
Edo Mitsubo domain with twenty-two Kokura Nitta domains

author:The Song of the Night of Dreams

During the reign of the Edo shogunate (1603-1868) for more than 260 years, there were about 500 large and small domains before and after Japan, on average, there were about 270 clans in each era, so there was the name of "Edo Shogunate 300 Domains", today we will introduce the Kokura Nitta Domain, because the information that Kokura Nitta Clan can find is too little, so the content is not perfect, and I hope to forgive.

Edo Mitsubo domain with twenty-two Kokura Nitta domains

Kyushu Domains

Ogura Nitta Domain is a branch of the Ogura Domain, the lord of the domain is the Ogasawara clan, the height of the stone is 10,000 stones, the territory is located in the Toyomae Kingdom of Kami-umaki, including 26 local villages, Ogura Nitta Domain did not initially build the domain hall, but set the domain hall in Kokura Castle, until the end of the shogunate era, Kokura Castle was burned down in the Second Choshu Expedition before the construction of the Ryoya as a domain hall in Chibuku.

Edo Mitsubo domain with twenty-two Kokura Nitta domains

Mr. Ogasawara Family

In 1671, Ogasawara Tadao, the second lord of the Ogura Domain, gave 10,000 stones from the domain to his younger brother Makoto Ogasawara (the fourth son of the original lord Ogasawara Tadao), thus establishing the Ogura Nitta Domain, a branch of the Okura Domain. However, although he was able to become independent from the Ogura Domain, Ogasawara Makoto did not really go to the domain to manage the domain, but instead entrusted it to the management of the Ogura Domain and his courtiers, and he himself lived in the Shinosaki Pavilion of the Kokura Domain, so Ogasawara Makata was also known as "Shinosaki Hall"

Edo Mitsubo domain with twenty-two Kokura Nitta domains

Kokura Castle

In 1700, due to his childlessness, Ogasawara Makoto took his brother Ogasawara Tadao, the third son of Ogasawara Tadao, the second generation lord of the Ogura Domain, as his adopted son.

Edo Mitsubo domain with twenty-two Kokura Nitta domains

Tadao Ogasawara

In 1709, Madakata Ogasawara was killed in a storm at the age of 58 in a storm while on his way to attend the mission, and was succeeded by his adopted son Ogasawara Sadatsuto, the second lord of the Ogura Nitta Domain. Ogasawara Sadatsu did not have a good relationship with Masamune, so the children were born to the concubine Fujii clan.

In 1747, Ogasawara Sadatsu died at the age of 62, and since his second son, Ogasawara, who had been chosen as heir, died before him, the position of governor was inherited by his sixth son, Ogasawara Sadahito, who was the third-generation lord of Ogura Nitta Domain.

Edo Mitsubo domain with twenty-two Kokura Nitta domains

Remains of the city walls

In 1782, Ogasawara Sadahito lived in seclusion, and the position of governor was succeeded by his third son, Ogasawara Sadami, who was the fourth generation of the Ogura Nitta Domain. Ogasawara served as the highest-ranking lord of the Shogunate, the Ogura Ogura Nitta Domain, and in 1790 he served as Daibanto, in 1800 as a performer, in 1805 as Nishi no Maru Wakanaji, and in 1812 as Honmaru Wakanian.

In 1802, the three-generation lord of the domain, Ogasawara Sadahide, died at the age of 69.

In 1822, Ogasawara Sadami died at the age of 59, and was succeeded by his eldest son, Ogasawara Sadatsu, who was the fifth generation lord of the Ogura Nitta Domain. Ogasawara served in the shogunate like his father, and he served as Daibanto in the following year (1823) and remained there until 1836.

In 1838, there was a riot in the domain, and the people of 5 villages fled to the neighboring domain.

Edo Mitsubo domain with twenty-two Kokura Nitta domains

Hachiman Shrine

In 1843, Ogasawara Sadatsu went into seclusion, and the position of governor was succeeded by his second son, Ogasawara Sadaken, who was the sixth lord of the Ogura Nitta Domain.

In 1851, Ogasawara Sadaken died before his father Sadatsu, at the age of 25, and was succeeded by his younger brother Ogasahara Sadaka (the fourth son of Ogasawara Sadatsu), who was the seventh lord of the Ogura Nitta Domain.

Edo Mitsubo domain with twenty-two Kokura Nitta domains

Ogasawara Tadayoshi

In 1854, Ogasawara Sadaka was elected as the adopted son of Ogasawara Tadasei, the seventh-generation lord of the Ogura Domain, and changed his name to Ogasawara Tadaka to succeed him, and the position of governor was inherited by his brother Ogasawara Sadahito (Ogasawara Sadatsu's third son), the eighth lord of the Ogura Nitta Domain.

Two years later, in 1856, Ogasawara Became Seriously Ill and chose to live in seclusion, and died shortly afterwards at the age of 26, succeeding him as head of the family by his adopted son, Ogasawara Sadamasa, the ninth and last lord of the Ogura Nitta Domain. Ogasawara Sadashi was the second son of Ogasawara Nobuki, the 7,000-stone flag of The House Kingdom, who was now a clan of Kii Domain and later became the shogunate flag.

Edo Mitsubo domain with twenty-two Kokura Nitta domains

Ogasawara Kosho

In 1857, the fifth generation lord of the clan, Ogasawara Sadatsu, died at the age of 56.

In 1863, Ogasawara took up the post of Osaka Castle Garrison, but soon resigned.

In 1865, the ninth generation lord of the Ogura Domain, Ogasawara Tadato, died at the age of 39, and Tadatsune's 4-year-old son Ogasawara Tadao succeeded to the throne of the Ogasawara Domain, and because Tadao was very young and unable to handle the affairs of the domain, Ogasawara Sadasada became the temporary governor of the Clan after Tadao.

Edo Mitsubo domain with twenty-two Kokura Nitta domains

Tadanori Ogasawara

In the same year, the Ogura Nitta clan joined the shogunate army side with the Hongan Ogura clan, participated in the second Choshu expedition, and fought against the Choshu clan in the direction of Kokura pass, but due to the shogunate's command error, the battle was finally defeated, and Ogasawara Wasada was forced to abandon the domain and flee to Kumamoto domain, and expressed his desire for peace to the Choshu domain.

In 1869, the clan hall was moved to Senju in Kamimo-gun and the Chiboku Shrine was built, making it also known as Chiju Domain in Ogura Nitta Domain.

In the same year, after the return of the edition, Ogasawara Masamasa became the governor of Chiju Domain.

Edo Mitsubo domain with twenty-two Kokura Nitta domains

The Hachiman Shrine converted from Chibukujinya

In 1871, after the abolition of the domain, it became Chishu Prefecture, and was later incorporated into the Fukuoka Domain through Kokura Prefecture.

In 1872, Ogasawara Sadasasa lived in seclusion, and the position of governor was succeeded by his adopted son Ogasawara Sadaki. Ogasawara Sadaki was the second son of Akira Kato, the 10th generation lord of the Omizuguchi Domain, whose ancestor was Kato Yoshiaki, one of the Seven Guns of Mt. Ogasa, but I did not find any information about Ogasawara Sadaki himself.

Edo Mitsubo domain with twenty-two Kokura Nitta domains

Akiaki Kato

In 1884, the Chinese Order was promulgated, and the Ogasawara clan of the Ogura Nitta Domain was granted the title of viscount and included in the Chinese.

Successive lords of the clan

Edo Mitsubo domain with twenty-two Kokura Nitta domains