
Zhai Xinxin, a female master, forced her ex-husband to death, and she had to claim 10 million, what happened to the femme fatale now

author:Smile and say the world

Encounters under the Internet under the moon

On a spring morning in 2017, Su Xiangmao, a 36-year-old programmer, woke up in the sun.

He had just started his own successful tech company and had a successful career, but now he was anxious about his marriage.

He decided to try online blind dates, so he was a little nervous to register a VIP account for Jiayuan.

Zhai Xinxin, a female master, forced her ex-husband to death, and she had to claim 10 million, what happened to the femme fatale now

At this time, Su Xiangmao was full of expectations, and he hoped to meet his other half in the vast sea of people. Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, he met Zhai Xinxin, a beautiful and moving master's girl.

The two soon met offline and hit it off. Zhai Xinxin is gentle and generous, and her conversation is good, which makes Su Xiangmao deeply intoxicated. They quickly fell in love, you and me.

In order to give Zhai Xinxin a perfect fairy tale, Su Xiangmao began to take risks. He successively gave Zhai Xinxin a Tesla sports car, a Dior brand-name bag and a Hainan seaview villa worth 3.19 million.

Looking at Zhai Xinxin's happy smile, Su Xiangmao was also so sweet that he couldn't close his mouth. He believes that this is the happiness that is destined to be, and he must seize the opportunity to stay with Zhai Xinxin for the rest of his life.

Zhai Xinxin, a female master, forced her ex-husband to death, and she had to claim 10 million, what happened to the femme fatale now

However, this seemingly flawless love actually buried hidden dangers. Su Xiangmao is wholeheartedly emotionally engaged, and Zhai Xinxin's sincerity remains to be considered. This quick love transformed from online love is hidden behind endless monstrous waves, which can swallow Su Xiangmao at any time.

Flash marriage causes trouble

After just a few months of crazy pursuit, Su Xiangmao finally got his wish and married Zhai Xinxin. Unexpectedly, Zhai Xinxin, who had just registered her marriage certificate, immediately took off her gentle mask and began to make all kinds of unreasonable demands to Su Xiangmao.

She forced Su Xiangmao to change to a bigger and more luxurious house, and gave her 50,000 yuan a month for living expenses. Su Xiangmao couldn't understand Zhai Xinxin's face-changing behavior, so he could only persuade her to live in the existing house temporarily in a gentle tone.

However, Zhai Xinxin was unmoved, insisting on moving immediately and asking for high living expenses, otherwise she would get divorced.

Zhai Xinxin, a female master, forced her ex-husband to death, and she had to claim 10 million, what happened to the femme fatale now

After more than a month of disputes, Su Xiangmao finally realized that the woman in front of him was an extremely materialistic and shrewd calculator. The flame of love he ignited for Zhai Xinxin gradually extinguished, and he just wanted to get rid of this demon as soon as possible.

But considering that the divorce requires a huge amount of compensation, Su Xiangmao still keeps giving in and compromise, wanting to maintain a superficial harmony with Zhai Xinxin.

However, the more she compromised, the more outrageous Zhai Xinxin's demands became. Under her pressure step by step, Su Xiangmao had no way back, so he could only choose to divorce this vicious woman and get rid of the consequences.

And the nightmare that followed was beyond his imagination, and he went to the end of his life in despair.

Zhai Xinxin, a female master, forced her ex-husband to death, and she had to claim 10 million, what happened to the femme fatale now

Snake Woman Serious

In order to fight for divorce, Zhai Xinxin used all the bottom-line operations of the scumbag. She formulated a sky-high divorce agreement, requiring Su Xiangmao to pay 10 million yuan in "mental damages" and transfer 3.19 million Hainan villas to her name.

Su Xiangmao, who had already been emptied of all his belongings by Zhai Xinxin, was unable to pay this huge amount of money. But Zhai Xinxin did not give up, and she threatened that Su Xiangmao had mastered his tax violations and company operation problems, and could let him go directly to prison.

In extreme fear, Su Xiangmao had to sign this demonic contract.

Zhai Xinxin, who obtained the agreement, immediately intensified. She put pressure on Su Xiangmao in all kinds of ways, asking him to pay immediately, otherwise she would disclose his so-called "problem" through legal channels and ruin his family.

Zhai Xinxin, a female master, forced her ex-husband to death, and she had to claim 10 million, what happened to the femme fatale now

Su Xiangmao, who was already penniless, scraped together 6.6 million from relatives and friends and handed it to Zhai Xinxin, and the remaining 3.4 million Zhai Xinxin also forced him to raise it within 2 months.

In the face of Zhai Xinxin's crazy persecution, Su Xiangmao felt like falling into hell. He was harassed and threatened by Zhai Xinxin's phone calls all day long, and the verbal abuse was endless. She even personally brought people to his house to put pressure on him, and she was about to beat him to death at every turn.

Su Xiangmao's whole person had collapsed, but Zhai Xinxin haunted him like a demon.

At this time, Su Xiangmao finally understood that what was in front of him was not a normal woman, but a poisonous snake, a sinister and cunning scorpion! For the sake of financial interests, she could do whatever it took to press someone who once truly loved her step by step until she was destroyed.

Zhai Xinxin, a female master, forced her ex-husband to death, and she had to claim 10 million, what happened to the femme fatale now

And then, it is indeed the end of hell.

Public opinion spurned

Under the pressure of Zhai Xinxin, Su Xiangmao's spirit was on the verge of collapse. Late at night on September 7, under Zhai Xinxin's insults, Su Xiangmao chose to end his life.

He left a farewell letter, jumped from a tall building, and passed away.

Su Xiangmao's suicide caused an uproar in public opinion, and everyone saw Zhai Xinxin's true face. She is a poisonous snake, a ruthless demon! The public jointly demanded that Zhai Xinxin be severely punished, and the voice of public condemnation pressed on Zhai Xinxin like a storm.

Zhai Xinxin, a female master, forced her ex-husband to death, and she had to claim 10 million, what happened to the femme fatale now

Even so, Zhai Xinxin is still fighting back. On the day Su Xiangmao committed suicide, she registered a trumpet to slander and slander his reputation. Later, when she was sued, she published a long article accusing Su Xiangmao of blaming all the blame on a person who had died.

However, the more she smeared, the more her sinister intentions were revealed. The public has realized that the so-called "facts" in the text are purely black and white. This vicious woman is like a lost dog, desperately trying to turn the tide of public opinion, but what she has done has been seen through by everyone.

Faced with the collective rejection of all walks of life, Zhai Xinxin and her family became street rats.

Revelation and vigilance

The story of Zhai Xinxin and Su Xiangmao is shocking and thought-provoking. Those beautiful romances about love at first sight are usually nothing more than appearances.

Zhai Xinxin, a female master, forced her ex-husband to death, and she had to claim 10 million, what happened to the femme fatale now

Our choice in marriage and love cannot be blind, but also needs to be rational and resourceful.

The so-called love at first sight is either a burning lust or a wealth obsession. Zhai Xinxin coveted Su Xiangmao's money, and Su Xiangmao was also attracted by Zhai Xinxin's appearance.

There is no real emotional basis between them.

Therefore, we should not pay for the blind date first, but should correctly handle the relationship between emotion and reason. It is dangerous to fall into a crush with someone you have just met, and we need to get along and associate for a long time, peeking into the essence of the other person, and not just staying on the surface on the outside.

Zhai Xinxin, a female master, forced her ex-husband to death, and she had to claim 10 million, what happened to the femme fatale now

Choosing a partner requires more prudence and tact. A person may have many faces, may be gentle and lovely, or may be violent and unscrupulous. We must guard against specious wicked people, such as Zhai Xinxin, a ruthless demon who is desperate for money.

They will send our lives to hell or even to death.

Life is difficult, and we all have ups and downs emotionally. But let reason steer and don't lose your way; Stop loss and leave in time, don't be stuck and wander; And don't lose sight of the bigger picture for the marginal.

In this way, you can avoid unexpected winds and waves and continue to sail away.

Zhai Xinxin, a female master, forced her ex-husband to death, and she had to claim 10 million, what happened to the femme fatale now

reap what you sow

Today's Zhai Xinxin has successfully deceived tens of millions of fortunes and become a rich woman. However, we must understand that she has obtained all the ill-gotten gains, but she is only golden on the outside, and she is full of moral degradation on the inside.

She was given money, but lost her human dignity. She gets the real estate vehicle, but loses her innocence and glory. Spiritually she is dead, living in insult and spitting all day long, becoming a real social ghost.

This is the price of her sin.

Regardless of how the law punishes, we firmly believe that the righteousness of heaven is clear, and she cannot escape the punishment of the righteousness of heaven. Sooner or later, those who do evil will be punished, which is the iron law of the evolution of the universe.

Zhai Xinxin, a female master, forced her ex-husband to death, and she had to claim 10 million, what happened to the femme fatale now

Zhai Xinxin will do whatever it takes for money, and her karma will be a catastrophe. She may be able to get away with it in this life, but in the next life she will fall into a very bad taste and suffer forever.

This is what Buddhism calls karma, and she will never recover in hell after a great sin.

So we need not question that justice and good will eventually triumph over evil. They may come slowly, but they will arrive. Zhai Xinxin is still fierce and domineering in this life, and she will definitely be tortured in the next life, which is the price of losing trust and dignity.

As long as we have justice in our hearts, everything unsatisfactory in the outside world will be indifferently put down, and it will be difficult to recover.

Zhai Xinxin, a female master, forced her ex-husband to death, and she had to claim 10 million, what happened to the femme fatale now

The sea of bitterness is boundless and retreats

The story of Su Xiangmao and Zhai Xinxin is suffocating, allowing us to see the ups and downs of the emotional road. Many people repeat similar difficulties and obsessions in the pursuit of love, and in the end they get nothing.

In fact, the road of affection is full of thorns. We may have some joy in it, but more often than not, disappointment and pain. Too many external triggers deluctify our eyes and lead us astray from the sincere voice of our hearts.

Once we lose our way, it is easy for us to sink deeper and deeper into the sea of suffering, unable to extricate ourselves. Many people have also gone to a dead end and even lost their lives because of their feelings. This is all because we have lost our rationality in the face of love, are dominated by the outside world and have difficulty in self-control.

Then let's take a step back and let us swim in the open sky. Find your true self deep within, guide you according to reason, and stop your losses and leave as soon as possible when you encounter difficulties.

Zhai Xinxin, a female master, forced her ex-husband to death, and she had to claim 10 million, what happened to the femme fatale now

We can still carve out a world on the thorny road of life, as long as we have the light of reason and wisdom in our hearts as a guide.


The world is impermanent, and we must learn to see through it after all. When the external environment is unsatisfactory, the inner becomes the final salvation. Maintain reason and faith, and have justice in our hearts, we can continue to move forward on the thorny road of life, and suffering will become green silk.

Looking at the world and the country, the small self will disappear in front of the big self. Inner tranquility, external objects can be calmly put down, covered with water is difficult to collect.