
Dongfang selected the anchor Tianquan to apologize for his radical remarks: he didn't control his emotions and lacked the basic literacy of the anchor He will be deeply reviewed

Dongfang selected the anchor Tianquan to apologize for his radical remarks: he didn't control his emotions and lacked the basic literacy of the anchor He will be deeply reviewed

On the afternoon of December 16, three months after Dongfang Selection announced that it would stop broadcasting the anchor Tianquan due to inappropriate remarks in the live broadcast room. The anchor Tianquan recorded a video to apologize, saying that some of his radical remarks and inappropriate actions in the live broadcast room the night before made netizens have an unpleasant shopping experience, as an anchor, he did not control his emotions and lacked the basic literacy of the anchor, for which he blamed himself very much, apologized solemnly to everyone, and accepted everyone's criticism. "I regret my actions yesterday very much, and I will conduct a deep review myself. ”

Dongfang selected the anchor Tianquan to apologize for his radical remarks: he didn't control his emotions and lacked the basic literacy of the anchor He will be deeply reviewed

Tianquan said that as an anchor, he should make a relaxed and useful extension with his professional ability, and interact with netizens in the comment area in a friendly manner, but he was really out of control on the evening of the 15th. As an anchor, he should guide in time to create a good live broadcast atmosphere, but as a father, he hopes that his family and children can stay away from unfriendly voices, and he doesn't want anyone to attack them with vicious words. "I have no intention of offending the majority of netizens, and I will continue to self-criticize. ”

Dongfang selected the anchor Tianquan to apologize for his radical remarks: he didn't control his emotions and lacked the basic literacy of the anchor He will be deeply reviewed

In the video, Tianquan apologized twice and bowed to netizens. At the same time, he said that he hoped that everyone would work together to create a good network environment.

(Beijing Youth Daily reporter Dai Youqing)

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