
How does using your phone before bed affect your sleep?Health Xi: Ways to improve sleep quality!

author:Professor Li of the Department of Urology

On a quiet night, when the hustle and bustle of the city fades away, we tend to pick up our phones, browse the news, scroll through social media, or watch a favorite TV episode. This seemingly ordinary Xi may actually be quietly affecting our precious sleep. Have you ever tossed and turned, had trouble sleeping, or woke up feeling exhausted? The answer may lie in your phone screen.

As a physician who specializes in sleep health, I would like to share with you a crucial topic: "Does using mobile phones before bed really affect our sleep?" Many people may have questions about this, especially among our middle-aged and elderly friends, this issue is a major issue related to the quality of daily life.

How does using your phone before bed affect your sleep?Health Xi: Ways to improve sleep quality!

Phone usage and sleep quality: Swipe the screen at night to steal your dreams

In today's era of technology, lying in bed and playing with mobile phones at night has become a Xi for many people. However, this seemingly innocuous Xi may be the invisible "culprit" that causes poor sleep quality.

The blue light effect of the phone screen

First, let's take a look at how the blue light emitted by the phone screen affects our biological clock. When you use your phone at night, the blue light emitted by the screen inhibits the secretion of melatonin. Melatonin is a key sleep hormone responsible for regulating our sleep-wake cycle. As a result, too much exposure to blue light at night can interfere with our internal clock, leading to difficulty falling asleep and poor sleep quality.

How does using your phone before bed affect your sleep?Health Xi: Ways to improve sleep quality!

The "misunderstanding" of the brain

Secondly, using a mobile phone at night is not only a visual stimulus, but can also be a psychological and emotional stimulus. Constantly refreshing social media, news, or games can keep the brain in a state of alertness, so that even when the body is tired, the brain is still in "working" mode. This state can make it difficult for a person to relax, which can affect the onset and quality of sleep.

Practical bedtime advice

To improve your sleep quality, here are some practical tips:

Establish "screen-free time": Stop using any devices with screens, including phones, tablets, and TVs, at least 1 hour before bedtime.

Use a blue light filter: If you have to use the device at night, you can turn on the blue light filter function on the device to reduce the impact of blue light.

Relax: Do some relaxing activities before bed, such as reading a paper book, listening to soothing music, or doing deep breathing exercises Xi.

How does using your phone before bed affect your sleep?Health Xi: Ways to improve sleep quality!

Evening Xi Adjustments: Paving the Way for Quality Sleep

1. Set up a "digital disconnection" time

Try to avoid using your cell phone or any glowing electronic devices 1 to 2 hours before bedtime. Not only does this Xi help reduce the effects of blue light on melatonin, a sleep-regulating hormone, but it also helps your brain break away from the daily hustle and bustle and into a calmer state. In addition, consider using night mode to reduce the light stimulation of the screen, and if you must use your phone, it is recommended to turn down the screen brightness.

2. Create an ideal sleeping environment

It's important to create an environment conducive to relaxation before bed. Try to keep the temperature and humidity in the bedroom within a comfortable range and reduce noise disturbances. Using blackout curtains can help control the light in the room and create a more sleep-friendly environment. In addition, comfortable bedding and a suitable pillow can also significantly help to improve the quality of sleep.

How does using your phone before bed affect your sleep?Health Xi: Ways to improve sleep quality!

3. Evening rituals to relax and unwind

Try doing some relaxation activities before bed, such as reading (avoiding electronic devices), deep breathing exercises, Xi gentle yoga movements, or meditation. These activities can help your body and brain relax and reduce the stress that accumulates during the day, making it easier to fall asleep.

4. Pay attention to what you eat and drink at night

Avoid drinking plenty of water or irritating foods and beverages, such as caffeinated beverages or foods high in sugar, before bedtime. These substances may interfere with your sleep quality, leading to nighttime awakenings or light sleep. Conversely, some light foods such as warm milk or small amounts of nuts may help with relaxation before bed.

5. Regular work and rest schedules

Try to stay on a regular sleep schedule, even on weekends. This helps adjust your body clock to Xi a fixed sleep pattern, which can help improve sleep quality in the long run.

Everyday behavior: a natural aid to sleep

When we explore how to improve sleep quality through daily Xi, the key is to understand and implement simple but effective lifestyle modifications. It's not just about avoiding certain behaviors, it's about developing healthy Xi that are conducive to good sleep.

Diet and sleep: Choose the right foods

Diet has an important impact on sleep. Some foods and beverages, especially caffeinated beverages such as coffee and certain types of tea, can significantly affect sleep. Middle-aged and elderly people are advised to avoid this type of drink in the evening. At the same time, you should choose foods that are easy to digest for dinner and avoid greasy or overly spicy foods to reduce the negative impact of indigestion on sleep.

How does using your phone before bed affect your sleep?Health Xi: Ways to improve sleep quality!

Moderate exercise: a sleep booster

Regular physical activity can go a long way in improving sleep quality. However, it is important to choose the right time and intensity. Middle-aged and older people can opt for light to moderate exercise, such as walking, yoga or gentle home fitness, preferably before the evening. Avoid high-intensity exercise immediately before bedtime, as this can lead to a state of physical excitement that is not conducive to falling asleep.

Mental state: Maintain peace

Mental stress and anxiety are often the main factors that affect sleep. Xi techniques to relax your mind and manage stress, such as deep breathing, meditation or listening to soft music, can help improve your mental state before bed. It is advisable to do some relaxing activities before bedtime, such as reading, listening to music, or doing gentle stretching exercises, which are all great ways to promote relaxation.

How does using your phone before bed affect your sleep?Health Xi: Ways to improve sleep quality!

Environmental Adjustment: Create a comfortable sleeping environment

The importance of the sleeping environment cannot be overlooked. Keeping your bedroom clean, quiet, and at the right temperature is essential for improving the quality of your sleep. The use of blackout curtains to keep the room dark and quiet, and the use of comfortable bedding can all help to enhance the sleeping experience.

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