
Let's tell the truth: middle-class children are the hardest to make a lot of money......

Let's tell the truth: middle-class children are the hardest to make a lot of money......

Hello everyone, I'm Uncle Blanket.

As a blogger who makes money, I not only love research to make money, but also love people who make money by research.

So over the years, whenever various rich lists are released, I have to study the lives of the rich from beginning to end.

After the release of the "Hurun Report 2023 China High-net-Worth Families Cash Flow Management Report" a while ago, I have analyzed the characteristics of China's high-net-worth families.

But the more I researched, the more I found a peculiar phenomenon:

If you look at the rich people on the rich list, or the rich people around us who are financially free, they are always either from wealthy families or from poor backgrounds, but there are very few people from the middle class.

In other words, it can be inferred like this:

Most middle-class children have a hard time making a lot of money.

Let's tell the truth: middle-class children are the hardest to make a lot of money......

Source: Internet

Why is this happening?

Is it because they don't have a high IQ, because they don't have enough education, or because they're not hardworking enough?


Even I can responsibly say that the middle class is the most intelligent, educated, and hardworking of the three classes.

So what is it that blocks the way for middle-class children to get rich?

In my opinion, there are actually only four words, the so-called -

Middle-class thinking.

Let's tell the truth: middle-class children are the hardest to make a lot of money......

Middle-class thinking, here I specifically refer to, is a unique way of thinking Xi by children from middle-class families because of the influence of their original family and social environment.

Is this way of thinking good? Of course, it has its shining points.

For example, conscientious, persistent, independent, willing to endure hardships, good communication with people and things, and gentle personality......

These shining points have made many middle-class children become good people in everyone's eyes: good grades, good ability, good family background, good personality, and good looks.

But it is these nice shining points, when they want to take another step up, that become their stumbling block and prevent them from making more money.

For example, have you noticed that in your company, colleagues who work well and perform well generally have a good family background?

They are the best students in school, the best employees at work, and even the right men of their immediate bosses. They are proficient in business, obedient to the boss, and can always carry out the work assigned by the leader.

Many of these people can successfully rise to the middle level, but it is difficult to rise again, and even if some people rise, they rely more on the metabolism of the organization and "boiling" step by step, and few people can produce the qualitative changes in wealth that we often see in wealth reports.

What is the reason?

They focus too much on things and ignore people.

Let's tell the truth: middle-class children are the hardest to make a lot of money......

Source: Internet

In their work, they believe in putting things first, and that the work that can be done alone will never trouble others, and they usually always work hard and focus on execution, and rarely dig into the essence of the matter.

In the interaction with colleagues, they also advocate the friendship of gentlemen is as light as water, and they fight alone to become heroes, but they don't realize that when you reach a certain stage of life, you want to do something important and rise to some key positions, what is the most important thing?

It's people.

In this society, the children of the wealthy class have followed their parents to contact people since they were young, and the business situation is frequent, and all kinds of troublesome things that their parents have to deal with are made for them to know from an early age, find key people, and use the importance of politics.

Children from low-income families know that their families can provide limited resources from an early age, and their dependence on their parents is not strong.

On the contrary, it is the children of the middle class, caught in the middle, who live the most screwed.

The starting point of their original family determines that they have relied on their parents everywhere since they were young, so from birth to adulthood, all their worldviews and ways of doing things come from their parents.

It's a pity that their parents did their best to provide them with nothing more than their own successful experience back then. In today's society, there is simply no way to let children go further.

Therefore, you often see middle-class parents smashing pots and selling iron to send their children abroad for further study, insisting that their children study for master's and doctoral degrees, go to state-owned enterprises and civil servants after graduation, and wait for their children to finally enter the workplace.

The child did so, thinking that he could go all the way, and walked and walked, but found that the way up to make a lot of money was blocked.

Let's tell the truth: middle-class children are the hardest to make a lot of money......

Source: Internet

Who made this society, Carnegie said earlier, only 15% of a person's success depends on professional skills, and the remaining 85% depends on interpersonal relationships.

To become a top and become a leader, professionalism is very important, but more important than this has always been - influence.

And this is precisely where middle-class children are most lacking.

Let's tell the truth: middle-class children are the hardest to make a lot of money......

As I said earlier, because middle-class children always put things first, they take their feedback very seriously. The Prime Minister took it for granted that if I did a good job, I should be rewarded, and I should be rewarded immediately.

If the feedback doesn't come as they expected, or if it's not positive, the typical problem they are most likely to have is emotionality.

Why do I do so much and get so little?

Why did he do nothing, but the benefits were his?

Everything must be fair, and it must be clear, this kind of unbalanced psychology is most likely to recur in the middle class group.

And this also leads to the fact that the more critical the time, the more they can't stand it, play with emotions, completely lose control, and even slide to the other extreme, respond negatively, and produce resistance.

Therefore, middle-class children, the opportunity to make money is not impossible, but the real truth is that they always miss the opportunity themselves.

Why are you so emotional? It also has to do with the family background of the middle class.

Most middle-class families are actually spoiled by their children, mainly because they feel that their generation has suffered too much, so they do not let their children face any risks and challenges except for letting them "study hard and Xi".

Let's tell the truth: middle-class children are the hardest to make a lot of money......

Source: Internet

The limited family conditions also determine that they will not give their children everything casually, but when the children make trouble, they can't help it. This directly causes the mindset of middle-class children, who will cry and will have, but it really can't be done, and they will resort to emotions.

On the other hand, whether it is a child from a rich family or a poor family, they will not have this Xi, because poor children know that it is useless to cry, and they should be beaten if they cry again, and children from rich families do not lack anything at all, and they cannot cry.

On the other hand, these middle-class parents, who continue to pay for their children, have also been frustrating their children, setting difficult goals for their children, and comparing themselves with others everywhere.

Criticize any mistake of the child, indiscriminately, and imperceptibly pass on his anxiety in social competition to his children.

As a result of this parental split, the family is not rich enough to hold on to the middle class, but the children have become fragile self-esteem, emotional, frustrated, and tools that can only complete tasks.

Let's tell the truth: middle-class children are the hardest to make a lot of money......

Source: Internet

Honestly, this kind of emotionality and frustration very much affects a person's ceiling.

Because wealth is a reward for self-sacrifice and risk-taking.

And forbearance, perseverance, and perseverance have always been necessary qualities to become a wealthy class.

The world is destined to be full of injustice. If a person has poor emotional regulation ability, a negative attitude, and resistance everywhere, instead of thinking more about how to solve the problem, then he is destined to have a hard time going far and making a lot of money.

Let's tell the truth: middle-class children are the hardest to make a lot of money......

Another stumbling block to middle-class children's earnings, I think, is short-sightedness and stability.

Yes, it is the kind of short-sightedness that does not dare to take risks, does not dare to give it a go, and only wants to be stable in the present world, and deep down in the heart, only wants to be good for themselves, and whoever stands in the way will die.

I see this most in middle-class children.

Because for the children of the wealthy class, all roads lead to Rome, or even more excessively, some people were born in Rome, so they can be tossed according to their own ideals, and the probability of success is higher under the support of their parents. If you fail, it's a big deal to go home and inherit the family property and lose nothing.

As for the bottom class, if you want to carp and jump into the dragon gate, people who are poor and white must have great ambition and wolf nature. Therefore, anyone who makes a lot of money is a person who has a firm goal and is willing to gamble with all his net worth.

On the contrary, the middle class, which is in the sandwich layer of society, is the most embarrassed.

Their parents may have only come from an unknown small county town, or even a rural area, but through their own unremitting efforts (of course, they also caught the ride of the development of the times), graduated from prestigious universities, found high-paying jobs, obtained high socioeconomic status, and achieved a class jump.

Let's tell the truth: middle-class children are the hardest to make a lot of money......

Source: Internet

When they become parents, what worries them most in the face of slowing economic growth but increasingly fierce competition in Chinese society?

Yes, it is how to enable children to steadily inherit their education, occupation and status, join the elite group, and avoid downward social mobility.

There is no other way, the best choice is to work hard, so they always tell their children from an early age that excellence is a Xi, must not lag behind others, to take an elite route that the world is taking.

When such children grow up, they always like to compare the benefits they can see in front of them with their current situation, so as to draw a "solid conclusion" in the face of any opportunity with unknown results.

Because they can't allow themselves to deviate from the orthodox course of life at some point, and they can't afford to go down the wrong path and end up with nothing.

In one word: I can't afford to lose.

But in today's society, traditional occupations have long been solidified, and if you want to make a lot of money, the place with the most dividends is to start a business in an emerging field full of risks. And those seem smart in the short term.

But in the long run, the choices made by being attracted by short-term interests often make people regret it for the rest of their lives.

Let's tell the truth: middle-class children are the hardest to make a lot of money......

Source: Internet

In addition, wanting stability means competing for limited resources, so another problem that middle-class children are easy to breed is selfishness and coldness in the world.

I don't know if there is that kind of questioner in the class when you go to school, never show others his class notes, always sneak to the teacher's set of questions and don't tell others, if someone is sick and can't come during the exam, they will be there for a long time, glad that they finally put aside an opponent.

In their subconscious, they believe that the world's resources are scarce and must be obtained by grabbing, or even competing by unscrupulous means, which is actually the artificial reason why today's society is so involuted.

To be honest, this kind of thinking is not only a flaw in his character, which makes him unable to make friends and gain friendship, it can even be said that this is an instinctive short-sightedness, which will become a shortcoming in his life.

In the future, whenever he is faced with major life decisions such as investing in wealth, employment and marriage, he will inevitably choose the narrowest path, and eventually go further and further away from wealth.

Let's tell the truth: middle-class children are the hardest to make a lot of money......

To be honest, I am a middle-class child, and now I am also a typical middle-class child, and the character background of the middle-class children analyzed above is also a lot of contamination unconsciously by me.

In general, middle-class children are a very sad group.

Usually, when we think of the middle class, we often think of senior white-collar workers such as doctors, lawyers, and professors. But in fact, they are just high-level wage earners who do not monopolize the means of production and have no assets.

It's all hands and mouths, and they make as much money as they do. There is simply no capital to achieve financial freedom, early retirement.

In China, on the other hand, the line between the common and the middle class has always been very blurred. According to the research data of Professor Li Qiang of Tsinghua University, the proportion of China's upper class population is 5.62%, that of the middle class is 19.12%, and that of the lower class is 75.25%.

Let's tell the truth: middle-class children are the hardest to make a lot of money......

Source: Internet

Of the almost 20 percent of the middle class, 73 percent are in a state of transition and fringe that is close to the lower class.

In other words, more than seventy percent of the middle class is in danger of slipping down at all times.

So essentially, all the wrong formatting of children by middle-class parents is because of fear.

And the middle-class children who have grown up in this way have naturally become fate and curse if they can't make a lot of money.

But one thing we must know is that there is never a perfect family of origin in this world, even if it is misformatted, an adult has the responsibility to complete self-education.

How to educate yourself?

There are two things to know yourself: First, know where you are. Second, be clear about where you're going.

First of all, as a middle-class child, we must admit that our life is already good, and in a sense, we should be satisfied with ourselves and not too harsh.

Secondly, we must also clearly know where our shortcomings are, and we must plan how to correct our shortcomings step by step, such as thinking, putting people first, looking more at the essence, overcoming glass hearts, resisting pressure and frustration, and learning to delay gratification and look at everything with a long-term vision.

Strategically, you can also use high education to build a moat of famous schools, choose to work in industries that are difficult for children from poor families to enter, and not fight head-on with poor geniuses.

Finally, and most importantly, learn to look at everything dynamically. Don't just see your own efforts, in fact, many rich second generations work harder than you, and there are many poor children who are more eager for opportunities than you.

Let's tell the truth: middle-class children are the hardest to make a lot of money......

Source: Internet

This world is like this, everyone is in a hurry, poor families and the middle class are running desperately, they can ride bicycles, they can drive cars, and some people rely on their fast legs, desperately squeezing into the first subway, but as everyone knows, the real rich family is not that the car is faster than you, but that he doesn't have to go to work at all.

So, have an objective expectation of yourself, set a lower limit for yourself, and then on that basis, firmly take responsibility for yourself and pursue your upper limit.

I don't know if this ceiling will allow you to make a lot of money and be wealthy, but I'm sure that when you overcome the shortcomings of middle-class thinking, at least your life pattern has reached a higher level.

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