
Xinxiang County: This activity of "everyone singing, village singing" has made the party and the people more heart-to-heart

author:Henan Radio and Television Station Xinxiang Station
Xinxiang County: This activity of "everyone singing, village singing" has made the party and the people more heart-to-heart
Xinxiang County: This activity of "everyone singing, village singing" has made the party and the people more heart-to-heart
Xinxiang County: This activity of "everyone singing, village singing" has made the party and the people more heart-to-heart

[Henan Radio and Television Station, Lu Jiamin, Xinxiang Reporter Station, Yixuan Haoyang] The military flag was waving in the wind, the Red Army's fighting spirit was high, and the loud and tragic song presented a great scene of the Red Army climbing snow-capped mountains and crossing the meadows. This is not a professional cultural performance team, they are 110 villagers in Liudian Village, Qiliying Township, Xinxiang County, the oldest is 75 years old, the youngest is 35 years old. For participating in this activity, villager Zheng Li said happily: Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, we ordinary farmers can participate in the red classic song competition, and the mood is extremely excited.

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In order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and sing the main theme of loving the Communist Party of China and loving New China, on the afternoon of June 23, the Xinxiang County "Party and The People Heart to Heart" patriotic song chorus competition to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party was held in the compound of the county party committee and county government. More than 2,000 people from 21 participating teams from villages, towns, enterprises, organs and institutions in the county paid tribute to the great Communist Party of China in the form of a collective chorus competition and with an affectionate and passionate singing voice. "Toward Rejuvenation", "Singing the Motherland", "Singing Mountain Songs to the Party", "Defending the Yellow River", "Not Forgetting the Initial Heart".

Xinxiang County: This activity of "everyone singing, village singing" has made the party and the people more heart-to-heart
Xinxiang County: This activity of "everyone singing, village singing" has made the party and the people more heart-to-heart

Zhu Yu, a retired teacher in Hehe Village, Hehe Township, Xinxiang County, sighed: "I am very excited to see so many villagers participating in the activities, which shows that the chorus of patriotic songs is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Thanks to the party for inspiring our motivation to build a new countryside, we feel that the enthusiasm for building a new socialist countryside has doubled. ”

It is understood that the Xinxiang County "National Patriotic Song Chorus Competition to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Party" lasted more than five months, and after layers of selection, 19 teams finally entered the finals in 179 villages, 24 county-level organs and enterprises under its jurisdiction. Speaking of the biggest feature of this activity, Zhou Wei, member of the Standing Committee of the Xinxiang County CPC Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, proudly said that it was "grounded and popular", and a strong atmosphere of "everyone singing and village singing" was formed in the whole county.

After more than two hours of fierce competition in the choral competition, in the end, two representative teams, including the representative team of the Xinxiang County Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission, won the first prize, four representative teams such as Liudian Village in Qiliying Town won the second prize, and six representative teams such as Dongdayangdi Village in Zhai Po Town won the third prize.

Xinxiang County: This activity of "everyone singing, village singing" has made the party and the people more heart-to-heart
Xinxiang County: This activity of "everyone singing, village singing" has made the party and the people more heart-to-heart

Yang Yanling, member of the Standing Committee of the Xinxiang Municipal CPC Committee and director of the Propaganda Department; Chen Lei, member of the Fourth Circuit Guidance Group of the Xinxiang Municipal CPC Committee's Party History Study and Education Activity and a fourth-level researcher of the Xinxiang Municipal CPC Committee's Bureau of Veteran Cadres; wu Cui, a fourth-level director of the Xinxiang Municipal CPC Committee, were invited to attend the event.

Xinxiang County: This activity of "everyone singing, village singing" has made the party and the people more heart-to-heart
Xinxiang County: This activity of "everyone singing, village singing" has made the party and the people more heart-to-heart