
Wu Qingen: Tan Xiandai Zhou Xingyi Purchased the Book Examination of the Chen Clan with scriptures - and the friendship and evil between Zhou and Tan


Zhou Xingyi (1833-1904), also known as Ji Yin (季贶), also known as 寙翁, was a native of Xiangfu (present-day Kaifeng), Henan, and later moved to Shanyin (present-day Shaoxing), Zhejiang. His life "likes to collect gold stones, books, calligraphy and paintings, self-proofreading by hand, and exquisite review". In the third year of Tongzhi (1864), when he was in charge of Shaowu Tongzhi in Fujian Province, he was able to purchase a large number of books from Chen Shuyu. [1] Tan Xian (1832-1901), Zi Zhongxiu, Futang, Renheren, Zhejiang. He has a good relationship with Zhou Xingyi, and also has close contacts with his brother Zhou Xingyi. Tan Xiandai Zhou Xing's purchase of books from the Chen clan with the scripture hall was originally an important issue related to the delivery of books from the two houses of the belt scripture hall and the book banknote cabinet, but because this incident directly led to the confrontation between the two people, in the published works of the two people, the facts are rarely mentioned in this. Li Jun's article "Zhou Xingyi's Collection of Book Deeds - With the inscription of the < Book Banknote Pavilion> and Zhou Batch < Reading Sensitive to Remembering >" has done a more detailed investigation, but in the details of it, it is regrettable that the diary cannot be checked. [2] This article is intended to focus on the "Futang Diary" of Tan Xian's manuscript collected by the Nanjing Library, and refer to the bibliography, inscriptions and other related documents, in order to investigate and reply to the process before and after Tan Xian's intermediary book purchase and the journey of Zhou and Tan from the intersection to the evil.

Wu Qingen: Tan Xiandai Zhou Xingyi Purchased the Book Examination of the Chen Clan with scriptures - and the friendship and evil between Zhou and Tan

Tan Xian statue

1. Tan Xian's friendship with the Chen clan of the Belt Scripture Hall

For more than three years from the leap August of the first year of Tongzhi (1862) to March of the fourth year of Tongzhi (1865), Tan Xian lived in Fuzhou to avoid the rebellion of Hong Yang. During this period, he had close contacts with many local bibliophiles, the most important of whom was the Chen clan of the Belt Scripture Hall. With the collection of the Chen family of the Jingtang, the main collection is from Chen Zhengzhi [3]. Chen Zhengzhi, Zi Shishan, Yizi Lanlin, Tao'an, Fujian Minhou people. He successively served as a county in Zhejiang, such as Huiji and Pinghu. "Life is a good book, and the officials are in, and they are all bought." Than Guitian, accumulated to 80,000 volumes, Song and Yuan mingzhu ten residences six seven. [4] There are many unseen books in the world, including the old collection of Huang Pilie. Lu Xinyuan has an article entitled "Bibliography of the < with Scriptures> Shuhou", which lists dozens of fine books in his collection, such as the Yingyuan Banknote "Zhou Yi Benyi", the Ying Song Ben "ShiShu Xinyu", the Huayang Collection, the Song Periodicals "Interpretation of the Rites and Rites", the Jiujia Zhuan Du Poems, the Yuan Periodicals "Zhou Yi Huitong", "Leaving the Grass and Wood Dredging", etc.[5], especially the Ming copy of the "Beitang Shu Banknote". It was later passed on to his grandson Chen Shuyu.

Tan Xianchu knew that the Belt Scripture Hall Chen Clan, in the third year of Tongzhi (1864), his diary cloud on the ninth day of the first month of August: "After Chen Cheng'an Talk, see Chen's "Bibliography of the Belt Scripture Hall", there are many shadow Song manuscripts. [6] Chen Cheng'an, whose life deeds are unknown, had many books with Tan Xian during this period. He also purchased some Tibetan books with scriptures, such as Lan Xuetang's movable type book "DongZi". [7] Tan Xian's acquaintance with the Chen clan of the Belt Scripture Hall and his purchase of books should be introduced by him. On the twenty-fourth day of August, the diary had clouds: "Yu Cheng'an Talk, Chen Lanlin Great Order Zhengzhi Descendant Shu Yu, Horn Star Village, Doctor disciple." Da Ling's collection of books is very rich, and recently I and Ji Yin have been deeply impressed. [8] Tan Xian's direct contact with Chen Shuyu was the first of its kind. Chen Shuyu, character Xingcun, life deeds are unknown. He was also good at identifying and knowing the books[9], and the five volumes of the Bibliography of the Belt Scripture Hall that exist today were compiled by him. Tan Xian's exchanges with Chen Shuyu are mainly concentrated in The October of the third year of Tongzhi to February of the fourth year of Tongzhi, and are generally related to books:

Guocheng'an, Huanxing Village, purchased several kinds of books, listed after: "Biling Zhi", "Yimen Reading Secretary", "Empty Tongji", "Six Arts Liubei", "Shu Han Ben Mo", "Jin Shi Zhi", Beijiang "Zuo Chuan", "Beitang Shu Banknote". (October 21)

Today, it was agreed with Xingcun that Yuan and Gu Xueben's "Li Shi" would belong to me, and in recent days, a happy thing would also happen. (October 25)

Xingcun came and gave me Wu Xilin's "Linjiang Township Poetry". (10th of November)

Xingcun came, with the quality of books: Song carved "Book of Music", Yuan carved "Book of Rites", Yuan carved "National Policy", "Chunxi Sanshan Zhi", "Xunzi SchoolBook", "Daiyunlou Bibliography" Wu Mei'an School Annotations, "Treasure Carving Class Compilation", "Miscellaneous Notes on the Dynasty and The Wild Since Jianyan", "Zhao Carved Water Classic Notes". (13th)

Hoshimura came and bought "White Tiger Pass" and "Customs and Customs", all of which were carved by Dade. (20 days)

Chen Xingcun used the two banknotes of "Zhongzhou Jinshi Kao" and "JiguLu Baowei" and "Guangyun" to engrave me. (Tongzhi 4th year of February 7th)

Wu Qingen: Tan Xiandai Zhou Xingyi Purchased the Book Examination of the Chen Clan with scriptures - and the friendship and evil between Zhou and Tan
Wu Qingen: Tan Xiandai Zhou Xingyi Purchased the Book Examination of the Chen Clan with scriptures - and the friendship and evil between Zhou and Tan

Guangxu carved the "Futang Diary"

In the third year of Tongzhi, the Chen books with the scripture hall were scattered one after another, and Tan Xian, as the "middleman" who bought and stored the Chen books by Zhou Xingyi, also made quite a lot of gains in the past. According to the above combing, Tan Xian's Chen's Tibetan books include: "Guang Yun", the old banknote "Li Shi", the Ming Dadeben "White Tiger Tong", Ying Shao's "Customs and Customs", "Biling Zhi", He Zhuo's "Yimen Reading Secretary", Huang Zuo's "Six Arts Flow", Zhao Juxin's "Shu Han Ben mo", Feng Dengfu's "Jinshi Comprehensive Case", Hong Liangji's "Spring and Autumn Left Transmission", Yu Shinan's "Beitang Shu banknote", Li Mengyang's "Empty Collection", Wu Yingfang's "Linjiang Township Poetry", the manuscript Huang Shuxuan's "Zhongzhou Jinshi Kao", the codices Ouyang Xiu's "Collection of Ancient Records", and fifteen others. The last three of them were donated by Chen Shuyu. Of course, this is only a clear part of the diary, and judging from the remarks that "I and Ji Yin have been deeply involved in recent days", the results may not be more than this. For example, Chen Wan's school copy of "Huainan Zi", the diary only sees the records of the school, and does not state when it was purchased, but guangxu's diary on December 13, 13 said: "In the past in Minzhong, Chen Shuo's father Zhengjun hand school Song Ben "Book of the King of Huainan", treasured as a hongbao. In the past twenty years, Zhou Jizhen, Dai Zigao, Zhao Shushu, Tao Zizhen, and Sun Zhongrong have all written a copy. [10] It can be seen that this book is dedicated to Tan. In addition to the purchase of books, more is the borrowing of books in daily life, such as "Xingcun came, borrowed Huang's "Li Shi Periodical Error", that is, Ben's Yuan and Gu, who wanted to school Ye's Benye. (On the fourth day of the first month of November), he also "Hoshimura Zalai borrowed me to write the He Yimen schoolbook "Notes on the Water Classics" and merged with the original Yuzang Yimen. (On the third day of the first month of November), the loan also included Chen Lanlin's schoolbook "Art and Literature Cluster" [11] and so on. In addition to the exchange of books, there were occasional exchanges between the golden stone tablets during the period. At that time, the style of gold and stone in Fujian was very popular, and famous golden stone scholars such as Wei Xizeng and Ding Wenwei lived here, and there was no waste of time with Tan Xian. Although Chen Shuyu's golden stone stele is not special, it is not immune to the customs of the time. Tan Xian Tongzhi's diary of the first five days of November in the third year of the third year: "Xingcun came, with a thick value of the old Tuo Tuo "Stone Drum Text", "Crane Ming" twenty-five characters a copy, are also Liang's relics. But with the ears of the harvest sun appreciation. The diary of the third day of the first month of December: "Star Village has come, leaving Deng Shi like a seal of paper, and the counterfeit traces are also." "At the time when the ancestral collection of books was scattered, the obsession of buying old extensions at a thick value, and even the forgeries of celebrities, can also be seen.

On March 11, the fourth year of Tongzhi, Tan Xian returned from Fuzhou. For a long time thereafter, the two did not see any letters or direct exchanges. In June of the eleventh year of Tongzhi, Chen Shuyu came to Hang[12], and Tan Xian wrote a "Preface to the Bibliography of the Belt Scripture Hall". This preface is not contained in the Bibliography of the Belt Scriptures, nor is the Futang Wen, somehow. In the following four years of Guangxu and the eight years of Guangxu, Chen Shuyu repeatedly wrote letters to ask for loans, and Tan Xianjun was "unable to respond". [14] Eight years after Guangxu, there is no record of the two people in the diary. However, this exchange of books in the early years of tongzhi has made a considerable emotional preparation for the purchase of books in the middle to a certain extent, and there is no doubt about it.

2. Tan Xiandai Zhou Xingyi as seen in the diary began and ended the purchase of books in the Tibetan Belt Scripture Hall

Wu Qingen: Tan Xiandai Zhou Xingyi Purchased the Book Examination of the Chen Clan with scriptures - and the friendship and evil between Zhou and Tan

Regarding the fact that Tan Xiandai Zhou Xingyi purchased and stored the books of the Chen Clan with the Scriptures, due to the inadequacy of the literature, it has been put into obscurity in previous research and related discussions, or there are many inaccuracies. For example, Zheng Weizhang's "Philologist Tongkao" only yun: "In the middle of the autumn of the third year of Tongzhi, Tan Xian (Zhongxiu) sent him Chen's "Bibliography with Scriptures" for sale, that is, he was sold out and bought. In the first month of the following year, someone was sent to bring the Chen Book. [15] According to Zhou Xingyi's "Ming Banknote Ben Beitang Book Ofbread", it is not stated that Tan Xian was in the middle of the purchase of books. Later, in Li Jun's article "A Brief Outline of Zhou Xing's Collected Book Deeds", Fang revealed the facts according to Zhou Xingyi's relevant inscriptions and annotations, Yun: "Tan Xian, as a bibliophile, researchers do not pay much attention. However, at that time, when he was visiting the Fujian Academy, fuzhou took the scripture hall to collect books, so he collected a lot of books for Zhou Xing, and the Beitang Book Banknote was one of them. [16] However, regarding the specific time of the purchase of books, the type and quantity of books purchased, and the two people's bad relations due to the purchase of books, they still regret that they cannot check the manuscript diary. Tan Xian, as the "intermediary" of Zhou Xingyi's purchase of the collection of books in the Scripture Hall, should have been recorded in detail in his "Diary of the Futang", but because the diary was a "clean book" carefully compiled by Tan's lifetime, it had the meaning of using the diary as a writing. In addition, this incident directly led to the feud between the two, so the situation in this case was not selected. Today, the Nanjing Library has fifty-seven copies of Tan Xian's "Futang Diary", including "Jiazi Diary" and "Chengdong Diary", which were recorded by Tan Xian from April of the second year of Tongzhi to December of the third year of Tongzhi. The diary records in more detail the process before and after Tan Xiandai Zhou Xingyi's purchase of books with scriptures, which even involves subtle trivia such as purchasing books on behalf of the book, which can greatly restore the realistic scene of the collection at that time.

Tan Xian saw the Bibliography of the Belt Scripture Hall on the ninth day of the first month of August in the third year of tongzhi, and it was also at this time that the Chen clan was openly sold through the Collection. Therefore, tanshi first informed his friend Zhou Xingyi of Yahao's book collection, and Zhou Shi was far away in Shaowu at that time, because he was entrusted with the purchase of books. Zhou Xingyi wrote the Beitang Shuqian in the fourth year of Tongzhi's book: "In the autumn of Jiazi, Tan Zhongyi told him with a book, there was the old Chen family, rich books, sellers, unobtainable, knowing the book of eccentricities, like conveying Zhongyi's Taoist intentions." Because of his touching on the past, and with his surname Heye, he wrote to Zhongyi to visit him. [17] Tan Xian's diary on the 22nd day of August was also cloudy: "On the 12th day of the 12th day, tan xian re-compiled the third book, which contains six pieces of bibliography, which belong to the purchasing agency." The diary of the fifth day of the first month of October: "The eighth book of the twenty-fourth day of the Deji Yin, Ding Ning Sanfu, covered with the scripture hall Chen Shi Shuye." Tan Xian purchased the Chen's books for Zhou Xingyi, which first appeared on the tenth day of the first month of October in the third year of Tongzhi, and after that, the title and version of the book must be recorded in detail in the diary, and now in chronological order, it is listed as follows:

Talk about Cheng'an. ...... Today, I bought seventeen kinds of books for Ji Yin: "Gathering of Events", "Fang Yusheng", "Microwave Xie Series", "Dai's Testament", "Wu Junzhi", "Jiataihui Jizhi", "Xianchun Lin'an Zhi", "Baikong Liu ti", "White Tiger Tongyi", "Tang Liudian", "Chu Xue Ji", "Dongdu Shiluo" (translated song book), "Notes on the Water Classic", "Table of History of past dynasties", "Later Han Book", "Supplement to the Later Han Book", and the manuscript "Wenyuan Yinghua". (10th day of October)

Passing the Cheng'an, he borrowed Mr. Shuo's father's hand school "Huainan Zi". He also purchased sixty-two kinds of old copies of Zhao Jinzhai for Ji Zhao, and also for the purchase of: "Selected Poems of Weng Shan", "The Golden Stone Record of the Two Han Dynasties", "The Book of Poetry Guangyi", "Zhuangzi Guo Notes", "Lü Shi Chunqiu" Ming Carving, "Liezi Kouyi", "Wenxuan Kaoyi", "Zhen Yan Collection", and "Thirteen Classics Collection" Huang Hand Ben, "The Saying of the Present World", "Yutai Xin yong", "Xunzi" Lu Ben, "Huainanzi" Zhuang Ben. (25th)

Xingcun came to buy books for Ji Zhao today: "Thirty-four volumes of the Materia Medica of the History Of Evidence", 24 volumes of the Yuan carved "Book of Song", ten banknotes of the "Chronicle of Song Zaifu", 16 volumes of banknotes of "Kaiyuan Li", eight banknotes of "Outline of the Two Dynasties of Zhongxing", four banknotes of "Records of the Suburbs of the Tang Dynasty", six volumes of banknotes of "Taichang Yin Ge Li", 4 volumes of "Wang Youcheng Collection" shadow Song banknotes, 3 volumes of "Talks on Shui Shui Yan", 12 volumes of "Records of Nengjiazhai Manga", 8 volumes of "Kaiyuan Interpretation records", 2 volumes of banknotes of "Shi Jianlu" banknotes, 5 volumes of banknotes of "Biography of High Monks", and "History of Yuan Secrets" Four volumes of banknotes, sixteen volumes of banknotes of the Outline of the Ten Dynasties of the Imperial Song Dynasty, ten volumes of the Catalogue of General Records, sixteen volumes of the Twenty-Second History and Four Genealogies, one volume of Huang's banknotes of the ChaoYi, twenty-four volumes of the Chronicle of the Imperial Dynasty Tongjian, 22 banknotes of the Records of the Year Since The Song Jianyan, fifty-eight volumes of the "Collection of Dynasties", and sixteen volumes of the Tang Dynasty Edict. (7th day of November)

In the morning, I have been out of various bookstores and over the Makoto Temple. ...... He also bought half of the Yuan carved Tongzhi for Ji Yin, which was a hundred copies of the previous day's income, and seemed to be missing twenty copies. This book is a relic of the Liang family. (6th day of December)

Hoshimura came and bought "White Tiger Pass" and "Customs and Customs", all of which were carved by Dade. For Ji Yu, he purchased a copy of the "Can Change the Zhai Manga", and the school engraving was as many as a hundred rules, and there was a "Chen Jiru Seal". (20 December)

This is a clearly recorded part of the diary, from October to December, Tan Xian purchased a total of 117 kinds of Chen books for Zhou Xingyi, including Yang Zhongliang's "Records of the Imperial Dynasty Tongjian Long Compilation Chronicle" mentioned in Lu Xinyuan's "After the Bibliography of the Chen Clan with the Scriptures",[18], as well as more than ten kinds of famous banknotes such as the Yuan periodical "Book of Song", Zheng Qiao's "Tongzhi", the Shadow Song Manuscript "Wang Youcheng Collection", the Huang Pi Lie's handbook "Chaoyi" and the manuscript "Wenyuan Yinghua", "Song Jianyan's Chronicle of the Lineage", "Tang Dynasty Edict Collection" and other famous banknotes. Among them, there are 62 kinds of Zhao Wei old collection of books purchased at one time. [19] Of course, the most commendable of these is the Ming Dynasty's Beitang Shuqian (北堂書钞). The circulation of the book and the purchase history of this book are also recorded in detail in the diary. According to the manuscript diary, this book was scheduled for November 17, the third year of Tongzhi, and the diary clouded that day: "When Xingcun came, the original version of the Beitang Shuqian was first discussed, and it must be returned to Ji Shuyi. "Delivery is on the eighteenth day:

Hoshimura came, Li Dan came to talk. For Ji Zhao, he purchased the real copies of the "Jing Yi Kao" and the "Book Notes". The Ying Song Ben "Beitang Shuqian" has one hundred and sixty volumes, and the characters and paintings are false, but they are the real books of Yongxing. The World Bank Chen Yu mo carved, changed his face, lost his authenticity, quoted ancient books, and changed them with secular books, and his books could be burned. Yu Moyun was originally blackmailed, how much can not be read in sentences, what he saw is this evil? This manuscript has the Yunzhangge Sewing Pei Zhai Seal, which spread that Duan Xu did not know who it was, and later returned to Sun Boyuan's observation, which was once corrected by Wang Shihua, and then self-proofread, and Hong Yunxuan and Yan Tieqiao were also proofread. The "Iron Bridge Manuscript" is very detailed at the beginning and end of the book, and Yun has engraved dozens of volumes, and has dropped out. There is an iron bridge in the volume. Originally, it belonged to He Menghua, and after He Menghua, he returned to Fujian, and Chen Lanlin dismissed the official and returned with him. The Minxian You King Huai Pei saw and loved it, and wanted to exchange it with platinum seven hundred taels, but he could not. Zhou Jiyin's thirst is this, and the Chi Book is ten to the Zhou clan. Ji Yin was known as Xingyi (星诒), a Xiangfu person, and a tongzhi of the Shiguan Shaowu Province.

This article is also found in the publication of the "Diary of the Futang", but when the publication is selected, only the year (甲子) is given, and the specific month and day of the deletion incident are compared with the manuscript, and there are occasional similarities and differences between the words, such as the passage about Wang Jienan[20] asking for a book, and only Yun "wants to exchange it with heavy money" in the publication, and does not specify the specific amount. Combined with Zhou Xing's "initial price of platinum 1502 platinum, the copy of the record also costs 2402, the book is ten round-trip, Zhongyi tried his best to be authentic, but with 700% of the gold"[21], it can be seen that the two silver fees were exactly the same as those who Wang wanted to produce, and the final book belonged to the Zhou family, and Tan Xian played an unusual role in it. The existence of the manuscript can enrich the relevant details. Zhou Xingyi had long been attentive to the Ming dynasty's Beitang Shuqian, and when Xianfeng distributed the Fujian alternates with Tongzhi for ten years, he had paid attention to the unsuccessful visit. Now more "Chi Shu Ten to", the longing can be known. After the purchase of this book, the place where the book was stored was renamed "Book Banknote Cabinet", which shows the value of Zhou's book. In fact, at that time, there were not a few people who learned that the books in the scripture hall were flowing out, and there were not a few people who were interested in visiting the seekers, in addition to Wang Jienan, there was Also Lu Xinyuan, one of the four major bibliophiles in the late Qing Dynasty. Lu Shi Tongzhi once lived in Fujian Yanyun envoy, and Chen Shuyu also instructed him to refer to it when compiling the Bibliography of the Belt Scripture Hall, so he also knew a lot about the collection of books in the Belt Scripture Hall. However, Lu Xinyuan had been serving as the envoy of Fujian Salt Transport for six years in Tongzhi, and the Collection of Chen Clan books in the Wendai Jingtang was scattered, even after the "Return to the Fields in Eastern Guangdong". Tan Xiandai Zhou Xingyi bought books as early as three years ago. Therefore, when Lu Shi went to Fujian to ask for a book, Chen Shuyu's response that "the most secret book, his ancestors do not store the first floor, for the worms to be eroded" and the so-called "Zhou Jiyin Taishou said that his eyes were forged by Xingcun" in the "Book Queen" are probably just two different pretexts for the buyer and seller.

On the sixteenth day of the first month of the fourth year of Tongzhi, Zhou Xingyi's servants transported back to Shaowu with four boxes of Chen's books from the scripture hall, and Tan presented the diary cloud of the yuan day: "Tomorrow the servants of jiyu return to Shaowu, send them letters No. 2 and 3 and book box 4, and also the school copy of "Art and Literature Class Gathering". After that, the purchase of books seems to be directly entrusted to Chen Shuyu, Tan Xian's diary cloud on the fifth day of the first month of February: "Xingcun came to talk, today for Ji Shu to collect a box of books", and the first seven days of the diary: "Xingcun Zalai, it is the day and a box of books for Ji Shu." On March 11, Tan Xian boarded the boat and returned to Li, and there was no record in the diary of purchasing Chen's books. [22] In fact, in the more than 20 years from March of the fourth year of Tongzhi to September of the fourteenth year of Guangxu, the two did not have any contact.

3. Tan Xian's friendship and friendship with Zhou Xingyi

Tan Xian and Zhou Xingyi became acquainted as early as the early years of Xianfeng, when the poem "Gifting Xiang Fu Zhou Xingyi (Jia Shanyin)" had the sentence "Feng Jun does not feel that he is blue-eyed, and the song in the city cries and frightens Tu Jie" [23], and the third year of Tongzhi narrates the "Mian Zi Zi" for Zhou Xing, and also Yun: "If you make friends with the four gentlemen, then Zhou Zi Ji Zhao is the first, and the famous family of Ji Zi Zhongzhou has a zhi festival, can write articles, and the beginning of the fixed friendship, and looks at each other and does not reverse it." [24] Zhou Xingyi also included in his commentary on the "Interpretation" of the "Reading And Minqiu Ji" that "Zhongxiu Mingxian, a native of Hangzhou, who has always been known for his meteorological and moral pretense, has made friends with the general horn and who has given him the view of his brothers"[25]. However, there are only two poems inscribed on Tan Xian in the "Poetry quality of The Horizontal Poem"," which was published ("Send Tan Zhongxiu to Hangzhou After The Inscription near the poem" and "Huzhou Daozhong Nocturnal Journey Huai Zhongxiu Zhi'e"), and both were written in Gengyin (1890), which is equivalent to the later years. The diary of the "Diary of Leng Lu" that he wrote only mentioned on June 28 of the tenth year of Guangxu mentioned that Tan Xian had donated eight volumes of the newly engraved "Lenglu Miscellaneous Knowledge", but the fact of the gift of the book was as early as the sixth year of Xianfeng. [26] In fact, in Tan's diary, there is no record of any return of the two men in the more than twenty years from March of the fourth year of Tongzhi to September of the fourteenth year of Guangxu. Why? In their published writings, there seems to be no trace of them.

Wu Qingen: Tan Xiandai Zhou Xingyi Purchased the Book Examination of the Chen Clan with scriptures - and the friendship and evil between Zhou and Tan

The National Library of China now has a kind of Zhou Xingzhi's "Reading Minqiu Ji" (included in the "Continuation of the Four Libraries of the Whole Book" History Department Catalog), of which "Twenty-seven Volumes of Li Shi" has an eyebrow criticism cloud:

He is a handmaster of Mr. Huang Fuweng, Chen Zhongyu, Yuan Youkai, and Gu Jianxue. Jia Zi Nian sold to Yu, and Yu Shiguan Shao Wu to buy the book Ofe Tan Zhongxiu. Zhongxiu made a lot of profits in China, and he also wrote all the rare books, and this book is also one of them. Bing Yin was blessed at the age of Laifu, and Xiucai of The Star Village began to learn more about it. Wei Jiasun was seen in Hangzhou at the Zhongxiu Office. Remember this to show future generations that there are those who know that people cannot be trusted to be so. Mr. Huang Lizhou sold the books in Lü Liuliangqian's TangSheng Hall, because he had broken off relations with him. [27]

This article describes the reasons for the two men's incest. According to this, it can be seen that the reason for Zhou Xingyi and Tan Xian's "renunciation" is that Zhou Believes that Tan Xian was suspected of profiting from it when he was buying books in the middle of the house, and there was no good book, and Ye Yibao's old Tibetan banknote "Li Shi" was one of them. Regarding the purchase of this book, Tan's manuscript diary has a detailed record. Tongzhi diary on the seventh day of october in the third year of the third year: "Borrow Chen's old copy of the "Li Shi" to return." Gaiye Jiu came to the relics, and later returned to the Yellow Garden, and there were Yuan Youkai and Gu Qianli who were also hand-proofed. The night school got a volume, and it was a rare rare book. It can be seen that at first it was only a loan school, so on the next nineteenth and twentieth days there was a record of proofreading the "Li Shi", during which there was also a book estimated to repair it. By the twenty-fifth day, the first agreement with Chen Shuyu was made, and the diary cloud of the day was: "The first agreement with Xingcun, Yuan and Gu Schoolben "Li Shi" belong to me, and recently a happy thing has also happened." ”。 That is to say, the purchase of this book is the result of Tan Xian's careful consideration, a long-term run-in process, and the purchase is also after the formal agreement with Chen Shuyu. And there is no information that this book was ordered by Zhou Xingyi, and the time is also earlier than the first batch of books purchased for Zhou. Chen Shuyu may have made big words and deceptive people. As for Wei Jiasun's vision, it is completely unable to form a causal relationship with the fact of Qianwu, and it is not enough to become evidence of Qianwu. In fact, zhou Xingyi himself seems to have changed his original view since then. Today's Shanghai Library has a copy of the Qingzhu Sound Gongyu Mountain House Manuscript "Li Shi", which is a relic of Zhou Xing, Andyun:

Tongzhi Yi ugly, Tan Zhongyi from Fuzhou Chen Lanlin's descendants saw the Ming dynasty to write the "Li Shi", through the hands of Gu Jianxue, Chen Zhongyu, Huang Fuweng zhu, for the old collection of Shi Liju, that is, the old banknotes that were mistakenly published. Zhongyi bought the original, and belonged to Wei Jiasun who was transferred to a messenger to Shao Wu's army. Jiasun spent half a year trying to pass on the school to the Wang family engraving, between the lines, changing more than half of it, and then recording the upper and lower parts of mr. Zhu's school language in five color pens, and carefully reviewed the original book. He wrote the beginning and end of the handwritten book for the second trek. To be blessed with treasure is to be rewarded with a pearl ship. And was reprimanded for the praise system, sold all the books to finance the upper abdomen, and was the handwriting of a good friend, and did not tolerate people. Yi You (Jia Shen) went from Fuzhou to the appointment of his seventh brother Wu Song to meet him, when His grandson was five years old. Carrying in the Zhenyan, or fearing death and loss, there are negative deceased people, because they have given the female treasure as a treasure, and the Book of The Curse is not a book. ”[28]

The inscription was written in the later years of the Zhou dynasty, when Wei Xi was no longer alive. In contrast to the criticism in the "Reading Minqiu Ji", this trek should be a more realistic restoration of the process of obtaining the "Li Shi" at that time, and what is said is also consistent with the record of the manuscript "Futang Diary". The tone has changed from the previous fierceness to peace, and most of the words expressed are gratitude and cherishing. It is a book now in the Shanghai Library, and there is Wei Xi Zeng's saying: "The banknote of the Right "LiShi" was hand-schooled by Chen Zhongyu (名鱣, Haiyan ren), Gu Jianxue (名廣圻, 元和人), and Yuan Shoujie (名廷梼, WuXian ren). Go to Dong Tan Zi Zhongyi to get the Marquis official with the Jingtang Chen clan, Yu is both the deputy of Zhou Zi Ji Zhao, and the knowledge is as left. [29] The trekking was made on March 3, 2004. It is enough to prove that the fact that Zhou's so-called dryness is out of thin air.

In addition to the book "Li Shi", Chen Yi's schoolbook "Huainan Zi" is also one of the so-called Qianwu of the Zhou clan. "Huainan Honglie Xie Twenty-one Volumes" Article Eyebrow Criticism Cloud: "After fu Weng hid the Song Ben, it returned to Yiyun Jingshe, and Mr. Chen Shuofu passed on a copy for Mr. Chen Lanlin." Yi Ugly Winter, Chen Clan came out to return to, and Tan Zhongxiu qian did not go. [30] Yi Ugly, that is, Tongzhi four years. According to the manuscript "Futang Diary", Tan Xian first saw this book, and on the second day of october of the third year of Tongzhi, the diary clouded: "Passing through the Cheng'an, see Mr. Shuofu's hand school "Huainanzi", this proposal to buy it also." On the twenty-fifth day, yun again: "Pass the Cheng'an, borrow Mr. Shuo's father's hand school "Huainan Zi". "It can be seen that at the beginning it was also borrowed. Since then, although only the school records have been found in the diary, it is not stated when it was purchased. However, according to Guangxu's diary on December 13, 1313, "In Minzhong, Chen Shuo's father Zhengjun's hand school Song Ben "Book of the King of Huainan" was treasured as a hongbao. In the past twenty years, Zhou Jizhen, Dai Zigao, Zhao Shushu, Tao Zizhen, and Sun Zhongrong have all written a copy. [31] It can be seen that in the end it was indeed tan's offering. But this is not enough to show that this book is dry and unearned, and in the winter of the fourth year of Tongzhi, Tan Xian has already returned to Hangzhou, and the Zhou family has already made some differences in time. In addition, judging from the wording of the diary and the later widespread circulation among friends and friends, there is absolutely no possibility of doing anything. As for whether to profit from it, although it is no longer known. However, it is an indisputable fact that Tan Xian, as an intermediary, purchased a large number of finely carved banknotes for Zhou Xingyi and gave them away the Song carved Yuan's revision of the "Zhongshu" [32].

On September 14, 14, Guangxu, Zhou Xingyi came to visit, and the manuscript diary clouded: "In the twilight of the season, I will talk, and I will go after dinner." The head has no cup case, just like the old flavor of the three mountains. [33] This is the second meeting between Zhou and Tan after a gap of twenty-three and a half years. After that, the two exchanged as usual, so Tan was dedicated to Hubei, and Zhou Xingyi had a poem to give. In September of the twenty-third year of Guangxu, Zhou Shi also wrote the unexprinted manuscript of the "Poetry of The Horizontal Poem", and the manuscript of the grandson Mao Guangsheng's words asked Tan Xian to review and approve it. Tan Xian was also shocked when he learned that Zhou Xingyi had used The Prison to recover debts. That is to say, the friendship between Zhou Xingyi and Tan Xian, who were the general horns, finally broke the dislike after twenty-three years and returned to good.


Xu Yanping once concluded when discussing the "Diary of Guan Tingfen" and the book society of the Daoxian and Xian dynasties: "The book historical materials recorded in the diary are more processive and holistic, and can restore the atmosphere and situation at that time, so in the study of book history, such documents are quite valued." [34] This is also evident in the manuscript Futang Diary, which, in terms of process, is typical of Tan Xiandai Zhou Xing's purchase of books from the Tibetan Scriptures. Through the combing of the manuscript "Futang Diary" and related inscriptions and literature, the following three points of information can be roughly drawn:

First, from August of the leap year of the tongzhi dynasty to March of the fourth year of tongzhi, Tan Xian took refuge in Fuzhou because of the hongyang rebellion, during which he had many books with Chen Zhengzhi and Chen Shuli, the masters of the scripture hall, and made a considerable emotional preparation for the purchase of books in the middle of the room.

Second, most of the Tibetans of the Chen clan with the scripture hall belonged to Zhou Xingyi, and Tan Xian played an important role as an intermediary. According to the manuscript diary, from October to December of the third year of Tongzhi, Tan Xian purchased a total of 117 kinds of books with scriptures for Zhou Xingyi, including the Ariake banknote "Beitang Book Banknote".

Third, due to the ownership of books such as the old banknote "Li Shi" and the school book "Huainanzi", the two went from friendship to evil, and cut off contact for twenty-three years. However, according to the comparison and reading of the diary and related inscriptions, Zhou Xingyi's so-called profit from it and the lack of a good book are not facts.


[1] Zhou Xingyi's "Reading Minqiu Ji" (說文解字三卷標目一卷" commented: "Chen Juwen Confucian Fang, whose ancestor Lan Lin Da Ling, took the famous jinshi as the order of Zhejiang, and the collection of books was extremely rich. The name of the star village is also good at identification, and gives the qu family of the obtained Shutai half-obtained. "The Continuation of the Four Libraries of the Whole Book" photocopy of the Yongzheng Six-Year Engraving of the National Library of China, Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 2002, vol. 923, pp. 97-98.

[2] Li Jun, "A Brief Outline of Zhou Xing's Book Collection: Based on the < Book And Banknote Pavilion Inscription > and zhou batch < Reading Minqiu >", Bibliographic Quarterly, No. 4, 2009.

[3] Wang Changying and Huang Zhaotan, "Chen Zhengzhi and His Collection of Books with Scriptures": "Chen Zhengzhi's collection of books began in ancestral tradition, he inherited nearly a thousand volumes of books from his great-grandfather and grandfather, and also received mutual gifts from colleagues and friends. Biography of a Bibliophile in Fujian, Fujian Education Publishing House, 2007, p. 71.

[4] (Republic of China) Ouyang Yingxiu, Chen Yanlu, Chronicle of Minhou County, Minhou County Local History Compilation Committee, 1995, p. 514.

[5] Lu Xinyuan, "< With The Bibliography of the Scripture Hall> After the Book", Feng Huimin compiled the "Compilation of Bibliographies of Yigu Tang", vol. 5, Zhonghua Bookstore, 2009, pp. 82-83.

[6] Tan Xian's "Diary of Futang", the second volume of "Chengdong Diary", manuscript, Nanjing Library.

[7] Tan Xian Tongzhi's diary on the sixth day of September in the third year of the third year: "Lan Xuetang movable type book "DongZi", the old Collection of Chen Lanlin's Great Order with the Scripture Hall, now returned to Chen Cheng'an. ”

[8] Tan Xian's "Diary of Futang", the second volume of "Chengdong Diary", manuscript, Nanjing Library collection.

[9] Volume IV of the Bibliography of the Belt Scripture Hall contains one of the eight volumes of Zong Ze's Zong Zhongjian Collection, which was found in the old books in the first year of Chen Shuyu's Tongzhi reign.

[10] Tan Xian's "Diary of futang", the fifty-first volume "The Record of Rest", manuscript, Nanjing Library.

[11] December Shuo Day Diary Yun: "For Ji Zhao's "Art and Literature Cluster", the school Chen Lan Lin's hand school book was also passed on, and Lan Linggai borrowed Feng's old school book. ”

[12] During this period, Wang Yishou also wrote the title "Guifang Zai Shu Tu" to Wang Yishou. The manuscript "Man Ya Tang Diary" Yun: "Night title Mr. Chen Lanlin's "Guifang Zai Shu Tu". Chen Hou guanren, jiaqing last official will audit the order, do their best to ask for books, many good books, dismiss the official return, make this map, there is Jiashan Huang Jiqing too orderly. Now his grandson Xingcun joined the army to make up for the problem. The inscription is "So Jiangshan Chen Lanlin< Guifang Zaishu Tu > for Wensun Xingcun to join the army", Xiao Zhuyun: "When Mr. Guanhui was audited, he obtained the ancient book, and the half Shen Clan Relic Scripture Hall was returned to it, and the battle of Collecting and SchoolIng was also attributed to it." See Shanghai Library Collection of Banknote Diaries, National Library Press, 2017, vol. 26, p. 42.

[13] Tongzhi's diary on the eighth day of the first month of July in the eleventh year of the 11th year: "From early in the morning, he wrote a poem for Chen Xingcun to write a "Bibliography of the Belt Scripture Hall". The twelfth volume of "Nongshen Trivia", manuscript, Nanjing Library collection.

[14] Guangxu 4,000 Diary Cloud: "Obtain the Hangzhou Yellow Letter, and Chen Xingcun Letter, Xingcun Fan Three Letters to The Loan, Unable to Respond." The diary of the third day of the first month of February in the eighth year of Guangxu: "I got a loan letter from Chen Xing Village." See the thirty-seventh volume of "The Eunuch of Tiandu" and the forty-third volume of "Zhifei Diary", the manuscript, the collection of Nanjing Library.

[15] Zheng Weizhang, "The General Examination of Philologists", Zhonghua Bookstore, 1996, vol. 1044-1045.

[16] Li Jun, "A Brief Outline of Zhou Xing's Book Collection: Based on the > of the < Book And The < Of Reading And Memorizing >", Bibliographic Quarterly, No. 4, 2009, p. 28.

[17] Bai Yunjiao, "Guotu Zang Zhou Xing ZiBu Rare Book Title Examination", Literature, No. 3, 2015, p. 94.

[18] It is worth noting that Lu Xinyuan's "After the Bibliography of the Chen Clan with the Scripture Hall" Yun: "As far as Min, visiting the descendants of the Chen clan, only Zhang Qingzi's "Notes on Zhou Yi", Jin Renshan's "Notes on The Book of Shang", and Yang Zhongliang's "Long Compilation chronicle at the end of the book" were not available. Volume VII of the Yigu Tang Continued Journey has the "Chronicle of the Chronicle of the Tongjian Chief", which Yun purchased as the "Shadow Writing Song Ji Xu Hu Periodical". Zhou Xingyi's "Bibliography of Chuanzhongtang" Volume II is also written in the record, twenty-four volumes of yun banknotes, but there are two kinds of Hu that Chen shi has in his possession.

[19] These 62 kinds of banknote books are now found in the "Bibliography of the Book of The Book of The Notes pavilion", namely: one volume of Fang Spoon's "Qingxi Kou Track", four volumes of Qian Daxin's "Records of Doubts", one volume of Lu Youren's "Old Affairs of Wuzhong", one volume of Zhang Zongdao's "JiGudian Sayings", one volume of Gu Yanwu's "Shi Jingkao", one volume of Wan Maomin's "Tianyi Pavilion Stele Catalogue", one volume of Li Bangxian's "Miscellaneous Sayings of The Province", one volume of Wu Qiuyan's "Ancient Compilation of Learning", two volumes of Chen Ben's "Zihuazi" and one volume of "Ghost Valley", three volumes of Cui Xuan's "Sayings", and one volume of Zhao Shuqian's "Miscellaneous Sayings of the Province", one volume of Wu Qiuyan's "Ancient Compilation of Learning", two volumes of "Zihuazi" and "Ghost Valley" volume of Cui Xuan's "Sayings", and "Zhao Shuqian" One volume of Ken Fanlu, one volume of Song Qi's Notes on Song Jingwen gong (fragment), seven volumes of Wenchang Miscellaneous Records of Yue Yuanying, three volumes of Ye Mengde's Yanxia Fangyan, one volume of Lü Yihao's Yanwei Magazine, one volume of Wu Ji's "Chang Tan", one volume of Zhou Mi's "Zhiyatang Miscellaneous Notes", one volume of Li Chong's "Records of Daily News", one volume of Chen Que's "Records of Qin Youtang", one volume of Chen Shilong's "Notes on Beixuan", one volume of Guo Ji's "Notes on Xueluzhai", three volumes of Shangguan Rong's "Friends' Series Talks", two volumes of Gao Qiansuo's "Zhen xi fang talks", and ten volumes of "Inker Sweeping Rhinoceros" Three volumes of "Pingzhou Can Talk" with one volume of "Ancient Dian Collection", eight volumes of Jin Yingzhi's "Drunken Weng's Talk", one volume of Xia Bohe's "Qinglou Collection", six volumes of Guo Pu's "Biography of Mu Tianzi", one volume of Xu Kun's "Supplement to Sanshui Xiaomu", one volume of Zheng Tang's "Records of Kaitian Transmission", four volumes of Li Hua's "Collection of Li Xiaoshu", one volume of Gu Ying's "Yushan Pu Manuscript" and one volume of "Yushan Yi Manuscript", one volume of Tang Qiu's "Tang Hermitage Poems", one volume of Zheng Pu's "Shiwen Zheng's Narratives", one volume of Zhao Ding's "Jianyan Records", and two volumes of Tao Zongyi's "You Zhi Continuation". See Zhou Xingzhi Collection and Compilation of "Bibliography of Zhou's Chuanzhongtang", "Bibliography of Shuqian Ge Xingzheng", "Bibliography of Famous Chinese Bibliophiles and Modern Volumes", Commercial Press, 2005, vol. 9.

[20] Wang Jienan, Zi Huaipei, Fujian Xianyouren. He is the author of the "History of Minzhong History", "Records of the Eastern Yue Dedication", "Chronicle of jinshi academy" and other books.

[21] Bai Yunjiao, "Guotu Zang Zhou Xing ZiBu Rare Book Title Examination", Literature, No. 3, 2015, p. 94.

[22] Between the fourth year of Tongzhi and the sixth year of Tongzhi, Zhou Xingyi also sporadically received part of the collection of the Chen clan with the scriptures, just as in the winter of the fourth year of the reign, he purchased a volume of Wu's Xiugu Ting manuscript Yuan Wuyan's "Records of Idle Residence"; in October of the fifth year of Tongzhi, he purchased a volume of The Record of The Clouds and Smoke Passing the Eyes of the Weekly Secret Forty-year-old Qing Dynasty, and six volumes of Dong Di's "Guangchuan Paintings" engraved by Ming Hanchen; in June of the sixth year of Tongzhi, he purchased eight volumes of Zhu Cunli's "Coral Wood Difficulty", and in June of the sixth year of Tongzhi, he also obtained three volumes of Zhang Duanyi's "Collection of Gui'ers of Zhang Chuanweng" donated by Chen Shuyu. For details, see Bai Yunjiao's "Examination of the Rare Book Of the National Map Collection zhou xing zibu", Literature, No. 3, 2015.

[23] Tan Xian's "The First Collection of Huashutang", vol. 2, engraved in the seventh year of Xianfeng (1857).

[24] Zhou Xingyi, Mian Xi Ci, vol. 1, Compilation of Collected Poems of the Qing Dynasty, Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 2008, vol. 725, p. 529.

[25] Qian Zeng, "Reading Books And Seeking Memories", Continuation of the Four Libraries, vol. 923, p. 113.

[26] Zhou Xingyu and Zhou Xingyi wrote "The Diary of Outang and the Diary of Guo tang", Hebei Education Publishing House, 2001. The "Diary of The Book of Diary" (1884-1898) that is now preserved is not the original, but is preserved by Wang Xinfu's abridgements, and the many reading experiences and book examinations received are well received, and the characters travel from each other, among which the content of interaction with Li Ciming and bad relations is also unreserved.

[27] Qian Zeng, "Reading Sensitive Notes", "Continuation of the Siku Quanshu", vol. 923, p. 113.

[28] Shanghai Library, ed., "The True Inscription of Rare Books in Shanghai Library", Shanghai Dictionary Publishing House, 2013, vol. 7, pp. 239-240. This book also contains a copy of zhou xing's "Talk on Shui Shui Yan", which is also derived from the Chen clan of Fuzhou With Scripture.

[29] Shanghai Library, ed., The True Inscriptions of Rare Books of Shanghai Library, vol. 7, p. 233.

[30] Qian Zeng, "Reading Books And Seeking Memories", Continuation of the Four Libraries Of The Complete Book, vol. 923, p. 269.

[31] Tan Xian's Diary of futang, volume 51, The Record of Rest, manuscript, Nanjing Library.

[32] Tongzhi 3rd year of the sixth day of December diary cloud: "Morning out of the bookstore, through the Makoto Temple." ...... He also bought half of the Yuan carved Tongzhi for Ji Yin, which was a hundred copies of the previous day's income, and seemed to be missing twenty copies. This book is a relic of the Liang family. Brothers analyze the credit, and this book also holds its own half, so that it is lost, but it is regrettable. The beads are combined, but there are still defects. Ji Yin's love of the ancients is only seen, and he feels that he is dedicated, and pays him with the newly acquired Song Ben "Zhongshu". Zhou Xing's saying is also cloudy: "The three volumes of Song Shuyuan's revision of "Zhongshu" are the old collections of The Feng Zhishi and Wenling Zhang Families in Changshu. My friend Tan Zhongyi got fuzhou, sent a curse to Shao Wu, and the nineteenth year of Yizhi. See Bai Yunjiao, "Guotu Zang Zhou Xing ZiBu Rare Book Title Examination", Literature, No. 3, 2015, p. 77.

[33] Tan Xian's Diary of futang, vol. 52, manuscript, Nanjing Library.

[34] Xu Yanping, "The Diary of Guan Tingfen of the <> and the Jiangnan Book Society of the Daoxian and Xian Dynasties," Literature, No. 6, 2014, p. 74.

Note: This article was published in the "Literature" No. 3, 2019, according to the author's original manuscript, please refer to the journal.

Wu Qingen: Tan Xiandai Zhou Xingyi Purchased the Book Examination of the Chen Clan with scriptures - and the friendship and evil between Zhou and Tan

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