
There are 5 taboos to avoid when the old man dies in the house again, not superstition, don't take it seriously

author:Middle-aged and elderly emotional station


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With the development of society and the improvement of people's living standards, more and more people have begun to pay attention to the quality of the living environment.

However, there are times when we need to re-move into the house after the death of an elderly person due to various reasons.

In this process, we need to observe some taboos to ensure a comfortable and safe living environment.

1. Don't throw away the important items of the elderly

Some items may still be memorable after the death of an old man.

These items may include photographs of the elderly, letters, books, furniture, etc.

Throwing away these items at will is not only disrespectful to the elderly, but can also have a negative impact on the psychology of the occupants.

Therefore, we should carefully organize these items and keep them safe before moving back in.

If you do need to dispose of it, you should choose the right way and place to avoid the impact on the environment and others.

There are 5 taboos to avoid when the old man dies in the house again, not superstition, don't take it seriously

2. Don't fail to burn the clothes of the elderly

In some cultures, the clothing of an elderly person needs to be burned after their death.

This is because it is believed that these garments may carry the breath and energy of the elderly, and if not burned, may have a negative effect on the occupants.

From a scientific point of view, the clothing of the elderly may carry germs.

Therefore, before moving back in, we should follow local Xi and beliefs and dispose of the elderly's clothes properly.

If you do need to burn it, you should choose the right place and method to avoid the impact on the environment and others.

There are 5 taboos to avoid when the old man dies in the house again, not superstition, don't take it seriously

3. Do not close doors and windows, and do not ventilate and disinfect

After the death of an old man, the house may leave some undesirable odors and bacteria.

If doors and windows are closed and not ventilated, these odors and bacteria can have an impact on the health of occupants.

Therefore, before re-moving in, we should open the doors and windows for ventilation and thoroughly disinfect the room.

It can be disinfected using tools such as professional sanitizer or UV lamps.

At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to maintaining the cleanliness and hygiene of the indoor environment.

There are 5 taboos to avoid when the old man dies in the house again, not superstition, don't take it seriously

Fourth, don't move in without decoration

The house after the death of the elderly may be relatively old, and it needs some renovation and renovation to meet the new living needs.

If you move in without renovation and remodeling, it may have a negative impact on the quality of life and safety of the occupants.

Therefore, before moving back in, we should renovate and renovate according to the new living needs and actual situation.

For example, items such as furniture, appliances, flooring, etc., can be replaced to meet new living needs.

At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the construction quality and environmental protection requirements.

5. Don't move in right away

For a period of time after the death of an old man, the house may be affected by some undesirable effects.

If you move in immediately, it may have a negative impact on the physical and mental health of the residents.

Therefore, we should wait for a while before moving back in.

The length of this period can vary depending on local Xi and actual conditions.

At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to maintaining the cleanliness and hygiene of the indoor environment.

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