
The cycle of the four seasons: the changes of spring, summer, autumn and winter throughout the year

author:New Language Classroom
The cycle of the four seasons: the changes of spring, summer, autumn and winter throughout the year

In spring, the earth gradually wakes up. Green leaves and shoots break through the soil, flowers are budding, the temperature warms up, and everything in nature has begun a new round of life cycle. People step out of their homes to feel the spring sunshine and breeze. The birds sing happily in the branches, as if celebrating the arrival of new life.

In summer, the sun is shining and the scenery is picturesque. The water is sparkling and the beach is full of people enjoying the sun and the embrace of the waves. The park is full of greenery and flowers, children frolic and adults enjoy the beauty of summer on the lawn.

In autumn, nature begins to change colors. The golden leaves sway gently in the breeze, as if to tell the change of seasons. The golden ears of grain in the rice fields are bent over, waiting for the farmers to harvest. Under the sun, people taste fresh fruits and harvest fruits, feeling the generosity of nature and the charm of life.

In winter, the snow is white and the land is quiet. People put on thick winter coats and play in the snow. As night falls, under the bright starry sky, children look up at the sky and imagine the mysteries of the universe. The cold and silence of winter make people cherish the warmth of family and the time of reunion even more.

The cycle of the four seasons: the changes of spring, summer, autumn and winter throughout the year

In the cycle of the four seasons, nature presents the meaning of life in its own unique way. In the ever-changing seasons, people feel the impermanence and preciousness of life, as well as the beauty and hope of life. The cycle of the four seasons makes us cherish life more and be grateful for the gifts of nature.

The cycle of the four seasons: the changes of spring, summer, autumn and winter throughout the year

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