
The world's first supernatural photo!

author:Little Shadow Time

In the 19th century, there was an American photographer named William H. Mumler, who photographed not only living people, but also "souls"!

The story begins in 1862. Mumler was originally an ordinary person who loved photography. One day, he noticed that he had taken a photo with a blurry figure that he had never taken before.

Mumler thought it must be the "soul", and he told everyone.

The world's first supernatural photo!

And guess what, as soon as the story spread, everyone was excited. At that time, the United States had just experienced the Civil War, and many people had lost loved ones. Mumler's "soul photo" gave them a glimmer of hope, and everyone wanted to take photos to "reunite" with their deceased loved ones.

Mumler soon opened a shop specializing in "soul photography" and it became a huge hit. His wife, Hannah Mumler, is a psychic in her own right, and she assists Mumler's business as well as her own business.

Mumler's most famous photograph is the "soul" of Mary Todd Lincoln and her husband Abraham Lincoln, who in this case is the President of the United States, Lincoln.

The world's first supernatural photo!

Some experts have analyzed his photographs, but they have not found any evidence of falsification.

There was also a photograph of the famous master of the psychic master Herold, taken in 1872, which was finally advertised in the Journal of Philosophy of Religion on August 24 of the same year.

The world's first supernatural photo!

Of course, there are many people who don't believe it, especially scientists. They believe that Mumler must have used some kind of photographic technique to make fake photos.

However, Mumler's supporters don't care about that, they just believe it.

The world's first supernatural photo!

Mumler was later taken to court on suspicion of fraud. At the time of the trial, there were people who believed in him on one side, and experts who wanted to prove his fraud on the other.

As a result, although Mumler was acquitted because the prosecution had no way to prove that the photos were faked, his reputation was also greatly affected, and his soul photography could not be done, and he made a living by washing photos.

The world's first supernatural photo!

In fact, Mumler used what is now known as the double exposure technique, a technique in which two shots were taken on the same film, and without moving the film, the subject of the second shot would appear as translucent, creating a ghostly effect.

Later, he invented a method that made photoelectric copper plates easier to make and print, known as the "Mumler process", which was widely used in photo studios and newspaper printing in the late 19th century.

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