
Madagascar: Africa's only yellow country, but the per capita GDP of the tourist mecca is the lowest in the world

author:MayHo wonderful

When you think of Africa, you probably think of blacks, lions, pyramids, and so on. But did you know that there is another country in Africa that has a population of yellow people. That country is Madagascar, a large island nation located in the Indian Ocean. Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world and the largest in Africa. It is rich in natural resources and biodiversity, and is known as the "Zoo of God" and the "Island of Life".

But Madagascar is also a poor and backward country, with the fourth-lowest GDP per capita in the world at $420. Why is it that such a country with so many advantages cannot get rid of the predicament of poverty?

Madagascar: Africa's only yellow country, but the per capita GDP of the tourist mecca is the lowest in the world

History: The Legacy of Colonialism

The history of Madagascar is a tragedy whose fate was changed by colonialism. In the 16th century, Europeans became interested in Madagascar, using it as a base for trade and piracy, while also plundering and enslaving the island's population and resources. In the 19th century, the French began to colonize Madagascar, they forcibly overthrew the kingdom on the island, established a colonial government, and deprived the Malagasy people of their land, rights, and culture. French rule over Madagascar lasted for more than 60 years, and it was not until 1960 that Madagascar gained its independence.

Madagascar: Africa's only yellow country, but the per capita GDP of the tourist mecca is the lowest in the world

However, the effects of colonialism did not disappear with independence, and it left a deep wound and problem for Madagascar. For example, the French established an unequal social structure in Madagascar, which led to class, ethnic, and regional divisions and antagonisms. The French also introduced exotic crops and animals to Madagascar, disrupting the island's ecological balance and leading to land degradation and species extinction.

The French also intensified their efforts to promote French and Christianity in Madagascar, weakening the native language and beliefs of the Malagasy people, causing cultural loss and conflict. These historical legacies have plagued Madagascar's development and made it difficult for it to achieve harmony and progress.

Madagascar: Africa's only yellow country, but the per capita GDP of the tourist mecca is the lowest in the world

Economy: The dilemma of monolithic and backwardness

Madagascar's economy is a tragedy, its prosperity is limited by singularity and backwardness. The structure of Madagascar's economy is very homogeneous and dependent, relying mainly on agriculture and tourism, while lacking industry and services, which leads to a fragile and unbalanced economy. Madagascar's economy is very low and backward, its per capita GDP is only 420 US dollars, the fourth lowest in the world, and its population poverty rate is as high as 75%, the highest in Africa, resulting in economic poverty and underdevelopment.

Madagascar: Africa's only yellow country, but the per capita GDP of the tourist mecca is the lowest in the world

The economic environment of Madagascar is very harsh and unfavorable, it has been affected by natural disasters, disease epidemics, international sanctions, etc., and at the same time, it has also lacked the support of infrastructure, human capital, market mechanisms, etc., which has led to economic difficulties and instability. These economic difficulties have always constrained Madagascar's development, making it difficult for it to achieve prosperity and modernization.


Madagascar is a country with a unique charm that amazes and admires its people, landscapes and animals. But Madagascar is also a country with deep problems, both a history and an economy that is both worrying and sympathetic.