
Battle of Dinh Ho Mountain: The 41st Army surrounded the Vietnamese army for 70 days, the Vietnamese army collapsed and shot the officers, and the politicians surrendered

author:The blood moonlight is sultry Q

Title: The Battle of Tinghao Mountain in 1978: A Historical Chapter of the People's Liberation Army's Outwitted Victory

Battle of Dinh Ho Mountain: The 41st Army surrounded the Vietnamese army for 70 days, the Vietnamese army collapsed and shot the officers, and the politicians surrendered

Introduction: In the long history of history, every battle has its own unique story. Today, we look back at a key battle that took place in Tinghao Mountain in 1978, which was not only a military contest, but also a brilliant display of wisdom and strategy. Through an in-depth analysis of the tactical choices at the time, the terrain advantages, and the accurate grasp of the psychology and strength of both the enemy and the enemy, we can better understand how the PLA skillfully used the tactics of encircling but not fighting to achieve the final victory.

Battle of Dinh Ho Mountain: The 41st Army surrounded the Vietnamese army for 70 days, the Vietnamese army collapsed and shot the officers, and the politicians surrendered

Text: On an early morning in 1978, a tense and oppressive atmosphere permeated the surroundings of Tinghao Mountain. The two armies confronted each other, making eye contact. Although there are few descriptions of this battle on the pages of history books, every second that took place on Tinghao Mountain that year was full of strategy and courage.

Battle of Dinh Ho Mountain: The 41st Army surrounded the Vietnamese army for 70 days, the Vietnamese army collapsed and shot the officers, and the politicians surrendered

According to the "VIP" data, the PLA mobilized thousands of officers and soldiers in this campaign and developed a detailed battle plan. The time is scheduled to launch an offensive around dawn to achieve the effect of a surprise attack. However, when everyone expected a fierce exchange of fire, the PLA adopted a surprising siege tactic.

Battle of Dinh Ho Mountain: The 41st Army surrounded the Vietnamese army for 70 days, the Vietnamese army collapsed and shot the officers, and the politicians surrendered

This strategy not only demonstrates the ability to deeply understand and control the enemy's psychological state, but also demonstrates the excellent use of one's own strength and terrain. The terrain of Tinghao Mountain is complex and steep, and the south provides a natural barrier for the main direction of attack. The PLA placed its main forces in the south and confused the Vietnamese army by feigning attacks for several days in a row.

Battle of Dinh Ho Mountain: The 41st Army surrounded the Vietnamese army for 70 days, the Vietnamese army collapsed and shot the officers, and the politicians surrendered

Contradictions and unrest arose within the Vietnamese army because of the lack of a real exchange of fire for several days. According to the recollections of those who took part in the battle at the time, there were various speculations and rumors among the Vietnamese soldiers, who had different views on whether they should hold their positions or not. These internal differences have undoubtedly weakened the effectiveness and morale of the Vietnamese army.

Battle of Dinh Ho Mountain: The 41st Army surrounded the Vietnamese army for 70 days, the Vietnamese army collapsed and shot the officers, and the politicians surrendered

After several days of tense stalemate, the PLA quickly adjusted its battle plan and launched a surprise attack overnight when the Vietnamese army began to run out of supplies and demoralize. This lightning-fast operation completely upended the Vietnamese army's expectations of the effectiveness of its construction, and eventually led to the collapse of its defensive line.

Battle of Dinh Ho Mountain: The 41st Army surrounded the Vietnamese army for 70 days, the Vietnamese army collapsed and shot the officers, and the politicians surrendered

The Battle of Tinghao Mountain finally ended in victory in the construction of the People's Liberation Army and left a deep mark in history. It proves the importance of the correct use of psychological tactics, terrain superiority, and flexible battle planning.

Battle of Dinh Ho Mountain: The 41st Army surrounded the Vietnamese army for 70 days, the Vietnamese army collapsed and shot the officers, and the politicians surrendered

Summary: When we look back at historical events, we can always draw wisdom and inspiration from them. The Battle of Tinghao Mountain in 1978 is one such example – it shows how to win the ultimate victory through precise calculations, strategic layout, and psychological games. This historical event, which takes encirclement but not fighting as the core element, highlights the wisdom and courage of the PLA's construction, and considers the attitude of the enemy and the great impact of the choice of terrain, which is worthy of each of us to think about and learn Xi.

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