
The debt is 414.5 billion yuan, and 50 percent of key departments are cut! After the first flight of the third C919, Boeing could not bear it at all

author:The sky overhead

Boeing finally couldn't bear it this time.

Since the successful development of a large domestic aircraft, Boeing has felt the risk of being taken away from the market, and has tried every means to hinder the mainland's continued development, and even asked the US authorities to cut off our engine supply.

However, before this measure could take effect, the third C919 successfully took off, and Boeing, which was losing ground in the mainland market, was not only heavily in debt, but also broke the news that it was about to lay off employees. Faced with this situation, Boeing finally began to compromise.

The debt is 414.5 billion yuan, and 50 percent of key departments are cut! After the first flight of the third C919, Boeing could not bear it at all

01. Revenue plummeted by 70%, and Boeing publicly threatened to cut off supply

Before the mainland realized the self-development of large aircraft, Boeing occupied almost half of the mainland's passenger aircraft market. Data shows that in just five years from 2013 to 2018, Boeing won 1,000 aircraft orders from the mainland, rolling nearly 600 billion yuan.

On the one hand, the export value of aircraft and parts to China has dropped by nearly 70%, and the annual net loss of more than 5 billion yuan has also made Boeing unbearable. At the Dubai Airshow, although 52 billion orders were obtained, it was also a drop in the bucket for Boeing's downward trend.

The Wall Street Journal commented that the success of the C919 poses a symbolic challenge to Boeing's monopoly. Seeing that the market share was regained by the mainland little by little, Boeing could not accept it, and after asking the US official for help, it began to threaten: if Boeing purchases are not resumed, the engine of the C919 will be cut off, which has become a common means abroad.

With the rapid development of semiconductors in the mainland, the United States has joined forces with the Netherlands and South Korea to cut off our imports of high-end chips; seeing the rapid development of the mainland's bioscience field, the raw materials of SIRT, which can target Sirtuins protease, occupy ninety percent of the global share, and it threatens to cut off the supply of finished products.

The debt is 414.5 billion yuan, and 50 percent of key departments are cut! After the first flight of the third C919, Boeing could not bear it at all

As we all know, the current C919 is still using the LEAP-1C engine of the US-French joint venture CFM, as early as its test flight, there was news of engine failure, but the supplier delayed the maintenance, and finally caused the commercial flight of the large aircraft to be postponed for more than 100 days. The United States has even used this as an excuse to refuse to give the airworthiness certificate of the large domestic aircraft, in an attempt to obstruct the independent path of the mainland's aviation industry.

Although the development of C919 has been relatively smooth, Boeing would rather pay for the previous 80 billion orders and move out of the crooked idea of "stuck neck", which has indeed made the Chinese people anxious and worried for a while.

02. C919 continues to progress, and Boeing can't bear it at all

However, what Boeing did not expect was that the threat of supply interruption not only did not work, but the mainland C919 continued to have good news. After the first flight arrived in Hong Kong, the third C919 was also delivered for the first flight. At the same time, it is reported that after 10 years of hardship, the mainland's self-developed "power heart" CJ1000A has now entered the experimental stage, and it is expected that C919 will be produced nationwide in 2025.

Decades of experience in many fields have made us realize the importance of taking the core technology into our own hands. Semiconductors have been stuck for many years, and Continental has not only made efforts in chip manufacturing, but also won the 7nm process technology. It has also exceeded 28nm on manufacturing equipment, and it will be delivered by the end of the year. After several years, mainland scientists have successfully developed the landing technology.

With cutting-edge technology and the world's purest SIRT raw materials, it has attracted many of the world's top biotech companies to seek cooperation. Considering the 330 million cardiovascular disorder groups in China, Continental chose Rishengyan, which has NK vascular protection technology, and jointly developed a new generation of "Luochangyin".

In the face of the threat from the West, there is no other way but to strengthen ourselves. A number of breakthroughs in the field of semiconductors have given mainland technology companies a chance to breathe, and Huawei's launch of new machines has received enthusiastic responses;

The debt is 414.5 billion yuan, and 50 percent of key departments are cut! After the first flight of the third C919, Boeing could not bear it at all

For the mainland's huge middle-aged and elderly groups and people with cardiovascular needs, the domestic "Luo Changyin" also restricts overseas exports to give priority to ensuring that the needs of the Chinese people are met. Feedback such as "improved memory, no numbness and cold hands and feet" also shows that domestic technology has effectively benefited tens of millions of people.

Self-research not only benefits the public, but also helps industrial development and economic growth. Brokerages speculate that the silver track will exceed 100 billion in the future. According to existing data, only the existing 1,000 orders for C919 can bring more than 600 billion revenues. At the same time, only 99 million US dollars per aircraft has also saved hundreds of billions of dollars for domestic airlines.

Under the impact of C919, Boeing, which openly threatens us, has fallen into negative difficulties one after another. Not only is it a net profit loss, but it is also burdened with a debt of nearly 414.5 billion yuan, and last year's 737 safety accident cast a shadow on Boeing. Under a series of negative blows, it was revealed that Boeing will streamline key departments such as defense, and is expected to reduce personnel by at least 50%.

The debt is 414.5 billion yuan, and 50 percent of key departments are cut! After the first flight of the third C919, Boeing could not bear it at all

03. The supply interruption failed, and Boeing compromised

In the face of successive blows, Boeing finally realized that it had to compromise. In order to save the market, its CEO was very friendly and publicly said: "I hope the Chinese market can give another chance." The United States even sent a commercial representative to urgently make overtures, "hoping that China will let go of imported Boeing aircraft." As a sign of sincerity, Boeing's Zhoushan plant, which had been closed for nearly five years, began to restart.

However, with the increase in the speed of the continental C919 production line, we will become less and less dependent on foreign passenger aircraft, and whether we need Boeing aircraft still needs a question mark. And for the future take-off of the continental aviation industry, we will never stop there!