural influence since he was a child. In his youth, he loved to read, especially the works of Zweig and Maugham. These reading experiences undoubtedly laid a solid foundation for his later academic career.

What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

Although Zhao Lixin's grades in science are average, with his diligence and hard work, he has achieved excellent results in the liberal arts exam. He had a clear plan for his future, and he decided that the art field was more suitable for his development, so he decided to choose the art major as his development direction.

What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

After entering the Central Academy of Drama in 1986, Zhao Lixin was selected to study abroad in his sophomore year with his outstanding results. He was sent to Moscow, the Soviet Union, for further study, which was also one of the important turning points in his life. In the USSR, he learned to speak Russian fluently. And became a home abroad.

What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

However, after completing his studies, Zhao Lixin did not fulfill his previous agreement with the school, but chose to become a Swedish citizen and settle here. also made him infamous for betraying the motherland. Despite the huge pressure of public opinion, Zhao Lixin has always insisted on his choice.

What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

In Sweden, Zhao Lixin's artistic career has been quite smooth. He was successfully admitted to the Swedish National Theatre and became the only Chinese in the Theatre. In recent years, Zhao Lixin has also begun to return to the domestic entertainment industry and participated in the filming of some movies and TV series. However, due to his early years, people have mixed reviews of him.

What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

Some people saw him as a gifted artist whose work was of high artistic value, while others expressed strong disgust and criticism for him, arguing that Zhao Lixin had betrayed his homeland and should no longer develop in China.

Third, Zhao Lixin was suspected of disturbing historical facts, causing controversy and being banned

What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

In fact, Zhao Lixin, who returned to China in the early days, because the Internet was not developed at that time, not many people knew about his treacherous change of nationality and unilateral breach of contract, so he was quite popular.

What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

Zhao Lixin was also a highly acclaimed actor and director at the time, but his series of frivolous and unreasonable words and deeds attracted public attention and criticism. Because of the series of controversial remarks posted on social media, he attracted widespread attention and strong condemnation, and eventually led to his ban by official institutions.

What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

He posted a series of views on social media platforms that were believed to be in defense of Japan. First, he made piercing remarks on the Weibo platform questioning the burning of the Old Summer Palace by the British and French forces, and then made remarks that seemed to excuse the Japanese army's Nanjing Massacre.

What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

These remarks not only involve the historical memory and national feelings of the Chinese people, but also involve issues such as national dignity and social stability, so they have been strongly condemned by the public opinion field. These views have shocked and displeased many people. They argue that these arguments are a groundless justification for the brutality of the Japanese military during World War II and lack factual basis.

What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

He has also made more extreme remarks, such as calling Chinese "perverted freaks." We need to take these issues seriously and safeguard our national dignity and a good social environment.

What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

As a public figure, especially in the entertainment industry, their words and deeds often affect the values and aesthetic orientation of the public. We should be more cautious about handling personal speech and avoid acts that are detrimental to the interests of the nation and the image of the individual.

What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

Zhao Lixin bills himself as an "elegant artist", but his remarks have seriously hurt the country that raised him, and such "virtue" is seriously inconsistent with his so-called "artist" status. Many people have voiced their views on social media, and several organizations, including state media and non-governmental organizations, have joined the debate.

What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

Some of these organizations, such as the Ziguangge, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the China Anti-Cult, have publicly condemned Mr. Zhao's remarks and called on the public to remain vigilant and avoid being misled by misinformation. He has also made sexist remarks, such as making pornographic jokes about police women. This sent his reputation with the public to rock bottom.

What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

Although Zhao Lixin later issued an apology statement, saying that he was only analyzing history objectively as a thinker, this did not quell the anger. In fact, it only exacerbated people's antipathy towards him.

What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

Because in some of his past practices, he has also repeatedly made inappropriate remarks about sexism and other sensitive topics. He also questioned the Chinese, "eating Chinese food and smashing Chinese pots", which caused a strong backlash.

Fourth, conclusion

What is the current situation of Zhao Lixin, who was sent to study abroad but became a Swedish citizen, and openly whitewashed the Japanese army that invaded China?

Whether they are talented or good-looking, they should be responsible for their actions and should respect and love their homeland. However, for Zhao Lixin, what he did was deeply disappointing. So, he went from a star to a "street rat" in a short period of time.

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