
I, a 30-year-old leftover girl, was introduced by a relative to go on a blind date, and was asked an embarrassing question by a man

author:Wise Barton 1T2q

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I, a 30-year-old leftover girl, was introduced by a relative to go on a blind date, and was asked an embarrassing question by a man

My name is Li Mei, I am 30 years old this year, and I am a typical leftover girl born in the 80s. I'm mediocre-looking, introverted, and single all the time. My relatives always told me that it was time to find a partner, and they introduced me to blind dates day and night.

"Meimei, you're 30 years old, and if you don't find a partner yet, no one will want it if it's too late!" My aunt began to nag me again, "Be proactive, there is a good marriage waiting for you in front of you!

I couldn't bear it anymore and said helplessly, "Okay, okay, let's meet once." ”

I, a 30-year-old leftover girl, was introduced by a relative to go on a blind date, and was asked an embarrassing question by a man

On this day, I finally mustered up the courage to meet Wang Qiang. Wang Qiang is tall and handsome, and he looks very gentle, which coincides with what I imagined.

"Hello, I'm Wang Qiang, please take care of me!" Wang Qiang took the initiative to stretch out his hand.

"Hello, my name is Li Mei. I shook his hand with some restraint.

"Come, may you sit down and have a snack?" Wang Qiang pulled out a chair and asked me to sit down, looking very gentlemanly.

I, a 30-year-old leftover girl, was introduced by a relative to go on a blind date, and was asked an embarrassing question by a man

"Thank you. I smiled shyly.

The two sat down facing each other, and the atmosphere was a little awkward. After a while, Wang Qiang opened his mouth to break the silence: "Li Mei, listen to your aunt, you are doing a good job?"

"Well, I work as a designer for a foreign company. ”

"That must be busy, right?"

I, a 30-year-old leftover girl, was introduced by a relative to go on a blind date, and was asked an embarrassing question by a man

"It's okay, it's not too busy. "I'm embarrassed to say that I work all day and don't socialize.

Wang Qiang nodded, and asked again: "I heard that you have always been single, what's the situation?"

As soon as I heard the "boom" in my brain, this question was too sudden, I didn't expect Wang Qiang to be so direct. I blushed and couldn't speak.

Seeing this, Wang Qiang hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, I asked this question very abruptly. You don't have to answer. ”

I, a 30-year-old leftover girl, was introduced by a relative to go on a blind date, and was asked an embarrassing question by a man

Before I could answer, I heard Wang Qiang's mobile phone ring. He took one look and said, "I'm sorry, I have to answer the phone." Then he got up and walked to the side, whispered a few words and hung up the phone.

Unexpectedly, after Wang Qiang came back, he said apologetically: "I'm really sorry, I have something urgent, let's make an appointment another day." Thank you so much for taking the time to meet me today. ”

I breathed a sigh of relief, and left with a few polite words. On the way home, I was in a mess, thinking that Wang Qiangren was good for a while, and then thinking that the questions he asked were too direct. Am I fit to be around such a person?

I, a 30-year-old leftover girl, was introduced by a relative to go on a blind date, and was asked an embarrassing question by a man

"Meimei, can't you take the initiative? Wang Qiang, such an excellent person, will you miss it?" My aunt didn't let me finish my sentence at all, so she hung up the phone.

I wondered bitterly, could it be that what my aunt said was right? Should I really take the initiative and give Wang Qiang and myself a chance? Thinking of this, I mustered up the courage to send a message to Wang Qiang, saying that we would make an appointment another day.

After several days, Wang Qiang did not reply to my messages. I was about to give up hope when I suddenly received a reply from him one night. He said he's been so busy lately that he hasn't looked at his phone for days, and he'd love to see me again if I'd still like to.

I, a 30-year-old leftover girl, was introduced by a relative to go on a blind date, and was asked an embarrassing question by a man

"Hello, I'm glad to see you again. I stood up and took the initiative to greet Wang Qiang.

"Do you like this place?" Wang Qiang smiled and greeted me. This time, the atmosphere was obviously not as awkward as last time.

"Loved it! The coffee here is also very good. I happily recommended the menu to Wang Qiang.

We talked and laughed for a while. Wang Qiang's personality is really good, and I feel very comfortable with him.

I, a 30-year-old leftover girl, was introduced by a relative to go on a blind date, and was asked an embarrassing question by a man

That's when a thought came to me. My aunt was right, I really should have taken the initiative! So when Wang Qiang went to the bar to check out, I plucked up the courage to say to him:

"Wang Qiang, I found that you are really good. Can we consider being together?" I blushed and looked at Wang Qiang, waiting for his answer.

My heart sank, maybe I was really too proactive and scared him. I thought to my chagrin that it must be my aunt's illusion that Wang Qiang didn't like me much at all.

"I'm sorry, I was too impulsive. You don't mind what I just said. I blushed and lowered my head, at a loss.

I, a 30-year-old leftover girl, was introduced by a relative to go on a blind date, and was asked an embarrassing question by a man

I was stunned, it turned out that Wang Qiang already had a girlfriend! No wonder he was so surprised when I confessed just now. I'm really out of balance now, and I'm speechless.

The girl seemed to realize that the situation was wrong, she looked me up and down, and sneered: "Oh, you guys are talking about work, then I'll avoid it for a while!" After speaking, he pulled Wang Qiang and left.

I looked at their backs and couldn't help but cry in my eyes. It turned out that my aunt and I were all wrong. Wang Qiang didn't plan to be with me at all, he was just socializing. And I took the initiative to confess, but I didn't get the answer I wanted, but I took my own humiliation.

In this way, day after day, I lived a monotonous and boring life. Even when my 30th birthday came, there was no one to celebrate with me. I began to feel that life was too hard.

I, a 30-year-old leftover girl, was introduced by a relative to go on a blind date, and was asked an embarrassing question by a man

Until one day, I suddenly received a message from my high school classmate Li Lei. He said he had always had a crush on me, and I would like to give him a chance.

A simple sentence, but I was deeply touched. Maybe this is love, not as vigorous as I imagined, but the comfort of long-term love. Maybe I should really give Li Lei and myself a chance.

"Li Mei, you look beautiful. Li Lei smiled and praised me.

I, a 30-year-old leftover girl, was introduced by a relative to go on a blind date, and was asked an embarrassing question by a man

I smiled embarrassedly, "Thank you." You're still so handsome. ”

We chatted while eating, and the atmosphere was very harmonious. Li Lei's personality is very easy-going, and he is considerate of my feelings in everything. With him, I felt uninhibited, as if I had returned to my girlhood.

After dinner, Li Lei drove me home. When I got to the gate of the community, he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek: "I'm really happy." Can I ask you out again?"

I blushed and nodded. It's been a long time since I was disappointed last time and haven't been in contact with boys. Li Lei rekindled my hope.

I, a 30-year-old leftover girl, was introduced by a relative to go on a blind date, and was asked an embarrassing question by a man

Later, we started dating frequently. Li Lei took great care of me, and I gradually let down my guard and got very close to him. Until one day, Li Lei proposed to me.

"Li Mei, I want to be with you. Will you marry me?" Li Lei knelt on one knee and took things seriously.

I almost cried, and finally waited for this moment. "I do!" I happily agreed.

In this way, Li Lei and I entered the palace of marriage. My aunt was so excited that she came to see me every day and nagged us when we were going to have a baby. Li Lei and I are also gradually planning our future family.

I, a 30-year-old leftover girl, was introduced by a relative to go on a blind date, and was asked an embarrassing question by a man

However, the good times didn't last long, not long after we got married, Li Lei's company had a big problem, his parents both died suddenly, and he carried too much pressure at once. Li Lei's whole person has changed, he is always irritable and often loses his temper.

"Li Lei, can you stop and talk to me?" One day, Li Lei said goodbye without saying goodbye, and I couldn't help it.

"What are you talking about? There are so many things in the company every day, how can you ask me to stop!" Li Lei roared.

My relationship with Li Lei is getting farther and farther away. He was busy with work all day and lost his temper when he came home. I tried to salvage the marriage, but he didn't listen to me.

I, a 30-year-old leftover girl, was introduced by a relative to go on a blind date, and was asked an embarrassing question by a man

Waiting for Li Lei to come to his senses, I sat down next to him and solemnly put the divorce agreement in front of him.

"Lei Lei, you have hurt me many times during this time, and the foundation of your feelings has disappeared. I want to talk to you one last time, but if you still have this attitude, I can only choose to divorce you. ”

Li Lei looked at me in shock, as if he had just discovered the seriousness of the problem.

"Meimei, I'm sorry, I've been too obsessed with work during this time. But I'm really all for you, for our family. Li Lei held my hand tightly.

I, a 30-year-old leftover girl, was introduced by a relative to go on a blind date, and was asked an embarrassing question by a man

"But why are you afraid of me like this? I really don't know how to trust you anymore. I asked him with red eyes.

Li Lei was silent for a long time, and finally said softly: "Because I'm afraid that you will leave me." Since I was a child, my biggest fear was being abandoned. The sudden death of my parents made me feel even more of this crisis. I'm sorry, I really need to change myself. ”

In this way, our marriage relationship was slowly repaired. I'm getting pregnant, and that's the biggest boon for us. Li Lei was very happy and looked at me more closely, for fear that I would encounter any grievances.

The smooth life has made us all breathe a sigh of relief. It's just that recently, I always feel that Li Lei is a little absent-minded.

I, a 30-year-old leftover girl, was introduced by a relative to go on a blind date, and was asked an embarrassing question by a man

One day, I stumbled upon his phone and found him chatting with a strange woman. The alarm bell is loud in my heart, Li Lei shouldn't have a new love outside, right?

I pretended not to know and secretly observed Li Lei's state. These days, he has been receiving messages from strange women, and there is a bright smile on his face that I have never seen before. I was flustered, but I didn't know how to ask him.

Finally one day, I couldn't help but question Li Lei. He froze for a moment, then explained incoherently that it was just a client. We had a big fight, but Li Lei continued to deny it and left home angrily.

I sat on the edge of the bed in despair, tears streaming uncontrollably. I really hate why I forgave him so easily in the first place, obviously this kind of scumbag will not change! I went to the prenatal check-up with a heavy heart. The doctor told me that he had detected signs of an ectopic pregnancy and that he had to terminate the pregnancy immediately. I burst into tears, thinking that having a baby would save my marriage, but now I have lost that hope.

I called Li Lei a few times, but he didn't answer. I had to go to the hospital alone for an abortion and lost my baby. During this time, I was physically and mentally exhausted, and I lay in bed all day and shed tears. Li Lei, a negative man, has not come home to see me until now.

Until one day, a phone rang, and I picked it up and heard a woman's voice: "Hey, Li Lei is working late in our company, let him bring you a message." ”

"What's going on with your company?" I was amazed.

The woman sneered twice: "Oh, in fact, Li Lei has been helping out in our small company recently, so you may be a little misunderstood." Others are very good, I hope your family will stop quarreling!"

I suddenly realized that the woman was a junior employee of their company! I remembered how Li Lei looked when he broke up with me before, and I regretted my recklessness very much.

I hurriedly took a taxi to Li Lei's company. As soon as I entered the door and saw his haggard appearance, my heart was broken. When Li Lei saw me coming, he hugged me and cried without saying a word: "Meimei, I'm sorry, it's all my fault!"

It wasn't until recently that Li Lei finally mustered up the courage and said to me, is it okay for us to have another child. I reddened with excitement and nodded vigorously. I believe that this time, we will definitely get through all the ups and downs and never let go.

I, a 30-year-old leftover girl, was introduced by a relative to go on a blind date, and was asked an embarrassing question by a man