
18 Fudan students evaded tickets to explore the mountains, and the 24-year-old police rescued and died, and there is still no apology

author:Strange look at the world YY


What is the meaning of life? When a young life passes away in the storm, what kind of grief and suffering should the family members he leaves behind endure?

And what kind of mood will those survivors have to continue to live?

In 2010, in a mountain disaster, a young policeman sacrificed his precious life to save the victims.

18 Fudan students evaded tickets to explore the mountains, and the 24-year-old police rescued and died, and there is still no apology

And the performance of those rescued students caused public indignation.

Time has passed, and the gears of fate seem to be quietly turning.

The bubble of promises at the beginning has burst, and the once reckless teenager finally understands the preciousness of life in the years?

Escape the ticket and get lost in the mountains

At nine o'clock that night, a group of college students stood at the foot of the Yellow Mountain and looked at the high mountains, their faces full of excitement.

They are a group of adventure enthusiasts who spend their time in outdoor forums all year round.

18 Fudan students evaded tickets to explore the mountains, and the 24-year-old police rescued and died, and there is still no apology

The purpose of this trip is to complete an exciting expedition through the Yellow Mountain at night.

Knowing that the mountain road is steep and strict rules must be observed when entering, they still go their own way and choose to quietly enter the scenic spot at 9 o'clock in the evening.

"There are only fourteen of us, with maps and compasses, and we can fight to the end on our own, how cool is that!"

Xiao Zhang, the captain of the leader, had a smug smile on his face, as if success had been held in his hands.

However, when he recalled this sentence many years later, his heart was only full of shame and guilt.

At first, everything went well.

18 Fudan students evaded tickets to explore the mountains, and the 24-year-old police rescued and died, and there is still no apology

Led by the familiar mountain road, more than a dozen young and strong college students successfully trekked on the rugged mountain road, secretly rejoicing in their hearts that their victory was in sight.

However, when they passed by a small river in the mountains, an accident occurred - the team member who was in charge of the compass accidentally dropped the device, causing the compass to fall into the river and be damaged.

"What should we do? How can we orient ourselves without a compass?" several team members panicked, but were quickly calmed down by the captain.

"Don't worry, we still have a map in hand, don't we? as long as we compare carefully, we will definitely find our way back!"

However, it turns out that in the complex mountainous environment, it is impossible to determine the exact location with a single map.

It didn't take long for the dozen or so college students to lose their way in the vast mountains and wilderness, with no way out.

18 Fudan students evaded tickets to explore the mountains, and the 24-year-old police rescued and died, and there is still no apology

"Where have we gone, why can't we see a road sign!" the faces of the team members finally showed panic and anxiety.

By this time, it was getting late, the cold wind was howling, and several of the girls in the team were already feeling severely hungry.

"Captain, it's not a way for us to go on like this, we have to think of a countermeasure!"

"Call the police, I can only ask for rescue!" After several discussions, the team members finally chose to ask for outside support.

However, at this moment, the captain's words made everyone's hearts fall into a new entanglement - "Everyone remember, we entered the scenic spot illegally, if we report to the police, maybe we will be punished with a major demerit!"

That's right, their actions have clearly violated the rules of the scenic area.

18 Fudan students evaded tickets to explore the mountains, and the 24-year-old police rescued and died, and there is still no apology

Once the matter is exposed, they will be punished severely...... How can these students, who have just entered the university, endure heavy punishments? After all, their own future is more important!

Call the police for help, and the police dedicate themselves to protecting them

"The distress message has been successfully sent! We will be rescued soon!" After a fierce ideological struggle, the eighteen people still chose to send a distress message to their relatives and friends.

At the same time, Lao Luo, who was resting at Anxiang's home, suddenly received a message from his nephew, saying that he and a dozen classmates were lost in the Yellow Mountain and urgently needed outside support.

18 Fudan students evaded tickets to explore the mountains, and the 24-year-old police rescued and died, and there is still no apology

Shocked, Lao Luo immediately reported to the local public security bureau.

After receiving the distress message, Zhang Ninghai's rescue team immediately rushed to Huangshan to carry out search and rescue.

At that time, there was heavy snow in the mountains, and visibility was extremely low, which seriously affected the rescue efficiency.

"Everyone should go their separate ways, and we must find those eighteen people before dawn!" instructed the policeman who led the team.

In such bad weather, the lives of the lost are at risk at any time, and they must act as soon as possible.

"Comrades, people have been found!" After hours of intense searching, Zhang Ninghai and others finally found the missing person in a cave.

18 Fudan students evaded tickets to explore the mountains, and the 24-year-old police rescued and died, and there is still no apology

Seeing this, all the police officers couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, the rescue process is far from over, and they need to move the 18 people down the mountain safely as soon as possible.

"You go first, I'll be behind!" In order to ensure that the others could pass safely, Zhang Ninghai volunteered to be the end of the team.

Just as the team was about to pass through a narrow mountain road, there was a sudden thunderclap in the sky, and the mountain immediately cracked!

The trees beside him snapped in response, and Zhang Ninghai, who was clinging to them, suddenly fell from the cliff into the foggy valley ...... "Comrade!"

The crowd was shocked, but the winding mountain road made the descent difficult, and they could only watch as their companions disappeared into the white mist.

After the other team members finally escorted the eighteen people down the mountain safely, the rescue team members who went up the mountain again to look for found Zhang Ninghai's body at the bottom of the hillside, which had lost signs of life.

At the age of 24, he finally gave his precious life for his mission.

Indifferent and ruthless, the death of the benefactor is ignored

"Thank you, we're finally safe!"

"Oh my God, it was terrible to be in the mountains just now!"

"Thankfully, I was able to call my family, thank you so much!"

18 Fudan students evaded tickets to explore the mountains, and the 24-year-old police rescued and died, and there is still no apology

When the eighteen students in distress put on dry clothes again, sipped hot and sweet soup, and finally recovered their spirits, their faces were full of relaxation and happiness.

They didn't take the policeman who dedicated his life to saving themselves to heart at all, let alone any gratitude or apology.

Perhaps, in their cognition, shouldn't the people's police protect the people? Everything Zhang Ninghai did was just his duty, so why should he feel unhappy?

"Students, do you have anything to say about this rescue?" When a reporter came over with a microphone for an interview, the first thing a girl blurted out was—"I'm sorry." ”

18 Fudan students evaded tickets to explore the mountains, and the 24-year-old police rescued and died, and there is still no apology

That's right, in their eyes, their own actions are the most important.

They entered the scenic spot against the rules, but they were trapped because of mistakes and had to harass others.

So, they feel "embarrassed" and that's it.

As for the young policeman who selflessly sacrificed his life to save himself, they do not deserve even the most basic condolences and remembrances.

Yes, not deserved.

When Zhang Ninghai's body was carried down from Huangshan, these students were noisily asking to return to school as soon as possible, not to mention participating in the mourning ceremony, and even running away as if they were unwilling to accept any interviews.

Their actions provoked the public outrage of all the police and journalists present, which was nothing short of a desecration of human life!

"We'll never believe a single tear they shed again!" said a veteran policeman who had witnessed the whole process years later, still with indignation on his face.

Swear and empty words

Under the pressure of public opinion, the 18 students in distress finally came forward to apologize publicly and promised Zhang Ninghai's family that they would take on the responsibility of taking care of their parents.

One of the girls, named Li Xue, swore with red eyes that she would always treat the old couple as her relatives.

18 Fudan students evaded tickets to explore the mountains, and the 24-year-old police rescued and died, and there is still no apology

However, it seems that this is nothing more than another show by them.

Time flies, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle, and twelve years have passed in a blink of an eye, and those words have been self-defeating.

One day in 2021, the elderly Zhang Peilun came to the hospital alone for treatment.

It turned out that his wife accidentally broke her leg not long ago and needed to stay in bed for a long time to recuperate.

And he himself was seriously ill and had to undergo immediate surgery.

"Lao Zhang, where is your daughter-in-law and grandson, why did you come alone?" asked the attending doctor curiously.

"It's been years since my son died, and I'm the only one left with my wife.

18 Fudan students evaded tickets to explore the mountains, and the 24-year-old police rescued and died, and there is still no apology

She had a broken leg and couldn't come over, so I had to get through it myself.

Zhang Peilun replied indifferently.

That's right, his son is Zhang Ninghai, who dedicated his life to save these eighteen people.

When this scene was exposed by the media, the promise was turned over again - now, the "old couple" in their mouths are facing the pain and suffering alone and helpless.

Where are all those who vowed to take care of the parents of the martyrs?

18 Fudan students evaded tickets to explore the mountains, and the 24-year-old police rescued and died, and there is still no apology

People are sophisticated, and there is no concern

"How do we know that the old man Zhang Peilun is sick and hospitalized? If we receive a notice, we will definitely take turns to take care of him!"

Under the reporter's questioning, the former eighteen people stood up again.

Yes, in the blink of an eye, they have grown up, some have started a family, and some have a successful career.

They are no longer the ignorant and naïve college students of the past, and they should learn to be compassionate and caring for others.

"We will definitely make positive corrections, visit the old couple often, and regularly go to the cemetery to pay respects to the benefactor!" they said.

18 Fudan students evaded tickets to explore the mountains, and the 24-year-old police rescued and died, and there is still no apology

However, their explanation has aroused the opposition and ridicule of countless netizens - if they really care and take care of them all the time, how can they be ignorant of the current situation of the old couple?

I don't even know about Zhang Ninghai's mother's hospitalization, is there really a frequent visit and greeting?

The answer is self-explanatory.

Obviously, in the past 12 years, they have long left those promises behind and lived a new life that has nothing to do with Zhang Ninghai and his wife.

It was only when the pressure of public opinion came back that these empty words were taken out again.

18 Fudan students evaded tickets to explore the mountains, and the 24-year-old police rescued and died, and there is still no apology

And those who sincerely care about the safety of the old couple are gone.

Yes, they are no longer the reckless college students they used to be, but as time goes by, the once reckless heart has become more and more cold and ruthless.

The promise was nothing more than a childish show, and once he lived in peace, the suffering of the families of the martyrs would no longer be concerned.

The drama is high, and the storm is coming

"Yes, we are still young, and there are many inappropriate things in what we say and do, and this is our responsibility.

But then again, 12 years on, we are no longer what we used to be, and our upbringing and social training have taught us to be tolerant and understanding – so I don't think it makes much sense to continue to delve into and critique our problems. ”

In a recent public response, the 18 people had a strong sense of "victimhood" in their voices.

True, in their opinion, all the criticism unfolded by public opinion is too harsh and extreme.

After all, time has passed, and they have finally let go of their original recklessness and mistakes, shouldn't they be merciful to their young and crazy subordinates?

"These people are just disgusting! They treat human life as a child's play!"

18 Fudan students evaded tickets to explore the mountains, and the 24-year-old police rescued and died, and there is still no apology

"With the way they look, is it really worth the sacrifice of the police to save them!"

Human life is at stake, and conscience is the most important

However, in the eyes of netizens and the public, such sophistries and denials can only arouse public anger even more.

Yes, more than ten years later, they may no longer be who they used to be.

But the gears of fate seem to have stayed forever on that cold winter night when the wind was howling—it was their recklessness and mistakes that caused a young life to die in the mountains.

If it weren't for their reckless exploration, how could there be Zhang Ninghai's sacrifice for righteousness and bravery?

Now they can easily return to their own happy lives, but it is this hard-won happy life, it is these more than ten years of youth, which are built on the basis of other people's lives.

18 Fudan students evaded tickets to explore the mountains, and the 24-year-old police rescued and died, and there is still no apology

Now that fate has arranged in this way, they should take on heavier responsibilities and obligations.

However, in fact, these people never really understand what is the preciousness of life.

In the depths of their frivolous hearts, they may have already acquiesced - the sacrifice of ordinary people is just the price of heroism, so why should they bear too much?

Yes, they are no longer as reckless and arrogant as they were back then.

In its place, there is a more indifferent and heartless heart.

Killing people and punishing their hearts, seeing death and not saving them, even for their benefactors, their hearts have become numb.

Compared with the unashamed lies more than ten years ago, this indifference and ruthlessness now is a more chilling true portrayal.

Apologies are gone, and they will never be released

Eighteen donkeys.

18 Fudan students evaded tickets to explore the mountains, and the 24-year-old police rescued and died, and there is still no apology

This was the unanimous name of netizens back then.

The contempt and ridicule in it already speaks for all.

Yes, in the eyes of the vast majority of ordinary people, what these people do is simply degrading and disgusting.

On the one hand, their recklessness led to the death of one person; On the other hand, their indifference to the sacrifice of their benefactors is undoubtedly a blasphemy against human life.

Years have passed, and they no longer try to whitewash the peace.

For all justifications have been overshadowed by the coldness of their hearts—that they will never be born in their own scorns of life.

18 Fudan students evaded tickets to explore the mountains, and the 24-year-old police rescued and died, and there is still no apology


If they really have even the slightest remorse, how can they turn a blind eye to the safety of the families of the martyrs? The mere tens of thousands of yuan in medical expenses are only a drop in the bucket in terms of their current status.

If they have even the slightest bit of apology, how can they continue to live comfortably as if nothing happened?

Even if time flies, there is no return.

18 Fudan students evaded tickets to explore the mountains, and the 24-year-old police rescued and died, and there is still no apology

The torrent of fate will never cease to move forward, and will eventually drown out all pale and feeble quibbles.

When the bell of judgment finally rings, what will they be able to shake up their hearts that are always numb? This eternal guilt alone is enough to imprison their souls forever.