
Some people are full and staring at the donation list, and you say that Huawei will look at yourself before donating or not

author:Wen Lang and his otaku diary

When I woke up at five o'clock in the morning, Xi opened today's headlines. I saw a micro-headline, this micro-headline, made a mobile phone manufacturer Gansu Qinghai earthquake-stricken area donation statistics. vivo donated 10 million, OPPO donated 10 million, Xiaomi donated 5 million, Apple confirmed the donation, however, the details of the donation were not announced.

Some people are full and staring at the donation list, and you say that Huawei will look at yourself before donating or not

This micro-headline that doesn't seem to be much, and the comments below are all yin and yang weird people. When you are angry with others, you should donate a little bit yourself! Even if you donate 10 yuan, you have the confidence to get rid of the yin and yang weirdness! However, these people don't donate a penny, they are there with a weird yin and yang, and I don't have any money, but I will look for something! I don't care what others do! Anyway, I'm blind, I just can't see, I just want to bring the rhythm, anyway, when I'm full, I have nothing to do, how did the Internet anger come about, it was brought out by the group of people who were full of food and had nothing to do. As soon as I found the door, I couldn't understand it, and I couldn't control it. Treat them well, lest they grow more and more inflated.

Some people are full and staring at the donation list, and you say that Huawei will look at yourself before donating or not
Some people are full and staring at the donation list, and you say that Huawei will look at yourself before donating or not
Some people are full and staring at the donation list, and you say that Huawei will look at yourself before donating or not
Some people are full and staring at the donation list, and you say that Huawei will look at yourself before donating or not
Some people are full and staring at the donation list, and you say that Huawei will look at yourself before donating or not
Some people are full and staring at the donation list, and you say that Huawei will look at yourself before donating or not
Some people are full and staring at the donation list, and you say that Huawei will look at yourself before donating or not
Some people are full and staring at the donation list, and you say that Huawei will look at yourself before donating or not
Some people are full and staring at the donation list, and you say that Huawei will look at yourself before donating or not
Some people are full and staring at the donation list, and you say that Huawei will look at yourself before donating or not
Some people are full and staring at the donation list, and you say that Huawei will look at yourself before donating or not
Some people are full and staring at the donation list, and you say that Huawei will look at yourself before donating or not
Some people are full and staring at the donation list, and you say that Huawei will look at yourself before donating or not
Some people are full and staring at the donation list, and you say that Huawei will look at yourself before donating or not
Some people are full and staring at the donation list, and you say that Huawei will look at yourself before donating or not

There are also micro headlines with rhythm, what's the matter, what do people want to tell you!

Some people are full and staring at the donation list, and you say that Huawei will look at yourself before donating or not
Some people are full and staring at the donation list, and you say that Huawei will look at yourself before donating or not
Some people are full and staring at the donation list, and you say that Huawei will look at yourself before donating or not
Some people are full and staring at the donation list, and you say that Huawei will look at yourself before donating or not
Some people are full and staring at the donation list, and you say that Huawei will look at yourself before donating or not
Some people are full and staring at the donation list, and you say that Huawei will look at yourself before donating or not
Some people are full and staring at the donation list, and you say that Huawei will look at yourself before donating or not

Those people who write micro-headlines with rhythm! I admire them! I really rack my brains for a little traffic! Those people who bring rhythm in the comment area! Don't be so angry! If you are really bored, go out to do public welfare and make a little contribution to the society, which proves that you have not caused chaos to the society.

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