
Spend 5 million to marry the "most beautiful ladyboy"! Regardless of his family's opposition, has he ever regretted it in the past 8 years?

Spend 5 million to marry the "most beautiful ladyboy"! Regardless of his family's opposition, has he ever regretted it in the past 8 years?

8 years ago, in Bangkok, Thailand, a special "wedding" was held.

Bao Xi, a 32-year-old wealthy Chinese businessman, married Thailand's "most beautiful ladyboy" - Nisha.

Spend 5 million to marry the "most beautiful ladyboy"! Regardless of his family's opposition, has he ever regretted it in the past 8 years?

Bao Xi fell in love with the "woman" in front of him, gave up everything in China for her, and settled in Thailand with her "wife".

even spent 5 million to buy a villa for Nissa in Bangkok.

Spend 5 million to marry the "most beautiful ladyboy"! Regardless of his family's opposition, has he ever regretted it in the past 8 years?

What is the charm of this "ladyboy queen" Nisha? Now that 8 years have passed, has Bao Xi ever regretted his original decision?

Spend 5 million to marry the "most beautiful ladyboy"! Regardless of his family's opposition, has he ever regretted it in the past 8 years?

Meet the "Shemale Queen"

Bao Xi is a wealthy businessman in Beijing, and when his career was booming, his once beloved girlfriend chose to leave, leaving him in a deep sense of loss.

In order to get rid of the shadow of losing his lover, Bao Xi came to Thailand to find comfort. And as an important part of Thailand's tourism industry, ladyboy culture has also attracted countless tourists.

Spend 5 million to marry the "most beautiful ladyboy"! Regardless of his family's opposition, has he ever regretted it in the past 8 years?

By chance, Bao Xi watched a "beauty contest", and he also met Nisha, the beautiful and moving "shemale queen".

When he saw a beautiful young woman appear on the stage in the crowd, his eyes were instantly drawn to it. From that moment on, Bao Xi's gaze could no longer be separated from Nisha's figure.

Spend 5 million to marry the "most beautiful ladyboy"! Regardless of his family's opposition, has he ever regretted it in the past 8 years?

And Nissa also won the crown of "The Most Beautiful Shemale" with her outstanding performance.

Soon after, they met again in a café, and the two grew closer.

Spend 5 million to marry the "most beautiful ladyboy"! Regardless of his family's opposition, has he ever regretted it in the past 8 years?

Keep each other company

Just as Bao Xi was about to confess to Nisha, a sudden change in work forced him to leave Thailand immediately.

In order to express his sincerity to Nisha, Bao Xi kept traveling between China and Thailand, proving his sincerity with practical actions.

Spend 5 million to marry the "most beautiful ladyboy"! Regardless of his family's opposition, has he ever regretted it in the past 8 years?

Bao Xi never thought of giving up, he would keep in touch with Nissa every day, and express his care and love for her with words and actions. During this time, Bao Xi and Nissa became closer and closer.

They share the joys, sorrows and sorrows of life together and spend every unforgettable moment together. Although Bao Xi knew Nisha's identity, he never wavered in his feelings for her because of it.

In Bao Xi's view, love is genderless, as long as they truly love each other, nothing can stop them from being together.

Spend 5 million to marry the "most beautiful ladyboy"! Regardless of his family's opposition, has he ever regretted it in the past 8 years?

Decide to stay together for a lifetime

Eventually, Bao Xi plucked up the courage to invite Nissa to the restaurant where they had first met. There, he got down on one knee and expressed his inner feelings to Nissa.

Nissa was deeply moved by these words, and she also felt Bao Xi's sincerity and firmness. So, she decided to accept Bao Xi's love and spend the rest of her life with him.

Spend 5 million to marry the "most beautiful ladyboy"! Regardless of his family's opposition, has he ever regretted it in the past 8 years?

Although Bao Xi has a busy career in China, he always cares about Nissa's feelings. Whenever the two are separated, they will feel a little lonely. But because of this, they have also strengthened their feelings for each other.

Bao Xi knows that the time spent together is always short, but he still tries to balance his career and his relationship, and spends as much time by Nissa's side as possible.

As time passed, Nissa also began to think about how to deal with Bao Xi's family problems.

Spend 5 million to marry the "most beautiful ladyboy"! Regardless of his family's opposition, has he ever regretted it in the past 8 years?

Ask your parents for advice

As a ladyboy, Nissa is well aware that she can't have children, and the Chinese family concept places a lot of emphasis on inheritance, which makes her feel pressured.

Bao Xi showed his attitude with firm determination, and he firmly believed that as long as he treated each other with his heart, he could win the favor of his family. Bao Xi's words gave Nissa a lot of courage and made her believe that they could overcome all odds.

Spend 5 million to marry the "most beautiful ladyboy"! Regardless of his family's opposition, has he ever regretted it in the past 8 years?

So, Nissa came to China with apprehension, hoping to gain the approval of Bao Xi's parents. When she met her in-laws, Nissa was pleasantly surprised.

Not only is she very cheerful, but she is also proactive in integrating into the family.

But then, they encountered the biggest obstacle of their lives.

Spend 5 million to marry the "most beautiful ladyboy"! Regardless of his family's opposition, has he ever regretted it in the past 8 years?

The decision is proven by action

Bao Xi's parents were shocked when they learned Nissa's true identity and couldn't accept it at all. They strongly objected to Bao Xi and Nissa being together, and even threatened to cut ties with Bao Xi.

He fell into deep pain and struggle, and after some careful consideration, Bao Xi decided to bravely face all difficulties and challenges for the sake of love.

Hiding from his parents, he returned to Thailand and started a new life with Nissa.

Spend 5 million to marry the "most beautiful ladyboy"! Regardless of his family's opposition, has he ever regretted it in the past 8 years?

In order to give Nissa a better life, Bao Xi even moved the company's main business to Thailand. He proved his love for Nissa with practical actions.

In 2015, Bao Xi hosted a lavish wedding for Nissa in Bangkok, Thailand.

After marriage, although they sometimes encounter setbacks and confusion, they always insist on supporting each other and working together. No matter what the difficulties they encounter, they believe in the power of true love that transcends all boundaries.

Spend 5 million to marry the "most beautiful ladyboy"! Regardless of his family's opposition, has he ever regretted it in the past 8 years?

Now, Bao Xi and Nissa have been working together for many years. The relationship between them is getting deeper and deeper, and they give each other meticulous attention and support, both on a material and spiritual level.

In order to satisfy Nissa's love of luxury, Bao Xi even built an entire wall in her home to display her collection of bags, each of which is worth a lot of money to show Bao Xi's love for her.

In the process, Nissa gets everything Bao Xi has given her, and at the same time gives him back her love.

Spend 5 million to marry the "most beautiful ladyboy"! Regardless of his family's opposition, has he ever regretted it in the past 8 years?

In Thailand, the word "ladyboy" is undoubtedly one of the most eye-catching synonyms, but behind this seemingly glamorous profession there are countless sadness and hardships.

Spend 5 million to marry the "most beautiful ladyboy"! Regardless of his family's opposition, has he ever regretted it in the past 8 years?

The sadness behind it

According to data, there are now more than 400,000 registered "ladyboys" in the world, most of which are concentrated in Thailand, which has become a major feature of the country's tourism industry.

Many people choose to embark on this path to improve their family or satisfy their personal aesthetic pursuits, but they also pay a great price for it.

Spend 5 million to marry the "most beautiful ladyboy"! Regardless of his family's opposition, has he ever regretted it in the past 8 years?

From the perspective of physiological structure, the creation of "shemales" stems from the special physique they have since childhood. They already have certain feminine qualities in childhood, such as soft voices and delicate skin.

As they age, they are influenced by external factors that further strengthen their femininity and eventually make lifelong identity decisions.

Spend 5 million to marry the "most beautiful ladyboy"! Regardless of his family's opposition, has he ever regretted it in the past 8 years?

However, this process is not an easy one, and it not only takes a lot of time and money, but also enduring unimaginable psychological stress and mental pain.

It may seem to us that "ladyboys" have become commonplace in Thailand, but the survival environment of this industry is not optimistic.

Spend 5 million to marry the "most beautiful ladyboy"! Regardless of his family's opposition, has he ever regretted it in the past 8 years?

The dilemma of the living environment

Although they can express themselves in various cabaret theaters and nightclubs and get paid well, due to the nature of their profession, it is difficult for them to gain real respect and recognition. As a result, many people feel lonely and helpless, and even suffer from social discrimination and exclusion.

What's even more cruel is that the life and artistic career of "shemales" are very short, usually only lasting about 20 years of active time, beyond which they will quickly age and retire from the entertainment industry.

The main reason for this is that the long-term use of estrogen in large quantities has led to serious damage to physical health, and problems such as decreased immunity and endocrine disorders have followed.

Spend 5 million to marry the "most beautiful ladyboy"! Regardless of his family's opposition, has he ever regretted it in the past 8 years?

In addition, another dilemma faced by "shemales" is how to balance work and personal life.

Due to factors such as the uncertainty of their careers and the narrow social circle, most ladyboys struggle to establish stable family and marital relationships, and often feel lonely and lost.

Spend 5 million to marry the "most beautiful ladyboy"! Regardless of his family's opposition, has he ever regretted it in the past 8 years?

What's more, some people gradually lose themselves in the process of indulging in this path, fall into vanity and greed, and eventually lead to tragedy.

The "ladyboy" industry is not full of radiant "star halo" as it seems, but is full of endless bitterness and tears.