
Xiaopeng's public relations director responded to "catch up with the media": He has always been tactful and has no intention of opposing the media

author:IT House

IT Home reported on December 15 that during NIO's 2023 media face-to-face event yesterday, an on-site media person posted a post complaining about Xiaopeng in the circle of friends: "Compared with Xiaopeng who drove reporters out of the venue at the Guangzhou Auto Show, Weilai is at least more open and friendly, Li Bin arrived at the venue early and shook hands with everyone one by one." ”

And Xu Jing, the public relations director of Xiaopeng, also posted a "reply" in the circle of friends: "Please tell this teacher, I haven't invited him to any interview, after all, I can't even read the financial report." ”

Xiaopeng's public relations director responded to "catch up with the media": He has always been tactful and has no intention of opposing the media

According to Sanyan Pro, a little later, Xu Jing further explained in the WeChat group that she "is indeed revealing her true feelings" and has never been a sleek publicist. He said that he had no intention of antagonizing media people, and there was no "intimidating" behavior. The media went to the special session of the investor IR of the auto show that day, and the PR was not responsible, and he "didn't know" about the situation of him being kicked out by the IR.

Xiaopeng's public relations director responded to "catch up with the media": He has always been tactful and has no intention of opposing the media

In addition, the public relations also commented on the content of other media personalities' circle of friends, and the media "pretended to be an investor" to go in and record it.

Xiaopeng's public relations director responded to "catch up with the media": He has always been tactful and has no intention of opposing the media

IT Home inquired and learned that the car blogger "Unserious Clara" disclosed more details: "During the special session of investor communication with Xiaopeng Motors, a media teacher mixed in, not only reported himself to his home when he asked questions, saying that he was the media, but also opened a recording, you are not invited out on the spot, who is invited out on the spot." ”

Xiaopeng's public relations director responded to "catch up with the media": He has always been tactful and has no intention of opposing the media