
The "Happy Dancing" challenge on TikTok accidentally caused a knee injury, the physiotherapist reminded that when the "Happy Dancing" challenge on TikTok became a global craze, no

author:Little D said healthy

The "Happy Dancing" challenge on TikTok accidentally caused a knee injury, the physiotherapist reminds!

When the "Happy Dancing" challenge on TikTok became a global craze, no one thought it would pose a health risk for participants. Imagine music playing and people dancing happily to the beat with smiles on their faces. However, there is a hidden truth behind this: the risk of knee injuries is quietly rising. Recently, a 65-year-old Mr. Zhang, after trying this seemingly simple dance, unfortunately suffered knee pain, which forced him to give up his beloved dance.

Dancing is supposed to be a pleasant sport and social activity, but it has unconsciously brought health risks to many middle-aged and elderly friends who love life.

Dancing Challenges and Knee Injuries: Unraveling the Connections That Can't Be Ignored

The effect of dancing movements on the knee joint

Dancing is a full-body exercise that requires not only physical coordination but also flexibility and stability of the knee joints. When performing certain dance moves, especially those that involve jumps, spins, or rapid changes of direction, the knees are subjected to repetitive pressure and impact. These actions can lead to wear and tear on the articular cartilage, especially in middle-aged and older people, whose articular cartilage may have become fragile due to age.

Inappropriate dancing posture and its risks

Many middle-aged and elderly people may not have received formal dance training and may have taken incorrect postures when mimicking dance moves on TikTok. Wrong posture, such as knee inversion or hyperextension, can increase the abnormal load on the knee joint, which increases the risk of injury. In addition, if the weight of the body is not properly distributed while dancing, it can also cause additional stress on the knees.

Prevention & Concern

To reduce the risk of injury, it is important to be aware of an individual's physical limitations and take precautions. Middle-aged and older adults should warm up properly before participating in such dance challenges, including light stretching and Xi to enhance knee stability. At the same time, it is equally important to know and learn Xi proper dancing posture to help avoid unnecessary knee stress.

Be alert!

When participating in the "Happy Dancing" challenge on TikTok, it is easy for middle-aged and elderly people to ignore the subtle symptoms of the knee, leading to an exacerbated injury. This section is designed to help you identify the early signs of a knee injury and provide guidelines for self-diagnosis.

1. Recognize Early Symptoms:

Early signs of a knee injury typically include, but are not limited to, the following:

Mild pain or discomfort around your knees after activity or after sitting for long periods of time.

A clicking sound in your knees when you get out of bed or climb stairs.

Swelling or feeling tight around the knee.

Knee range of motion is limited, and it is difficult to straighten or bend.

2. Self-test methods:

There are a few simple self-tests you can use to tell if you're at risk of a knee injury:

Palpation check: Gently touch the area around your knee to feel for any swelling or painful spots.

Walking test: Walk a few steps normally, noting if you feel pain or discomfort in your knee.

Squatting maneuver: Try squatting and standing up again to see if your knee is painful or limited in movement.

Resting pain observation: Feeling for persistent pain or discomfort in the knee while sitting still or lying down.

3. When to seek medical help:

If you notice any of the following after taking the self-test above, it is recommended that you seek medical attention as soon as possible:

Knee pain that persists or worsens.

The knee is severely swollen or red, warm.

Loss of weight-bearing capacity in the knee and difficulty walking.

There is a significant morphological abnormality in the knee, such as abnormal flexion or twisting.

Dancing Youth, Protecting Your Knees: Smart Preventive Measures

Science Warm-Up:

It is crucial to warm up for at least 10 minutes before you start dancing. Warm-up exercises include gentle stretching and joint rotation, which can help improve flexibility in the knee and surrounding muscles and reduce the risk of injury.

Correct Dancing Posture:

Learning Xi and practicing Xi proper dancing posture is crucial. Avoid bending or rotating your knees excessively, especially when bearing weight. Keeping your back upright and using your core muscles to support your body movement can reduce pressure on your knees.

Moderate Participation:

Moderate participation according to your health and fitness level. If you feel any discomfort in your knees, stop dancing immediately and rest. Don't ignore your body's warning signs.

Wear appropriate footwear:

It's important to wear shoes that are comfortable, supportive, and cushioned. This helps to reduce the impact on the knees and other joints when jumping and turning.

Progressively increase the difficulty:

Beginners should start with simple steps and gradually increase in difficulty and intensity. As your body adjusts, try more complex dance moves gradually.

Self-Help Guide: Initial self-management for mild knee pain

After participating in TikTok's "Happy Dancing" challenge, many middle-aged and elderly people may feel knee pain. This section is designed to provide some basic and practical self-treatment methods to help you relieve minor knee discomfort at home.

Cold compresses to relieve pain:

In the early stages of knee pain, cold compresses are an effective way to reduce pain and swelling. Wrap the knee area with an ice pack or cold compress for about 15 to 20 minutes at a time.

Important: Avoid direct contact of ice with skin to prevent frostbite.

Moderate rest to reduce the burden on the joints:

Reduce standing and walking, especially stairs and walking for long periods of time, to reduce the burden on the knee joint.

Use crutches or walkers to assist in walking and reduce the weight on your knees.

Simple Joint Movement Xi:

Xi knee extension and flexion exercises to increase range of motion and flexibility of the joint.

Avoid making strenuous jumps or quick turns.

Use of over-the-counter anti-inflammatory analgesics:

Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, can be used in moderation to relieve pain if necessary.

Talk to your doctor about whether it's appropriate for your health condition and existing medications.

Joint Warmth and Comfortable Support:

Keep the knee area warm and protected from the cold.

Use a knee brace or elastic bandage to provide proper support.

The "Happy Dancing" challenge on TikTok accidentally caused a knee injury, the physiotherapist reminded that when the "Happy Dancing" challenge on TikTok became a global craze, no
The "Happy Dancing" challenge on TikTok accidentally caused a knee injury, the physiotherapist reminded that when the "Happy Dancing" challenge on TikTok became a global craze, no
The "Happy Dancing" challenge on TikTok accidentally caused a knee injury, the physiotherapist reminded that when the "Happy Dancing" challenge on TikTok became a global craze, no

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