
Indonesian President Sukarno: 58-year-old visited Japan and fell in love with a 19-year-old Japanese girl, and married home

author:A brief history of fishing

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Indonesian President Sukarno: 58-year-old visited Japan and fell in love with a 19-year-old Japanese girl, and married home

As the former president of Indonesia, Sukarno was inevitably visited by countries around the world during his reign.

When he came to Japan, he was quickly fascinated by the nineteen-year-old Shichihoko Nemoto.

When Sukarno finished his visit, he took Nanako back to Japan and married her legally.

It can't help but make people sigh, Sukarno is really a man of temperament!

Indonesian President Sukarno: 58-year-old visited Japan and fell in love with a 19-year-old Japanese girl, and married home

Born in 1901, Soekarno also made outstanding contributions to the liberation movement in Indonesia. After ascending to the presidency, Sukarno led the Indonesian people to make unremitting efforts and gradually embarked on the road to becoming a strong country.

By the end of the fifties, Sukarno had the honor of visiting Japan and was arranged by the Japanese authorities to live in the Imperial Hotel.

It was also there that Sukarno met Shichihoko.

At this time, although she was only nineteen years old, she was a very energetic girl.

Indonesian President Sukarno: 58-year-old visited Japan and fell in love with a 19-year-old Japanese girl, and married home

Not only was she slim, but she was also very warm and welcoming, and she was also deeply favored by Sukarno.

At this time, the Japanese side, who was in charge of the reception, also deliberately created an opportunity for Sukarno to accompany him.

In the days of getting along day and night, Sukarno was also attracted by Shichihoko's unique temperament, and he seemed to be more and more inseparable from Nanahoko.

As you can imagine, when Sukarno was about to leave Japan, he also made a reluctant request to the Japanese authorities, that is, to bring Shichihoko back to Indonesia.

Indonesian President Sukarno: 58-year-old visited Japan and fell in love with a 19-year-old Japanese girl, and married home

Of course, the Japanese authorities have no reason to refuse Sukarno's request.

In this way, when Sukarno returned to China, he had one more confidante by his side, and she was Qibaozi.

After coming to Indonesia, Nanahoko also gave herself a nice name, called Latona Sally Devi.

For the next three years, she stayed by Soekarno's side.

Indonesian President Sukarno: 58-year-old visited Japan and fell in love with a 19-year-old Japanese girl, and married home

In order to give Shichihoko a name, Sukarno finally made a bold decision to marry Shichihoko.

In this way, Nanahoko naturally married Sukarno and became what people call Mrs. Devi.

Although the age difference between the two is more than 30 years, in daily life, Sukarno is very good to Nanahoko.

Not only did he often take Nanahoko out to play, but he also bought her a seaside villa.

Indonesian President Sukarno: 58-year-old visited Japan and fell in love with a 19-year-old Japanese girl, and married home

When he has nothing to do, Sukarno will take Nanahoko to ride a bicycle, and the affectionate appearance of the two makes many people envious.

They didn't expect that although Nanahoko was not Indonesian, she had also made considerable efforts to integrate into Indonesian life.

In fact, Sukarno had been married three times before marrying Shichihoko, and his first wife was named Ingit.

At that time, Sukarno was making unremitting efforts for the liberation of the nation, and Ingit, as his virtuous helper, also suffered a lot and suffered a lot.

Indonesian President Sukarno: 58-year-old visited Japan and fell in love with a 19-year-old Japanese girl, and married home

However, because Ingit is twelve years older than Sukarno, the two do not look like a husband and wife, but like a pair of sisters and brothers.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that after Sukarno ascended to the presidency, Ingit left him without hesitation.

In order to find a suitable woman to take care of Sukarno, Ingit also introduced her adopted daughter Fatwati to Sukarno.

At that time, Fatwati was only a seventeen-year-old girl, but after she married Sukarno, she also participated in Indonesian state affairs as a virtuous helper.

Indonesian President Sukarno: 58-year-old visited Japan and fell in love with a 19-year-old Japanese girl, and married home

In the long years that followed, Fatwati also gave birth to four children for Soekarno. Not only did she take on a lot of family responsibilities, but she also worked hard. However, in the face of the macho Sukarno, Fatwati also had many conflicts with him.

The result can be imagined, the marriage between the two only lasted for ten years, and then it ended regrettably. Sukarno, who was single again, unexpectedly fell in love with a married woman named Hartini.

At this time, Hatini not only had a happy marriage, but also gave birth to five children.

But even so, in the face of Sukarno's pursuit, she finally gave up her family and threw herself into Sukarno's arms instead.

Indonesian President Sukarno: 58-year-old visited Japan and fell in love with a 19-year-old Japanese girl, and married home

However, what Hartini didn't expect was that just after she married Sukarno, the other party brought back Nanahoko from Japan, and she was quickly given a cold reception.

At this time, Sukarno had fallen into the gentle countryside of Shichihoko, and he almost left his first three wives behind.

However, Sukarno's happy life did not last long, and he suffered a sudden change in Indonesia's political situation.

Indonesian President Sukarno: 58-year-old visited Japan and fell in love with a 19-year-old Japanese girl, and married home

Sukarno, who was ousted from power, did not wait for Nanahoko to visit, but his wife Ingit came to deliver meals many times, which also made Sukarno feel rare family affection.

After Sukarno's death, Nanahoko also left Indonesia, and after living in Paris, France for a while, she returned to Japan and never returned to Indonesia.

Indonesian President Sukarno: 58-year-old visited Japan and fell in love with a 19-year-old Japanese girl, and married home

If Sukarno had known, I wonder how he would have felt? Would Sukarno regret that he really shouldn't have married Shichiko in the first place?

Indonesian President Sukarno: 58-year-old visited Japan and fell in love with a 19-year-old Japanese girl, and married home

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