
After the woman was stopped smoking on the high-speed rail, she spilled the follow-up: the arrogant woman was dealt with by the police

author:Crispy sweet jackfruit

Recently, a number of videos of "a woman spilling and beating people after being stopped smoking on the high-speed rail" have been released, which has attracted widespread attention and heated discussions among netizens. On a normal high-speed train, suddenly a woman was seen by the cleaner because she was smoking, so she hurriedly stepped forward to stop the woman's behavior, but this angered the woman, and she was emotional and pushed the cleaner down to vent her dissatisfaction! The passengers in the carriage couldn't stand it anymore, and everyone accused the woman of being arrogant and domineering, and condemned the woman for ignoring the life safety of others and destroying the public order of the carriage. But not only did the woman not listen, but also broke out a conflict with the righteous passengers, and when she heard the passengers next to her say that she wanted to call the police, the woman arrogantly shouted: You call the police, you report, I am not afraid of the police coming! This is incredible, it is clear that she is at fault first, and she has such a bad attitude, smoking and beating people on the high-speed train? This is also terrible!

After the woman was stopped smoking on the high-speed rail, she spilled the follow-up: the arrogant woman was dealt with by the police
After the woman was stopped smoking on the high-speed rail, she spilled the follow-up: the arrogant woman was dealt with by the police

Why is the woman so arrogant and domineering? The cleaning aunt stopped her from smoking, which is all for her own good, and she is also responsible for the safety of everyone on the high-speed rail, and the cleaning aunt's actions should be respected and obeyed, but the woman pushed her down, this is too hurtful, the cleaning aunt is kind but treated like this, this is also too bullying! In the video screen, in the high-speed rail carriage, a woman wearing a white down jacket stood in the aisle and was emotional, she had a quarrel with a number of passengers next to her, and a kind brother accused the woman of having a bad attitude, and pushed down the cleaner without allowing smoking, and beat herself, hoping that the woman would apologize. But the woman was very emotional at this time, she said from time to time that she was not wrong, and she also beat a rake and thought that the man was unreasonable. The passengers next to him all watched it, so they condemned the woman for being too unreasonable, but the woman was furious, and her behavior was very exaggerated, and she kept shouting loudly. Because the woman's abnormal behavior has affected the safety in the car, the car crew hurriedly dissuaded her, hoping that the woman would calm down and return to her seat, stop arguing, and notify the police to come and deal with it. The black-clothed male passenger next to him seemed to be calling the police, and when the woman heard it, she shouted: "You call the police, you report!" During the process, the woman slapped herself.

After the woman was stopped smoking on the high-speed rail, she spilled the follow-up: the arrogant woman was dealt with by the police
After the woman was stopped smoking on the high-speed rail, she spilled the follow-up: the arrogant woman was dealt with by the police

From the woman's shouting, you can hear that the woman said that Lao Tzu is a person who is going to die, you fight with Lao Tzu? After a while, after the police arrived at the scene, the woman in the white down jacket was still very excited when she stood in the carriage, and the police scolded the woman to sit down and not move! The full video is about 3 minutes long, and the whole process is mainly a woman shouting and making a fuss, hysterical!

After the woman was stopped smoking on the high-speed rail, she spilled the follow-up: the arrogant woman was dealt with by the police

After the video came out, it aroused attention and heated discussions, and everyone felt incredible and felt that it was too unreasonable. Some netizens said that this woman was too uneducated, so she was handcuffed and taken away. When you go out, you have to obey the rules, you can be embarrassed at home, and you can be embarrassed outside, how parents and children behave. Severely punish and do not lend, and directly shut down for a year and will not waste. #Tell the Truth#

After the woman was stopped smoking on the high-speed rail, she spilled the follow-up: the arrogant woman was dealt with by the police
After the woman was stopped smoking on the high-speed rail, she spilled the follow-up: the arrogant woman was dealt with by the police

Some netizens said that who gave her confidence, smoking is prohibited on the high-speed rail, just arrest it directly. This kind of shrew really disgraces a woman's face. Finally want to know the follow-up of the matter and see how to deal with her.

After the woman was stopped smoking on the high-speed rail, she spilled the follow-up: the arrogant woman was dealt with by the police
After the woman was stopped smoking on the high-speed rail, she spilled the follow-up: the arrogant woman was dealt with by the police
After the woman was stopped smoking on the high-speed rail, she spilled the follow-up: the arrogant woman was dealt with by the police

What kind of punishment will the woman involved receive? Smoking is not allowed on the high-speed train, this is common knowledge that everyone knows. The whole train of high-speed rail EMU is non-smoking, and smoke alarm devices are installed in the train carriage and toilet, smoking will trigger the alarm to endanger the safety of the train, causing the train to slow down or stop in an emergency, so you can't smoke in any part of the train, and you must not take chances to defy the law!#See the world in all ways#

After the woman was stopped smoking on the high-speed rail, she spilled the follow-up: the arrogant woman was dealt with by the police

Violators will be fined between 500 and 2,000 yuan, and those with serious circumstances will be administratively detained. Because a similar situation has happened to someone who smoked on the high-speed rail and was detained, not long ago, someone secretly smoked on other high-speed trains and triggered a smoke alarm, and was finally detained and punished. So the beating woman who got angry and pushed down the cleaner after smoking on the high-speed train was stopped will also pay the price.

After the woman was stopped smoking on the high-speed rail, she spilled the follow-up: the arrogant woman was dealt with by the police
After the woman was stopped smoking on the high-speed rail, she spilled the follow-up: the arrogant woman was dealt with by the police

The woman's behavior is simply unreasonable, she looks to be about 30 years old, how can she still be so impulsive and ignorant? It is very important for an adult to control his emotions, and he must not allow his emotions to do things that hurt others, otherwise he will be severely punished by the law! I hope that she can reflect on her mistakes and sincerely apologize and compensate the hardworking and brave cleaning aunt in order to obtain forgiveness. In addition, the woman also has to admit her mistake and apologize to the male passenger who yelled at the injustice, if it wasn't for them standing up and angrily scolding the woman, the woman would sooner or later make a mistake because of her temper, they taught her to be a man.

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