
It is difficult for a pure good person to get ahead, it is difficult to climb up from the bottom, and it is difficult to become a superior person

author:The lion reads

Li Ao, a well-known Taiwanese writer and social critic, once said: "It is difficult for a pure good person to get ahead, it is difficult to climb up from the bottom, and it is difficult to become a superior person." This sentence still has strong practical significance in today's society.

It is difficult for a pure good person to get ahead, it is difficult to climb up from the bottom, and it is difficult to become a superior person

From an early age, we are taught to be a kind person, to follow the rules, to be honest and trustworthy. However, when we go out into society, we will find that the reality is very different from the education we have received. Sometimes, we see some unscrupulous and scheming people who succeed in society, while those who are sincere and kind are often hurt.

This phenomenon begs the question: is there something wrong with our education, and why are we always taught to be good people, but in real life, good people often don't get good rewards?

It is difficult for a pure good person to get ahead, it is difficult to climb up from the bottom, and it is difficult to become a superior person

First, we need to recognize that the real world is a complex ecosystem of people and things. In this system, good and evil are not absolute opposites, but are intertwined and mutually influential. Sometimes, a person may resort to some not-so-bright means in order to achieve their goals. This does not mean that they are the bad guys, but that they have compromised in the face of reality.

Second, we need to understand that kindness does not equal weakness. A kind person can have strong beliefs and a strong heart. In the face of difficulties and challenges, they can stick to their principles and remain unmoved by interests. This kind of kindness is the real kindness, not blindly giving in and compromising.

It is difficult for a pure good person to get ahead, it is difficult to climb up from the bottom, and it is difficult to become a superior person

In addition, we need to recognize that kindness is not a passive wait. A kind person should learn to take the initiative to care for others and help others. Only in this way can kindness become a force that can truly change the world.

So, how do you stay kind in real life? Here are some suggestions:

1. Stick to your principles. In the face of temptation and pressure, we must be firm in our beliefs and not be moved by profits. Only in this way can we remain good in reality.

2. Learn to say no. In real life, we have to learn to refuse those unreasonable demands and not go against our own principles in order to please others.

3. Have the courage to take responsibility. When we see others in need, we need to be brave enough to step up and lend a helping hand. In this way, we can make kindness a force.

It is difficult for a pure good person to get ahead, it is difficult to climb up from the bottom, and it is difficult to become a superior person

4. Pay attention to social issues. We need to pay attention to the injustices and injustices in our society and use our power to change them. In this way, we can truly realize the power of good.

5. Develop empathy. We need to learn to think from the perspective of others and care about their feelings. In this way, we can better understand and relate to others.

In conclusion, while good people in real life can be harmed, it doesn't mean we should give up on kindness. On the contrary, we should insist on kindness and let kindness become a force to change the world.

It is difficult for a pure good person to get ahead, it is difficult to climb up from the bottom, and it is difficult to become a superior person

In this process, we must learn to adapt to reality, but at the same time, we must maintain our original intention. We must believe that as long as we insist on goodness, one day, good will triumph over evil, and justice will triumph over injustice. And those who have been hurt by kindness will also be duly rewarded.