
Migrant workers are still poor at three to four hundred a day, and civil servants buy cars and houses for more than 3,000 a month!

author:The old witch chases the drama

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Migrant workers and civil servants are two extreme groups in Chinese society, and their income and welfare disparities have aroused many people's attention and thinking. Have you ever wondered why peasant workers are still poor at 300 to 400 a day, while civil servants buy cars and houses for more than 3,000 a month? Is this an unfair phenomenon? What kind of social problems and institutional defects are hidden behind this?

Migrant workers are still poor at three to four hundred a day, and civil servants buy cars and houses for more than 3,000 a month!

1. The current situation and causes of income inequality

The income gap between migrant workers and civil servants is a fact that cannot be ignored. According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the average monthly income of migrant workers in mainland China in 2019 was 3,962 yuan, and the hourly wage was about 20 yuan based on working 10 hours a day, that is, about 200 yuan a day.

The monthly income of civil servants is between 3,000-5,000 yuan, and the hourly wage is about 18-31 yuan based on working 8 hours a day, that is, the daily income is 144-248 yuan. From this point of view, it seems that the income of migrant workers is not lower than that of civil servants, and sometimes even higher.

So, why are migrant workers still poor at three or four hundred a day, while civil servants can buy cars and houses for more than 3,000 a month?

1. Nature and stability of work

Migrant workers are mainly engaged in manual labor and low-skilled jobs, such as construction and manufacturing, which are often intensive, high-risk, and short-term, and are greatly affected by market fluctuations and economic conditions, and their wages are also unstable.

The work of civil servants is relatively stable, and it is more based on mental work, such as administrative management, public services, etc., which often have a fixed salary, which gradually increases with the promotion of positions, and the salary level is relatively stable.

Migrant workers are still poor at three to four hundred a day, and civil servants buy cars and houses for more than 3,000 a month!

2. Social policies and welfare benefits

As state officials, civil servants have relatively high income levels and enjoy high social status and benefits, such as housing, medical care, education, etc. Migrant workers, on the other hand, face problems such as insufficient social insurance coverage, poor housing conditions, and limited educational resources, which lead to relatively high levels of stress in their lives.

3. Urban development and consumption level

The consumption level in first-tier cities is high, while the economic level in rural areas and some small and medium-sized cities is relatively low, which also makes it difficult for migrant workers to increase their incomes. Most civil servants work in first-tier cities or provincial capitals, and can enjoy the dividends brought by urban development, such as transportation, culture, entertainment, etc. These factors also affect their quality of life and level of consumption.

Migrant workers are still poor at three to four hundred a day, and civil servants buy cars and houses for more than 3,000 a month!

To sum up, the income gap between migrant workers and civil servants is not only a numerical gap, but also a gap in the nature of work, social policies, urban development and other aspects. These disparities have led to disparities in their standard of living and well-being.

Second, the current situation and causes of the welfare gap

In addition to income disparities, there is also a welfare gap between migrant workers and civil servants. The welfare gap is mainly reflected in the following aspects.

Migrant workers are still poor at three to four hundred a day, and civil servants buy cars and houses for more than 3,000 a month!

Civil servants enjoy comprehensive social insurance and welfare benefits, including medical insurance, pension, unemployment insurance, and other insurances. Migrant workers, on the other hand, face the problem of insufficient social insurance coverage, including the lack of medical insurance, pension and other benefits. As a result, they lack protection in the face of unexpected injuries and retirement, and often have to pay out of pocket.

Civil servants are usually able to enjoy preferential policies such as higher housing subsidies or low-rent housing provided by the government, which gives them a greater advantage in buying or renting a house. Migrant workers, on the other hand, face poor housing conditions, high rents, and a lack of stable housing security, which lead to greater pressure on housing.

Migrant workers are still poor at three to four hundred a day, and civil servants buy cars and houses for more than 3,000 a month!

The children of civil servants can enjoy better educational resources, such as high-quality public schools and prestigious universities, which gives them a greater advantage in education.

The children of migrant workers face the problems of limited educational resources, such as weak teachers, lack of teaching resources, and the curriculum and education quality of rural schools are not comparable to those of urban public schools, which affect their Xi level and knowledge reserve.

To sum up, the welfare gap between migrant workers and civil servants is mainly reflected in social insurance, housing security, and educational resources.

Migrant workers are still poor at three to four hundred a day, and civil servants buy cars and houses for more than 3,000 a month!

These disparities stem from factors such as imperfect public service systems, unbalanced urban-rural development, and occupational disparities. These disparities lead to disparities in their quality of life and well-being.

III. Inequality and Impact of Social Security

The disparity in income and welfare between migrant workers and civil servants reflects the inequality of social security on the mainland. The inequality of social security is mainly manifested in the following aspects.

The mainland's dual urban-rural household registration system has created inequality between urban and rural residents in terms of access to public services and social welfare.

Migrant workers are still poor at three to four hundred a day, and civil servants buy cars and houses for more than 3,000 a month!

As a rural household registration population, even if migrant workers work and live in cities, they cannot enjoy the same treatment as urban residents, such as education, medical care, housing, pension, etc. These systemic discrimination restricts the social mobility and development space of migrant workers, and also exacerbates the gap between the rich and the poor and social contradictions between urban and rural areas.

The classification and stratification of occupations on the mainland has created inequalities in access to social security and welfare benefits between different occupations. As state officials, civil servants have relatively high professional status and income levels, and enjoy high social status and benefits, such as housing, medical care, education, etc.

Migrant workers are still poor at three to four hundred a day, and civil servants buy cars and houses for more than 3,000 a month!

Migrant workers, on the other hand, are low-end laborers, with relatively low occupational status and income levels, and lack corresponding social security and welfare benefits, such as medical care, pension, education, etc. These occupational discrimination creates income and welfare disparities between different occupations, and also affects the dignity and value of occupations.

Although the mainland's social security system has been improved and improved to a certain extent in theory, there are still some defects and inadequacies in the actual implementation process.

Migrant workers are still poor at three to four hundred a day, and civil servants buy cars and houses for more than 3,000 a month!

For example, the coverage of social insurance is not extensive enough, the standards and procedures for paying and receiving social insurance are not uniform enough, the management and supervision of social insurance are not transparent and effective enough, the funds and risks of social insurance are not balanced and sustainable enough, and the system and laws of social insurance are not perfect and implemented.

These system deficiencies and poor implementation have led to the inequity and inadequacy of social security, as well as the effectiveness and trust of social security.

Migrant workers are still poor at three to four hundred a day, and civil servants buy cars and houses for more than 3,000 a month!

To sum up, the inequality of social security between migrant workers and civil servants is mainly manifested in the dual household registration system of urban and rural areas, occupational classification and stratification, system defects, and poor implementation. These inequalities not only damage the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers and their living standards, but also weaken social fairness and harmony.

Solutions and recommendations

In view of the income and welfare disparities between migrant workers and civil servants, as well as the inequality of social security, I believe that solutions and suggestions should be sought from the following aspects.

Promote the reform of the household registration system. The reform of the household registration system is the fundamental way to solve the dual structure of urban and rural areas and the problem of migrant workers.

Migrant workers are still poor at three to four hundred a day, and civil servants buy cars and houses for more than 3,000 a month!

It is necessary to gradually relax the conditions and restrictions for peasant workers to settle in cities, expand the scope and level of public services and social welfare enjoyed by peasant workers in cities, promote the urbanization and social integration of peasant workers, and narrow the gap and contradictions between urban and rural areas.

Optimize occupational classification and stratification. Occupational classification and stratification should be based on the skills and contributions of the occupation, rather than on the identity and status of the occupation. It is necessary to improve the professional status and income level of migrant workers, enhance their professional dignity and value, encourage their career development and innovation, and reduce discrimination and prejudice between different occupations.

Migrant workers are still poor at three to four hundred a day, and civil servants buy cars and houses for more than 3,000 a month!

Improve the social security system and enforcement. The social security system should be based on the principles of fairness and adequacy, with the goal of ensuring and improving people's living standards, and with sustainability and balance as the guarantee.

It is necessary to expand the coverage of social insurance, unify the standards and procedures for the payment and receipt of social insurance, strengthen the management and supervision of social insurance, optimize the funds and risks of social insurance, improve the system and laws of social insurance, and enhance the effectiveness and trust of social insurance.

Migrant workers are still poor at three to four hundred a day, and civil servants buy cars and houses for more than 3,000 a month!

To sum up, to solve the income and welfare gap between migrant workers and civil servants, as well as the inequality of social security, it is necessary to reform the household registration system, occupational classification and stratification, social security system and enforcement. In this way, we can achieve social fairness and harmony and improve people's happiness and satisfaction.


The income and welfare gap between migrant workers and civil servants, as well as the inequality of social security, is a social issue worthy of attention and consideration. It not only affects the living standards and happiness of migrant workers, but also reflects the unfairness and disharmony of mainland society.

Migrant workers are still poor at three to four hundred a day, and civil servants buy cars and houses for more than 3,000 a month!

In order to solve this problem, we need to reform and improve from many aspects, so that everyone can enjoy fair and adequate social security and welfare benefits, so that everyone can live with dignity and happiness.

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