
Silas weakened and failed to still OP mid-laner!Dart Man suddenly warmed up?The ranking skyrocketed!

author:Smart Sky 1U

Not long ago, LOL designers found that the data of some mid-laner heroes was not ideal, so they announced the update trailer for version 13.24B, which adjusted heroes such as Silas, Clockwork, Yon, Sindra, Yon, Wit, Airplane, and Niko. Among them Silas, Sindra and Clockwork are weakened. Yonn is adjusted, everything else is strengthened.

However, a few days after the version update, players found that after adjustments, the data of some of these heroes did not seem to be affected by this supplementary update, and it should still be awesome.

Silas weakened and failed to still OP mid-laner!Dart Man suddenly warmed up?The ranking skyrocketed!

For example, Silas, version 13.24B of Silas's W skill is weakened, the damage is -5 at all levels, the AP bonus is reduced by 10%, and the healing amount is -5%. However, because the nerf is completely insufficient, Silas is still the only OP hero in the current version. The upfield and ban rates are high, but the win rate is still over 50%.

Obviously, if you want to target Silas, then the designers need to continue to weaken it. The same goes for Sindra, whose AP bonus to Q skills has been reduced by 10%, but Sindra is still a strong midlaner in the version, only one hero behind Silas.

Silas weakened and failed to still OP mid-laner!Dart Man suddenly warmed up?The ranking skyrocketed!

After Yongen's W skills were adjusted, the ranking of the mid laner was also slowly rising, and he gradually reached the sixth place in the mid laner. Now the player has a basic understanding of why Yon feels so strong, but the win rate is not too high.

Because the adaptation of Yon's skill set and Deadly Rhythm is so good, if the income of other heroes with Deadly Rhythm is 1, then Yonn is almost 2. If the designers want to weaken Yon, that's the way to go. But it is clear that the designers did not want to weaken, because the win rate of Yonn is really too low.

Silas weakened and failed to still OP mid-laner!Dart Man suddenly warmed up?The ranking skyrocketed!

The strengths and weaknesses of Yon's hero are obvious. Yongen's ability to play in the group is average, and it is the norm for the ultimate to miss the second. But the relative Yongen 1v1 ability is too strong, and it may also be because there are a lot of mid-lane mages now, so Yongen's ranking can continue to rise. No matter how inferior it is, even if it is 0-a few Yongen, as long as he has a ready-to-wear in his hand, he dares to chase the super god AP mage. For mage players, this kind of negative feedback is too strong, no matter how many times you kill Yon in the early stage, as long as you are killed by Yon, who is at a big disadvantage, your mentality will go wrong.

Silas weakened and failed to still OP mid-laner!Dart Man suddenly warmed up?The ranking skyrocketed!

Another interesting thing is that the victory rate of Zai and Yasuo is slowly rising, obviously there have been no changes about the two of them recently, but relying on the changes in the ecology of the middle lane, the living space of these two heroes is getting bigger and bigger. In terms of outfit, it's still the same as the previous version.,Robbery or Hydra first.,Secretly throw skills in the back.,I saw darts and no one in sight.。 Yasuo is the same, but fortunately, Yasuo has his brother to shelter him from the wind and rain, and now Yasuo is no longer the most hated midlaner of AP mages.

Silas weakened and failed to still OP mid-laner!Dart Man suddenly warmed up?The ranking skyrocketed!

In general, the current mid lane reflects the same problem. This version of the AP mage is really okay.,The strength is there.,But I'm too afraid of breaking through.,No matter how bad the assassin was before.,As long as the version is the version of the AP mage.,The assassin can play.。 This is indeed the normal logic of the game, and the assassin does this, but AP players should not be able to accept it, after all, the AP mage is not strong a few times a year, and it is really uncomfortable to be ridden by the sewer dart man assassin when he is finally strong.

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