
"The Story of the Rich Turning Around": From 100 yuan to 1 million, I summarized 5 "rich formulas"



There is such a "documentary", which quickly won more than one million broadcasts on major platforms after its release, with a Douban score of 9.1.

Someone has learned the secret to growing wealth.

Some people see the way of thinking that distinguishes the superior from the ordinary person.

The main character in the story, Glenn, is a billionaire.

The program team designed a thrilling challenge for him:

Glenn must go incognito, in a strange city, and turn his fortune to $1 million in 3 months.

The only wealth he had at his disposal was a pickup truck and $100.

Although Glenn failed to challenge the final amount, he finally got a result that was very close to the goal.

Today, some scholars reviewed and sorted out the entire process of Glenn's entrepreneurship in the first season of "The Turnaround of the Rich Valley".

I believe that everyone will have a deeper understanding of wealth.

Objectives of Focus:

Fine splitting > lack of planning to make action effective

Let's first review the total process of Glenn's 3-month entrepreneurship:

1. Wealth accumulation stage:

In the first week, I will investigate local prices and continue to work, planning to earn enough $3,300 to ensure the cost of living for the month.

In the 2nd and 3rd weeks, resell a few second-hand cars and sell used tires at the junkyard to earn living costs and prepare for the labor cost of forming a team in the future.

2. Wealth doubling stage:

In the 4th and 5th weeks, consult with experts, inspect and determine suitable projects, and set up a preliminary operation team.

In the 6th-7th week, renovate a few old and new houses, sell them at a higher price, and get start-up capital.

3. Wealth Boom Stage:

In the 8th to 10th week, the pawn barbecue and craft beer projects are determined, and the suppliers, barbecue masters and rented restaurant space are found.

In the 11th and 12th weeks, I urgently prepared and participated in the local rib festival to win the top few seats and expand the influence of my restaurant's brand.

In the last days, the store was renovated and the soft opening began, three sources of revenue were established, and the evaluator was waiting for the evaluator to estimate the price of the company:

daily sales of restaurants;

Beer brand national distribution;


The above is Glenn's overall plan for 3 months, and he is gradually approaching his goal according to the timeline.

Although in the process, there were many accidents that disrupted the original rhythm.

But Glenn himself is constantly refining and adjusting his plan, and he always knows where he stands in the schedule.

It's easy to see how important a clear goal, with the breakdown of goals at each stage, is for action.

Harvard University once conducted a famous social experiment on the trajectory of "elite life".

They followed up on a group of young people who graduated in 1970 and had similar intelligence, education, and environmental conditions.

Twenty-five years later, they found that most of those who had a clear plan for their life path had become top people in all walks of life.

On the other hand, most of those who do not plan their lives are not satisfactory, and some people are even very dependent on social assistance because they are unemployed.

The same is true of life, and the same is true of the accumulation of wealth.

With a clear plan, life has a head.

Good planning allows people to achieve the desired results in the shortest time and the fastest.

Moving forward with a purpose, such a life is called diligence.

There is no purpose to rush left and right, such a life is called wandering.

"The Story of the Rich Turning Around": From 100 yuan to 1 million, I summarized 5 "rich formulas"

Tough Body:

Make sure that sleep > spoil your body and keep the rhythm smooth

Glenn, in the early stages of wealth accumulation, made a serious mistake that was easily accessible to all.

Because the picture is cheap, he chooses to save the room fee and sleep in the car.

However, Glenn had been suffering from cervical spondylosis for many years, and his sleep quality was poor, which made him vomit profusely the next morning.

In order to recover as soon as possible, Glenn had to go to the hospital to prescribe medication.

This trip thwarted his original plan and wasted a lot of original start-up capital.

Glenn's experience fully verifies:

All the health that is overdrawn must be repaid a hundredfold and a thousand times afterwards.

Haruki Murakami said:

"The body is everyone's temple, and whatever is enshrined in it, it should be kept strong, beautiful, and clean. ”

In the process of wealth accumulation, daily activities, trivial matters, and unexpected situations all require the consumption of physical energy.

Only by raising a good body can you choose all the tedious affairs.

The weak body can't get a ticket to face the wind and waves.

If you're tired, lie down and rest;

When you feel tired, sit back and don't think about it.

After all, the greatest original wealth in life is a healthy body.

"The Story of the Rich Turning Around": From 100 yuan to 1 million, I summarized 5 "rich formulas"


Replicating experience > blindly innovating makes the probability of success higher

Looking at Glenn's entire entrepreneurial process, I found that like most entrepreneurs, they all have one thing in common:

They prefer to do things deterministic rather than innovate.

The second-hand car business, the tire business, and the real estate business for the renovation of old houses are all areas that Glenn was once familiar with.

The deal was a sure deal, and Glenn steadily amassed the start-up capital for the start-up.

A well-known investor once said:

"Any blind innovation means a huge risk.

Innovation only makes sense if someone pays for it. "

Ordinary people blindly innovate means a greater probability of failure.

A blogger on Douyin shared his friend's experience:

My friend spent hundreds of thousands of yuan to develop a new trolley.

For a whole year, he barely went out of the house, discussing appearance, materials, processes, improvements, testing, and ...... with the core members of the team every day

It took a lot of time and effort for the team to finally get the product out there.

But only 3 months later, imitations of their peers appeared on the market.

The imitation is almost indistinguishable from the friend's style in appearance, but cuts corners.

If you don't use it for a long time, you can't find the problem at all, which leads to the low price of the imitation, which quickly robs the customers of friends.

Although my friend has certified a number of patents, the effort and money required to maintain the property rights are extremely high.

In the end, the hard-working product had to be lost.

It is right to have the idea of innovation, but behind blind innovation is the sky-high cost.

Ordinary people can only face the reality of being quickly imitated and even surpassed in the state of relatively insufficient resources.

Instead of bold innovation, first take root in the field we are familiar with and do familiar business.

After there are results, a large number of copies are more conducive to the accumulation of wealth.

"The Story of the Rich Turning Around": From 100 yuan to 1 million, I summarized 5 "rich formulas"

Reasonable energy allocation:

Appropriate concessions> strong pressure on people, so that the cost of communication is reduced

Glenn has a highly regarded sentence on the show:

"Sometimes, you have to lose a battle to win the whole war. ”

Looking at his experience of communicating with people over the past 3 months, we found that:

In the process of negotiating some small projects (selling used cars, selling houses), Glenn did not appear extremely aggressive.

On the contrary, in order to close the deal, he will always concede some costs at the right time.

Glenn later confessed:

"The accumulation of capital for all small projects is actually for the big projects (pawn barbecue). “

His experience tells us that:

Instead of dwelling on the small things, focus your time and energy on the things that really make a big difference.

A blogger on Kuaishou shared his experience of starting a business for ten years.

Bloggers have two businesses, and the short video business consumes 20% of the energy and earns 80% of the money.

The factory business consumes 80% of the energy and only makes 20% of the money.

He said that the thing he regretted the most was to spend most of his energy on the most unprofitable factory business.

The business of the factory involves: R&D, warehousing, logistics, product management, labeling...... The process is very complex, and the profit point is very low.

Reflect on your entire business module, and if you can properly compromise the business of the factory, you can share the profits with your partners.

If you focus on the short video business, you may not be so tired, and your wealth will be several times that of now.

As the old saying goes:

"When the taste is strong, subtract three points for people to eat, and leave one step with people in the narrow path. ”

Concession is a kind of wisdom in dealing with things.

It helps us understand what is most important.

Know how to make concessions and let the pattern improve.

The timeline is lengthened, and life will be more open.

"The Story of the Rich Turning Around": From 100 yuan to 1 million, I summarized 5 "rich formulas"

Source: Internet

Stable Asset Appreciation:

Ladder growth> get rich overnight, and preserve the value of your wealth

After suffering numerous setbacks, Glenn did not have the same as many people had at the beginning:

Take out a certain percentage of the money and buy lottery tickets to bet on luck.

Looking back at Glenn's entire entrepreneurial journey, the accumulation of his wealth has been according to the plan, gradually approaching the goal.

His experience makes people summarize the most fundamental principle of wealth accumulation: that is, to avoid the "sudden wealth mentality".

In 2002, Jack Whitaker, an American construction contractor, unexpectedly won a lottery jackpot worth $314.9 million.

After years of revelry, his granddaughter died of drugs and his daughter died mysteriously.

He was also robbed and his house was burned to the ground by a fire.

After losing everything, he remorsefully said to the media:

"I'd rather tear up that lottery ticket back then. ”

In 2011, Beijing's Changping District underwent urban renovation.

Li Xu received 10 million compensation overnight, plus a set of real estate worth 50 million, becoming a veritable "second generation".

But just 7 years later, he lost all his family property and betrayed his relatives.

Someone once asked on social platforms:

"Why do some people who get rich overnight end up with unsatisfactory lives?"

A well-known entrepreneur replied:

"True wealth is the process of acquiring it.

In the process of wealth creation, it is necessary to think out the means that can be used repeatedly.

Otherwise, if you get rich overnight, you will often lose it overnight. ”

At the beginning of a person's getting richer and richer, there are four words that cannot be avoided, that is: effective accumulation.

Without a deep understanding of the rules of certain industries, speculation will always be a small probability event.

Oscar Wilde famously said:

"When I was younger, I thought money was the most important thing in the world.

Now that I'm older, I know that this is the case. ”

With the ability to make money, a happy family, and not burdened by firewood, rice, oil and salt, life can be smooth.

The best state of life is:

Do what you can to make money, be content and live happily.

Click to pay attention, I hope you will have an insight into the wealth code as soon as possible and have the ability to make money steadily.

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