
Abolish the security company: the unit factory and mine directly recruit security guards: it is truly fair and legal!

author:Happy Steamer LoE

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In today's society, the security industry plays an indispensable role as an important force in maintaining public order and ensuring social tranquility. However, many security positions are currently recruited and serviced by security companies, a model that raises a range of doubts about fairness and legitimacy. In this regard, abolishing security companies and allowing units to directly recruit security guards in factories and mines will not only help achieve real fairness, but also be a legitimate path to reform.

Abolish the security company: the unit factory and mine directly recruit security guards: it is truly fair and legal!

First of all, the direct recruitment of security guards in factories and mines is conducive to ensuring a fair remuneration system. Under the traditional security company system, the company, acting as an intermediary, will take a part of the security guard's salary as a service fee. This not only leads to an unfair distribution of security salaries, but also makes the grassroots security guards who are truly responsible for security often not get due rewards. The abolition of security companies and the direct recruitment of security guards by units can make pay standards more fairly and ensure that security guards are paid as they deserve.

Abolish the security company: the unit factory and mine directly recruit security guards: it is truly fair and legal!

Secondly, the elimination of security companies has helped to improve the quality of security services. In the traditional security company system, because the company wants to maximize profits, there are often problems in recruitment, training and management, resulting in the overall quality of the security team is not high. The direct recruitment of security guards in the unit's factories and mines can focus more on improving the quality of security guards and formulating more scientific training plans, so as to improve the overall service level and ensure the safety within the unit.

Abolish the security company: the unit factory and mine directly recruit security guards: it is truly fair and legal!

In addition, the direct recruitment of security guards in factories and mines is conducive to the establishment of a closer relationship between employees and employers. In the traditional security company model, the connection between security guards and employers is often blocked by intermediate links, resulting in poor information transmission and inconvenient communication. If the employer can directly recruit security guards, the connection between employers and employees will be stronger, which will help to establish a better working relationship and increase the sense of engagement of employees.

Abolish the security company: the unit factory and mine directly recruit security guards: it is truly fair and legal!

Finally, the abolition of the security company system can help reduce the cost of employment. As an intermediary, the security company needs to take a certain service fee from the salary of the security guard, which increases the cost of employment. If the employer can directly recruit security guards, it can avoid this intermediate link, thereby reducing the cost of employment, so that the employer can allocate resources more reasonably and improve the overall efficiency.

Abolish the security company: the unit factory and mine directly recruit security guards: it is truly fair and legal!

To sum up, abolishing security companies and allowing units to directly recruit security guards in factories and mines will not only help achieve real fairness, but also be a legitimate path of reform. Such reforms will help build a healthier, more efficient and fairer security system, and move the security industry towards a more sustainable development.