
South Korea steals culture to the point of stealing itself, and actively chooses to be assimilated, and even who it is becomes vague

author:Lu Ping said

Everyone knows that South Korea steals culture, but the key is that it doesn't understand what it steals, and it starts to backlash when it steals, and even who it is has become blurred.

We have a Xi custom of pasting Spring Festival couplets, and what we pay attention to is a festive season, this Xi custom has been learned by South Korea, and it was very good, but the paper they use is white, this ~ this~, in our place, only if someone in the family has passed away, will paste white Spring Festival couplets.

South Korea steals culture to the point of stealing itself, and actively chooses to be assimilated, and even who it is becomes vague

We are a country of etiquette, pay attention to etiquette on important occasions, this has also been learned by South Korea, it is a good thing, but you don't need to kneel down for anything, important festivals, bow to the elders to kneel; graduation ceremony, students kneel to the teacher; college entrance examination room, juniors outside the examination room, kneel and pray for the seniors who participated in the college entrance examination; even celebrities kneel to fans at every turn, I don't know when they learn together, there is a sentence in Chinese culture: Is there gold under men's knees? It is indeed a ritual to bow down, but we only kneel to our parents and deceased relatives, so how can we kneel casually.

South Korea steals culture to the point of stealing itself, and actively chooses to be assimilated, and even who it is becomes vague

But these are harmless, after all, it's just that you think it's good, and it's nothing, but Koreans learn Chinese culture, how can they just take the essence of it and take the dross.

When Tony Leung was interviewed in South Korea, he felt thirsty in the middle of the interview, so he poured a glass of water for the translator, which is normal, no one thinks it is inappropriate, but the Koreans were stunned and said how could Tony Leung do this.

South Korea, there is a culture of subordination, the orders of the predecessors are to be unconditionally obeyed, Tony Leung belongs to the seniors regardless of age or status in the film industry, compared to translation, the seniors take the initiative to pour water for the juniors, Koreans think this is with the meaning of flattery.

South Korea steals culture to the point of stealing itself, and actively chooses to be assimilated, and even who it is becomes vague

We are a company with a market value of trillions of dollars, go to South Korea to discuss business, and after the discussion, we will take a group photo, and our Chinese employees will ask their boss to carry their bags and let the boss help take pictures. This is also normal, but as a result, Koreans feel incredible again, saying that the boss will not feel embarrassed?

We all know that South Korea is deeply influenced by Chinese culture, but our culture not only respects the elderly, but also loves the young, as well as the filial piety of fathers and sons, and fathers love their children and grandchildren to be filial. But there is no one in South Korea, just respect the seniors, who are the seniors, older than you, older than you in school, entered the workplace earlier than you, etc., in general, as long as you are seniors, you have to respect.

South Korea steals culture to the point of stealing itself, and actively chooses to be assimilated, and even who it is becomes vague

In school, seniors can point fingers at you and pick on you, but you can't find fault with him. For example: you play ball with your classmates, you originally played well, but as soon as the seniors came, they shouted: go out, and then you have to go out obediently, you were originally a junior, but after a year or two, when you became a senior, you also began to bully the juniors, forming a vicious circle.

Why do Koreans always want to avoid military service, that is, when they are serving in the military, you are a junior as soon as you enter, and the seniors will do everything they can to bully you, slap you, kick your chest, force you to eat, even celebrities are not spared from military service, Super Junior captain Litt was woken up by his superiors at midnight during his military service, recording a video for his family, and hosting his superiors' private family activities. There are also people who take a bath when they are in the military, and they will be watched by dozens of people. During his military service, the soldiers would record the location of the moles on Quan's body, the size of his underwear, and the medications he took every day.

South Korea steals culture to the point of stealing itself, and actively chooses to be assimilated, and even who it is becomes vague

Anyway, it's that the culture of subordination makes South Korea very strange, obviously a developed country, and doing things is more feudal than a feudal dynasty. It's a bit embarrassing to spread it, saying that South Korea is more influenced by Chinese Confucianism, but we don't have a culture of bullying people in Confucianism, and they won't understand how benevolent people love others.

In fact, over the years, South Korea has stolen culture and stolen to the point that it has eaten itself, in the past, Korean costume dramas, you still saw hanbok, and now costume dramas are all Hanfu, and even the accessories are imported from China.

South Korea steals culture to the point of stealing itself, and actively chooses to be assimilated, and even who it is becomes vague

South Korea has always said that kimchi is Korean, but 90% of the kimchi they eat is imported from China, and now it is good, even the hot sauce is imported from China, and more than 100,000 tons are imported from the mainland a year.

That's it, obviously stole so much of our culture, but when we exported culture, we still had a lot of fun, applied for the World Expo, originally wanted to promote Korean culture, but ended up exporting a nightclub culture. I wanted to show my face, but I ended up exposing my ass.

That's how to say it, stealing culture, stealing one or two pieces, it's called stealing, but if you steal from head to toe, it's called assimilation, Koreans don't say it, but they actively choose to be assimilated by us, which may be saying no, but the body is very honest. #头条讲真的#

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