
If I deposit 3 million yuan in the bank and only rely on interest, can I not have to go to work?

author:Not obsessed with finance

Nowadays, many people in society are working hard to earn money to support their families. However, due to the impact of the epidemic, all walks of life are in a recession, and everyone feels that it is becoming more and more difficult to make money. As a result, many people hope that one day, they can eat interest without going to work and lie down, and achieve financial freedom. In this regard, some people in the industry proposed that if the bank deposit reaches 3 million, you can only rely on interest instead of going to work.

If I deposit 3 million yuan in the bank and only rely on interest, can I not have to go to work?

So, if you deposit 3 million yuan in the bank and rely on interest, can you really not have to go to work? The answer we give is yes. If you deposit 3 million in the bank and the interest rate is 2.05% for a year, then you can have 61,500 yuan in a year, and the average monthly interest income is 5,125 yuan. Of course, you can also deposit a 3-year fixed deposit, the interest rate is 2.6%, the average annual interest income is 78,000 yuan, and the average monthly interest income is 6,500 yuan. Obviously, under normal living conditions, if you keep your money in the bank for 3 million, the annual interest you get is enough for the family to live on the basics, and you don't have to go to work.

However, in life, there will always be some special circumstances, and under these circumstances, it will be difficult to get the interest on the 3 million deposit. First, the current bank deposit interest rate, you can definitely live on interest income. However, if the interest rate on deposits gets lower and lower in the future, it will be difficult to live on interest income alone. In particular, under the condition that the deposit interest rate continues to fall and inflation continues to rise, it will be more and more difficult to live on interest only if the deposit bank is 3 million. Obviously, although 3 million deposits are a lot of money, it also depends on the deposit interest rate and inflation.

If I deposit 3 million yuan in the bank and only rely on interest, can I not have to go to work?

Second, if you have a deposit of 3 million, you can indeed live on interest, but if you are seriously ill in your life, you can only use money to treat your illness. In this way, the savings in hand are getting smaller and smaller, and there is no way to live on interest. Therefore, if you have a deposit of 3 million, you must also ensure that the family is in good health and has no major diseases. Only in this case can you rely on a deposit of 3 million yuan and live a flat life without going to work.

Third, if you deposit 3 million yuan in the bank, the average monthly interest income is between 5-6,000 yuan, and there is no problem with such an income to live normally. But if you want to live a high-quality life. For example, if you often go to high-end restaurants to buy luxury goods, it will definitely not work. Obviously, the interest on a deposit of 3 million can only achieve the most basic financial freedom, which is more suitable for families who do not have high living requirements.

If I deposit 3 million yuan in the bank and only rely on interest, can I not have to go to work?

In fact, don't look at the family with 3 million savings can achieve the most basic financial freedom, but it is a difficult task for ordinary people to save enough 3 million. If a family saves 5,000 yuan a month, it can only save 60,000 yuan a year, and if it wants to save 3 million, it will take 50 years. And in these 50 long years, it is really difficult that income cannot change, and life cannot change.

In fact, it is difficult for ordinary salaried people to save enough to save 1 million, not to mention 3 million deposits. The main reason is that most families do not have a high income and have to repay mortgages and car loans. Therefore, families with savings of 3 million are rare in China. Under normal circumstances, financial freedom can be achieved by not wanting to go to work and living on interest.

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