
The situation in the ancient court is changing, how does Wu Zetian design to remove obstacles and control the power of the court?

author:Weisheng Xiaoyun
The situation in the ancient court is changing, how does Wu Zetian design to remove obstacles and control the power of the court?

Text丨 Weisheng Xiaoyun

Editor丨Weisheng Xiaoyun


In the ancient and majestic Chang'an City, Wu Zetian's powerful and cunning face flashed with the light of scheming in the shadows of the palace.

She was born with a soft spot for power, which was the most precious jewel in her eyes, the deepest desire in her heart, her ambition was far more than sitting firmly in the main palace and participating in court politics, her eyes were directed at the emperor's throne.

The situation in the ancient court is changing, how does Wu Zetian design to remove obstacles and control the power of the court?

Blood or right

Wu Zetian knew that in order to ascend to that supreme throne, she must abandon all factors that might threaten her political ambitions.

Her steps never stop, and every step is a path paved to achieve the ultimate goal. Intrigue intertwines her life, like an invisible web, capturing all the obstacles that stand in her way.

In the long night, she sat alone on the dragon chair in the palace, looking coldly at the relatives around her. The contradiction between her and her eldest son Li Hong is like an indescribable undercurrent.

Li Hong used to be the closest existence in her bloodline, but in the whirlpool of power and conspiracy, family affection has been replaced by cold political concepts.

The situation in the ancient court is changing, how does Wu Zetian design to remove obstacles and control the power of the court?

Wu Zetian understood that in order to secure her political status, she must not hesitate to eliminate all those who might threaten her existence.

She thought about it carefully and finally made up her mind to poison her eldest son Li Hong in the name of her mother, a decision that was the result of her struggle with her conscience and an inevitable choice on her way to the throne.

In the court's power schemes, Wu Zetian's name is like a dazzling star, shining on the road to power that she is unremittingly pursuing.

Every step is to achieve her deep political dream, and she knows that for this dream, she must give up her family affection and cut off her blood. This is the path she has chosen, and it is the price she has paid for power.

The situation in the ancient court is changing, how does Wu Zetian design to remove obstacles and control the power of the court?

In the ancient Tang Dynasty, Wu Zetian was a talented and beautiful female emperor, she had four sons in her life: the eldest son Li Hong, the second son Li Xian, the third son Li Xian, and the fourth son Li Dan.

The death of Empress Wang brought great variables to the imperial court, and Wu Zetian took resolute action in order to consolidate his power.

She deposed the crown prince Li Zhong and made her youngest four-year-old son, Li Hong, the new crown prince in a political storm, a decision that sent the entire court into turmoil.

The situation in the ancient court is changing, how does Wu Zetian design to remove obstacles and control the power of the court?

Li Hong was bathed in the brilliance of Confucianism from an early age, which made him grow into a benevolent, filial and humble teenager, who maintained a polite and virtuous attitude towards both the courtiers and the common people, and was deeply favored by Gaozong.

His benevolence and wisdom won the broad support of ministers and the common people, laying a solid foundation for his future political career.

When Li Hongchang was eleven years old, Gojong began to train him to participate in political affairs. Every five days, Li Hong listened to the letters of the officials and ministers in the Guangshun Gate Dynasty, showing his gradual understanding of the country's major policies.

The situation in the ancient court is changing, how does Wu Zetian design to remove obstacles and control the power of the court?

In the process, some small matters were gradually handed over to him to handle personally, showing his maturity in political wisdom and ability to handle affairs.

All this gives a glimpse of a future emperor with unlimited potential and ruling potential, and in this tense and politically fraught era, Li Hong's rise is destined to be a compelling chapter in history.

The crown prince Li Hong was elegant, and in the court, the sound of fine gold and stone echoed in his light steps, like a rhythmic ancient melody.

The situation in the ancient court is changing, how does Wu Zetian design to remove obstacles and control the power of the court?

In the ancient palace, the crown prince Li Hong's ability to govern the country became more and more evident, and he depicted his talent among the monarchs and ministers in detail with a benevolent heart.

Living up to the emperor's expectations, he expressed his loyalty to his father and the emperor with a piece of paper, and married the two princesses born to Concubine Xiao Shu to the talented and noble sons of the nobles, which not only skillfully married the palace relatives, but also contributed to the harmony and stability of the country.

Behind this picture-like scroll, Wu Zetian was secretly planning her own schemes, and she saw through the layers of court clouds that the power of the crown prince Li Hong was growing day by day, which became an obstacle in her schemes.

The situation in the ancient court is changing, how does Wu Zetian design to remove obstacles and control the power of the court?

Li Hong's actions, especially the transfer of state-owned land to landless poor people in Tongzhou Shayuan, made him rise to prominence, but he also inadvertently placed himself under the eyes of Wu Zetian.

The crown prince Li Hong was not unaware, he understood that this was an undercurrent game, he advocated the openness of words and the pursuit of the way of virtuous ministers, but he did not know that Wu Zetian's eyes were already full of conspiracy.

While Li Hong was trying to broaden his words, Wu Zetian had already been aware of the delicate relationship between him and Gaozong, as well as the prince's repeated actions against her will.

The situation in the ancient court is changing, how does Wu Zetian design to remove obstacles and control the power of the court?

Especially in dealing with the daughter of the enemy Concubine Xiao Shu, Li Hong had repeatedly played Gaozong in private, and Wu Zetian was deeply angry about this.

In the giant wheel of conspiracy, Wu Zetian disdains to show weakness.

In order to counter the prince's actions, she mercilessly demoted Concubine Xiao's two daughters to ordinary soldiers as punishment and revenge.

The political wisdom and noble character of the crown prince Li Hong will face a huge test in this power struggle, and the delicate relationship within the court will become more and more confusing with this game.

The situation in the ancient court is changing, how does Wu Zetian design to remove obstacles and control the power of the court?

The ruthless queen mother is only for power

In the second year of the last century, Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty was seriously ill, and the cold wind struck, which troubled it very seriously, and it was rumored that the medical officials in the court were helpless, and Tang Gaozong gradually realized that his physical condition was becoming worse and worse.

At this time, the situation inside and outside the palace is changing, above the court, government affairs are coming, but there is a worried atmosphere, Tang Gaozong knows that national affairs can not be ignored, but the weakness of his body makes him unable to personally take charge of government affairs.

Hao Chujun, who was a scholar in the middle of the court, and a fellow Sanpin, stood up, his face was solemn, and he said cautiously: "Your Majesty, the heavy responsibility of governing the foreign dynasty should be borne by the emperor himself, and the affairs of the harem should be taken care of by the queen, which is common sense since ancient times.

The situation in the ancient court is changing, how does Wu Zetian design to remove obstacles and control the power of the court?

Recall that Emperor Wen of Wei Cao Pi once issued a decree stipulating that even if the emperor was young, the empress dowager was not allowed to attend the court in person to listen to the government, the purpose was to prevent the occurrence of disasters, why did His Majesty not pass on the inheritance of Gaozu Taizong to future generations, but wanted to entrust the burden to the Queen of Heaven?"

Hao Chujun's words were like a sharp sword piercing the hearts of important ministers of the court, causing a dull silence, and at this time, Li Yiyan, a native of Changle, also echoed his words, and Li Yiyan's voice was like a breeze, blowing away the dullness in the hearts of the courtiers, adding a certain affirmation to Hao Chujun's suggestion.

The situation in the ancient court is changing, how does Wu Zetian design to remove obstacles and control the power of the court?

Tang Gaozong thought about it for a long time, and finally gave up the idea of entrusting the important tasks of the country to Empress Wu, and he intended to pass on the throne to the crown prince Li Hong.

This decision demonstrated Tang Gaozong's deep concern for the safety of the country, and also brought a trace of tranquility to the government and the opposition, but in the storm of power struggle, the fate of the Tang Dynasty was still shrouded in an unfathomable mystery, and Emperor Gaozong and Empress Wu embarked on a tour of Luoyang together.

This tour was originally a solemn and grand event, but fate left a sad mark on the palace, only twenty-four-year-old Li Hong, the emperor's son and emperor, died suddenly on the way to the tour, which shocked the entire court.

The situation in the ancient court is changing, how does Wu Zetian design to remove obstacles and control the power of the court?

Li Hong's death made Gaozong feel pain, the sadness was overflowing, in this grief, Gaozong could only issue an edict in May, the deceased prince was posthumously crowned as filial piety to the emperor, this move was the first time in Chinese history, the palace was filled with a heavy atmosphere, and the mournful sound seemed to echo in the air.

With the tragic death of Li Hong, Gojong's eyes turned to the hope of a new life, Li Xian, and in June 675 AD, Gojong personally presided over the canonization ceremony and made Li Xian the crown prince.

The situation in the ancient court is changing, how does Wu Zetian design to remove obstacles and control the power of the court?

From an early age, Li Xian showed a talent for intelligence, he was well-behaved, dignified and elegant, and in his early years he read the epic books of the scriptures, and the wisdom in the books took root in his heart. Gojong's love for this heir can be seen, and in order to cultivate Li Xian, he did not hesitate to let Li Xian participate in government affairs.

Li Xian showed extraordinary talent in the political arena, and his shrewd and decisive handling of government affairs attracted the attention of the entire court. Hundreds of officials praised Li Xian's outstanding talent, which also made Gaozong feel very gratified, and in the haze of grief, new hopes were emerging, pinning Gaozong's ardent expectations for the future of the country.

The situation in the ancient court is changing, how does Wu Zetian design to remove obstacles and control the power of the court?

Tiger poison does not eat children

Li Xian, who has a prominent background, is the second son of Wu Zetian, he is shrewd and capable, well versed in government affairs, and has already silently gathered a group of like-minded scholars to plan his rise in the political arena together.

In order to conceal his true intentions, he cleverly brought together this group of scholars in the name of revising the Book of the Later Han Dynasty and formed a huge political force.

This group is like a latent political seed, quietly planted in the depths of the court. Through careful layout, Li Xian gradually spread his influence among the courtiers, and it seemed that when the time was ripe, he would be able to control the government in one fell swoop.

The situation in the ancient court is changing, how does Wu Zetian design to remove obstacles and control the power of the court?

There is no eternal calm in the maelstrom of politics. Gaozong's illness made Wu Zetian see the trend of his second son's political power surpassing that of his eldest son.

Gaozong also began to desire his son to succeed the throne as soon as possible and inherit the throne. This change made Wu Zetian feel deeply in danger, and she could not tolerate the possibility that after Gaozong's death, the power would fall into the hands of Li Xian.

Wu Zetian knew that controlling the crown prince Li Xian was crucial to consolidating her power in the imperial court, and she spared no means to find an entry point for a conspiracy.

The situation in the ancient court is changing, how does Wu Zetian design to remove obstacles and control the power of the court?

Wu Zetian's trusted confidant Ming Chongyan secretly sowed more seeds, and he cleverly spread the word in the court, claiming that the crown prince Li Xian was not suitable to continue the unification, and that the British king Li Zhe looked like Tang Taizong and was a more suitable successor.

On the other hand, he also praised Li Lun, the prime minister, saying that his appearance has a prominent aristocratic temperament, and these words are deeply implanted in people's hearts.

When Li Xian heard these gossips, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. He felt the ominous aura from his mother, and feared that he would fall victim to the scheme.

The situation in the ancient court is changing, how does Wu Zetian design to remove obstacles and control the power of the court?

In his inner struggle, he ordered the musicians of the world to sing "Huangtai Melon Ci", which expressed his heart with a profound meaning: "Planting melons and yellow under the stage, melons are ripe and separated." One pick makes the melon good, and then the melon is thin, the third pick is still acceptable, and the fourth pick hugs the vine. ”

The melon in the lyrics not only refers to the throne, but also symbolizes Wu Zetian's sons, through this song, Li Xian hopes that the queen mother can awaken, have compassion, and realize that if the sons have an accident, it will also be an unbearable pain for her, this is a power struggle, a prince is helpless and trying to find space to survive.

The situation in the ancient court is changing, how does Wu Zetian design to remove obstacles and control the power of the court?

In the Tang Dynasty, the atmosphere of the court was surging like a tide, and Wu Zetian, the queen of heaven standing in the whirlpool of power and conspiracy, was in charge of the world, but she was also deeply involved in the torment of life and death of her cronies.

At this moment, Wu Zetian's confidant Ming Chongyan suffered an unforeseen fate and was brutally killed, while the Ministry of Justice was helpless and failed to find the culprit.

In the dimly lit corners of the court, there was an atmosphere of unease. Ming Chongyan's death plunged the entire court into a fog of mystery.

The situation in the ancient court is changing, how does Wu Zetian design to remove obstacles and control the power of the court?

The bloodstained palace looked even more gloomy, the palace maids and eunuchs whispered one after another, rumors spread, Wu Zetian's heart ignited a flame of suspicion, and she began to wonder if there was a shadow of the prince behind it.

The prince's personality is suave, he loves music and women, and has a close relationship with domestic slave Zhao Daosheng and others.

The crown prince generously rewarded the gold silk, and now it has become the focus of the court, even if the secretary Wei Chengqing suggests, the prince seems unmoved. He did not listen to advice, as if he did not care about power and government.

The situation in the ancient court is changing, how does Wu Zetian design to remove obstacles and control the power of the court?


In this history, which was full of power and family strife, Wu Zetian showed an endless thirst for power, and did not hesitate to poison his son Li Hong and deprive the crown prince Li Xian of his position, which eventually led to the deposition of Zhongzong Li Xian.

Her political skills and conspiracy are embarrassing. After going through bloody rain, she successfully put her son Li Dan on the throne and became Tang Ruizong, completely mastering the government.

Behind this conspiracy, there are countless children who have died, the family is broken, history is always cruel, Wu Zetian's ambitions and means make people feel deeply embarrassed, perhaps, she got power, but she lost the harmony of the family and the happiness of the heirs, behind the desire, there is often a painful price.

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