
Millions of fans! Oriental Selection stopped broadcasting and thought about it behind closed doors

Millions of fans! Oriental Selection stopped broadcasting and thought about it behind closed doors

The successive apologies of Yu Minhong and Sun Dongxu seem to have settled the dust of a "small composition", but the aftermath of this incident to Dongfang Selection is far from over.

In contrast, Gao Tu and Good Future, which are also competitors, seem to have seen the "spring" in advance in the cold wave in December.

Millions of fans! Oriental Selection stopped broadcasting and thought about it behind closed doors


Internal contradictions are exposed

    Oriental selection is afraid of being "poached"?

On the surface, this seems to be a dispute between the anchor in front of the stage and the team behind the scenes, but in fact, it exposes the defects of Dongfang Selection's internal management.

"Whether it is an MCN organization or other company, some of its data or information is not suitable for disclosure to the public, but only suitable for internal circulation. If this information is disclosed without authorization, it may have a negative impact on the company. Chen Tao, a senior analyst of Analysys circulation industry, told Zhongxin Finance that whether it is the editor of Oriental Selection to "compete for merit" and disclose the copywriting process without authorization, or Sun Dongxu, CEO of Oriental Selection, to explain that Dong Yuhui was not "bullied" and disclosed Dong Yuhui's salary without authorization, it is not in line with the company's management.

Millions of fans! Oriental Selection stopped broadcasting and thought about it behind closed doors


On the 14th, Yu Minhong appeared to officially respond to "Small

Composition "Event

In addition, the lack of mature public relations measures has also become the key to the escalation of the incident. "Many companies had some public relations plans before the crisis, but this incident can clearly see that the preparation of Dongfang Selection's public relations plan is not sufficient, or even none, so that when the incident ferments, appropriate response measures are not taken at the first time, which ultimately makes the negative emotions of netizens more and more great. Chen Tao said.

In addition to the company's management, the "de-Dong Yuhui" questioned by netizens is also a problem that Dongfang Selection must face more carefully. In recent years, the head anchor has frequently overturned on various issues, and "putting eggs in different baskets" has become a common choice for MCN companies. Whether it is the beautiful wrist behind Li Jiaqi, Brother Xiao Yang's three sheep, or Simba's Xin Xuan, they all strive to create a live broadcast matrix to reduce the risks caused by relying on a single head anchor.

Although Dongfang Selection and Dong Yuhui were deeply bound in last year's popularity, they also faced this problem. "Matrixing" is an unavoidable trend for MCN institutions, but Dong Yuhui's personal account is close to half of the number of fans of Dongfang Selection, which also shows Dong Yuhui's influence in Dongfang Selection. How to balance these two in development still needs to be explored slowly for Dongfang Selection, which has been established for less than two years.

Zhongxin Finance noticed that many netizens are currently taking the initiative to find a home for Dong Yuhui, but all parties are more cautious. Zhang Lan said, "It's too difficult for companies to cultivate individual talents, don't make a fool of yourself." Gaotu CEO said, "Don't say take the initiative to dig Dong Yuhui, even if you have such a thought, it is not something that people should do." Brother Xiao Yang said: "How is it possible to dig Dong Yuhui?" Don't say anything about digging, which company doesn't want it, he is a talent among talents, I admire him, many people admire him. Luo Yonghao said that "Make a Friend" currently has no intention of digging Dong Yuhui, Dong Yuhui's success is definitely not replicable, and encouraged Dong Yuhui to start his own business.

In addition, there is news on the Internet that the vice president of human resources of Jingdong has gone to Shaanxi to recruit Dong Yuhui with Liu Qiangdong's autograph, and the talks are going well, and it is very likely to go to Jingdong. However, according to the Securities Times, Dong Yuhui said in response to the rumors: "It is not true, and I have not contacted any company at present."


 Oriental selection loses traffic

 Gaotu and a good future "pick up leaks"

Regarding the contradictions exposed by the "small composition", Yu Minhong made a round for all parties in his response: "The average age of the company's members is only in their twenties, and they are still very young. ”

However, netizens seem to can't wait for Dongfang Selection to "make amends", and after many responses, the traffic accumulated by Dongfang Selection is still leaving, which also makes friends and businessmen Gaotu and Good Future "rub" a wave of popularity.

Out of dissatisfaction with Dongfang Selection, a group of netizens flocked to Dongfang Selection's "remake" competitors - Gaotu Gaotu Jiapin and Good Future Scholar Youpin live broadcast room, constantly swiping the screen and saying that Dongfang Selection was not worthy of Dong Yuhui, and even shouted to ask Dong Yuhui to be "poached".

Third-party data shows that on the night of the 11th, a total of 600,000 people poured into the live broadcast room of Gaotu Jiapin. On the 12th, Chen Xiangdong, the founder of Gaotu, appeared in the live broadcast room of Gaotu Jiapin, and responded to netizens' "digging people" remarks: "Dong Yuhui is not used to dig, Dong Yuhui is used to love." His clever statement made the number of viewers in the live broadcast room of Gaotu Jiapin unprecedentedly high.

Millions of fans! Oriental Selection stopped broadcasting and thought about it behind closed doors

On the evening of the 14th, Chen Xiangdong posted a screenshot of the live broadcast of 100,000+ people online at the same time on Weibo, and called it a "miracle", and the highest number of online people in the live broadcast room in a single day that night was finally nearly 180,000.

Screenshot from Chen Xiangdong's Weibo.

On the evening of the 14th, Chen Xiangdong posted a screenshot of the live broadcast of 100,000+ people online at the same time on Weibo, and said that it was a "miracle". That night, the cumulative sales of the live broadcast room in a single day were 11.8 million, the final data of the highest number of online people in the live broadcast room in a single day was nearly 180,000, the cumulative order volume in the live broadcast room in a single day was nearly 220,000, and the number of viewers in the live broadcast room in a single day was 13.55 million.

In just a few days, the number of fans in the live broadcast room of Gaotu Jiapin soared from 320,000 to 1.8 million, and the single-day sales also increased by 100 times, and the stock price rose sharply.

At the same time, Scholar Youpin, which is a little slower in terms of popularity, also welcomed 10,000 people online on the 14th, and the official account of its live broadcast platform also spoke out of thanks.


Can Gaotu and a good future usher in a "second spring"?

In the crisis of Oriental selection, can Gaotu and Good Future catch the "pouring wealth" and usher in the "second spring"?

In this regard, Chen Tao believes that whether the impact of the "small composition" turmoil on the major live broadcast rooms is long-term or short-term remains to be observed for a long time.

"We can't prove the success of a company's business strategy in the near future based on how many fans have increased in which live broadcast room and how many fans have lost in which live broadcast room in a short period of time. From the perspective of live streaming, the sustainability of the platform's live broadcast room depends not only on the number of fans, but also on the activity and loyalty of fans, the conversion rate and repurchase rate of the live broadcast room, and other indicators. He said.

Luo Yonghao said in the live broadcast on the 15th that if Dong Yuhui leaves the industry, Dongfang Selection's traffic will decay and will not collapse. He said that the "Oriental Selection" live broadcast room can still maintain basic traffic, just because Dong Yuhui has not left and gone to a competing company. He said that if the leadership of Dongfang Selection misjudged the incident, "it would have died a particularly tragic death."

Millions of fans! Oriental Selection stopped broadcasting and thought about it behind closed doors

When the Oriental Selection became popular in 2022, Dong Yuhui was broadcasting live.

Screenshot from the live broadcast room of Oriental Selection

Looking back on the popularity of Dongfang Selection last year, although the unconventional "knowledge-based live broadcast" has made Dongfang Selection a clear stream of homogeneous live broadcast rooms, its coincidence, "the right time, place and people" still cannot be ignored.

At that time, Douyin's "first brother" Luo Yonghao withdrew from the live broadcast, and Douyin, which was in urgent need of fresh head traffic, created a "heavenly time" for it;At the same time, Douyin, which is making efforts in e-commerce, provides highly sticky users for Dongfang Selection, which can be described as "geographically advantageous";Coupled with the unique "knowledge with goods" and the "feelings" card of a group of New Oriental teachers, it finally achieved "harmony" and also brought out Dong Yuhui.

At the same time, Dongfang Selection, which is one step ahead of the explosion, has also prepared earlier and gone further in terms of multi-category and supply chain, while Gaotu Jiapin and Jiayoupin live broadcast categories are still dominated by agricultural and sideline products and books.

Compared with the original Oriental Selection, it is still unknown whether the live broadcast room of education and training, which can be called a pixel-level imitation, can seize the opportunity, gather three cards at the same time, and reproduce a "Dong Yuhui".



Editor-in-charge: Song Fangcan

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